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Search for 'Fighting' returned 75 results.

Street Fighter IV Announced
game: Street Fighter IV
news | 10/18/07 | George Holomshek
So here\'s some news to brighten your day. Over in London Capcom just dropped a megaton with the revelation of Street Fighter IV, the first true sequel to the epic fighter series in a decade. Many gamers see their SF skills as a point of pride, and we may be set to enter a whole new era of trash talking.
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Sonic The Hedgehog in Super Smash Bros. Brawl
game: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
news | 10/10/07 | Chris Martin
Several poorly doctored videos have been circulating the interweb regarding the blue blur\'s inclusion in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. But today, according to Gemaga\'s Live Blog, and then re-reported by 1UP, Nintendo has rolled a new trailer for Super Smash Bros. Brawl with Sonic the Hedgehog \"jumping, spinning, and even turning into Super Sonic.\" I think Nintendo just sold another ten million Wii...
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Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Gleemax *But Were Afraid to Ask
game: Gleemax
editorial | 09/06/07 | Chris Martin
We went in expecting Magic the Gathering Online Version 3, but what we got was much, much bigger than we anticipated. PAX 07 was great for a number of reasons - concerts, contests, Family Feud - but Wizards of the Coast\'s ace in the hole Gleemax took us aback, slapped us around, and handed to us the most complete vision of an online gaming community we\'ve ever seen. Complete with indie game developer support, event hosting, and cross-game currency and trading. Don\'t know about Gleemax? You should, and here\'s why...
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Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2 Review
game: Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2
review | 12/22/06 | Amanda Bateman
\'I am stronger than you are!\' \'No, I am strogner than you are!\' And then the two guys start screaming and powering up, and there\'s a lot of fighting. Yes folks, that\'s my summary of the craziness that is Dragon Ball Z. But despite that, it makes a pretty fun fighting game! And once you\'ll read this, maybe you\'ll understand why.
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Naruto Ninja Council 2 Review
game: Naruto Ninja Council 2
review | 11/30/06 | Amanda Bateman
Do you need some ninjitsu in your portable gaming life? Don\'t get enough anime on television? Naruto Ninja Council 2 blends side-scrolling adventure and fighting-game style action, which sounds awesome on paper. But you might want to check out this review before making the big purchase.
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Rengoku II: Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N Review
game: Rengoku II: Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N
review | 10/17/06 | Matt James
Usually giant robot fighting is a great way to spend a weekend, hell, even a week. But sometimes it just makes us want to throw our PSP across the room and scream, \"No, bad PSP!\" Rengoku is somewhere in-between. Want to know what the relevance to the acronym H.E.A.V.E.N is? Or if giant robot action and 4-player wireless will save Rengoku II? Or will our Matt James be able to look at his PSP the same after having gone through not one, but two Rengokus? Is it a metaphoric stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N or is there some literal, Jungian translation? Will Led Zeppelin come and play at my birthday party? Well, to quote the great Wayne Campbell: \"No stairway. DENIED!\"
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Gotta...Catch Some More?!
preview | 09/04/06 | Amanda Bateman
You thought they were gone, but you were wrong. So very wrong. Pikachu and his Pokemon crew are back to wreak playful havoc on the GBA and now the DS as Nintendo prepares to release four new Pokemon RPG\'s in the next few months. What do we have coming to fear-erm, look forward to? Find out here.
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Street Fighter Alpha Anthology Review: All the Street Fighting You Could Ever Want
game: Street Fighter Alpha Anthology
review | 08/14/06 | Amanda Bateman
Old school fighting game fans, get your thumbs ready. The Street Fighter Alpha series has been bundled into one convenient package and adapted for the PS2. But is that enough for the classic 2D side-scrolling fighter to grab and hold your interest? The anthology offers a great classic arcade feel, but the gameplay of Street Fighter has been copied enough times over the years that the fighting is, sadly, nothing special anymore. If you\'re a fan of the past, this is a great collection, as collections go, but it stands as a reminder of how far fighting games have come over the years.
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Pac-Man Goes to XBLA
game: Pac-Man
news | 08/09/06 | Chris Martin
Are you celebrating 25 years of being yellow? You should be. Pac-Man is 25 years old and, to celebrate, he\'s going on Xbox Live Arcade. He\'s here with some new graphics, 250 levels, and at less than $5.00 USD, the price seems right. Now the only question is, will it be as successful as Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting?
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Street Fighter Alpha Anthology: A Classic Combination Pack
game: Street Fighter Alpha Anthology
review | 07/07/06 | Laurie Taylor
Capcom\'s Street Fighter is coming once again to the PlayStation 2, but this time in a package containing five classic Street Fighter titles. Street Fighter Alpha Anthology is an all-in-one 2D fighting history lesson. If you\'re XBL-deprived, or just way into your classic fighters, you might want to check this out. Get the full review from Laurie.
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Planes, Trains and...Trotmobiles? Steambot Chronicles Review
game: Steambot Chronicles
review | 05/29/06 | Amanda Bateman
Steambot Chronicles is the newest Atlus release for the PS2, allowing players to do anything from farming to ferrying to fighting, all on the back of a two-legged transport robot called a Trotmobile. This is definitely not your traditional console roleplaying game. Non-linear gameplay and amazing diversity of things to do has kept our gal, Amanda, busy defeating evil and buskering for UR. Get her full review here.
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Like DOA With Booty: Rumble Roses XX Review
game: Rumble Roses XX
review | 05/15/06 | Tristan Mayshark
There aren\'t a lot of choices for wrestling games on the Xbox 360 right now, and it would be debatable to claim that Rumble Roses XX fills the niche to the exclusion of other attempts. Rumble Roses is to booty what the DOA series is to chesty-ness. If the previous sentence makes sense in a positive way, then Rumble Roses is probably for you. But if it seems a bit \"pervy\" to play games where a primary focus is ogling the animated characters in a sexual way, then you might want to be satisfied merely reading Tristan\'s review. Check it out here.
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Naruto: Clash of Ninja Review
game: Naruto: Clash of Ninja
review | 05/08/06 | George Holomshek
D3 Publisher and developer, Eighting, have done good work with the Naruto Gamecube title, Naruto: Clash of the Ninja. For a franchise-based kids\' game, Clash of the Ninja offers surprisingly enjoyable fighting action, especially in the multiplayer, and nice visuals in the 2D-fighter tradition. This is one cartoon-based title that parents don\'t have to be afraid to buy their children. George has the full story here.
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Nintendo Revolution to Get New Dragon Ball Z
game: Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2
news | 04/24/06 | Aaron Stanton
Atari has announced that yet another title is under development for the Nintendo Revolution, this time a Dragon Ball Z game. In a press release earlier this morning, Atari announced Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 for the Revolution, saying that, \"The... controller featured with Nintendo Revolution is perfectly suited for Dragon Ball Z... which engages players with fast-paced fighting moves.\" Dragon Ball Z games on the current generation have mixed fighting with RPG elements to varying degrees of success. We\'ll see how that translates onto Nintendo\'s new platform.
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Next Oblivion Mod Will Be Full Quest; Cheaper Than Current Horse Armor Mod
game: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
news | 04/07/06 | Aaron Stanton
A post from Bethesda Softworks in the official Oblivion forums indicates that not only will the next downloadable mod for Elder Scrolls IV be a full quest, it will also be less expensive than the Horse Armor modification currently available. A quest called The Orrery is expected to be available within the next week, and will include a new location (the Imperial Orrery in the Arcane University), new rewards, and new powers that are based on the phases of the moon. The better content for the price will hopefully help lessen player concerns that Bethesda intends to offer minor modifications at high prices. Unlike individual items, a quest is something that might be worth paying for. Hopefully.
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