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Search for 'Fast and Furious' returned 3 results.

Street Supremacy Review
game: Street Supremacy
review | 03/12/06 | Matt James
With at least three other solid racing games available for the PSP, a racing title has to do something above and beyond good just to stand out on the system. Either that or something really bad. Street Supremacy is now on store shelves and begging for you to give it a go. But is that wise? Here\'s a warning: Speed walking might seem fast paced and high intensity after a few hours strolling down the streets of Supremacy. If you\'re looking for something to make the mundane elements of your life seem interesting and exciting, Street Supremacy might be for you. Read on for details.
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Painkiller Headed for Xbox
game: Painkiller: Hell Wars
preview | 12/06/05 | Tristan Mayshark
Painkiller is headed from the PC to the Xbox next January, and it has survived the transition nearly unscathed. This is good for Xbox owners who have not yet made the jump to the 360, as well as anyone looking for a nice diversion during the Winter doldrums of 2006. Painkiller: Hell Wars puts players into a fast and furious FPS carnage fest, and Tristan has the hands-on experience to compare this to the cult hit released last year for PC.
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Robotech Battlecry Preview (Xbox, PS2, GC)
game: Robotech Battlecry
preview | 06/08/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
TDK Mediactive looks to have pulled off a feat we never thought possible -- a good Robotech game! Robotech Battlecry will come out this fall for all systems, and it looks great. The cel-shaded graphics give it that comfy anime feel and the gameplay is fast and furious. Check it out here.
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