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Search for 'FPS' returned 98 results.

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Gleemax *But Were Afraid to Ask
game: Gleemax
editorial | 09/06/07 | Chris Martin
We went in expecting Magic the Gathering Online Version 3, but what we got was much, much bigger than we anticipated. PAX 07 was great for a number of reasons - concerts, contests, Family Feud - but Wizards of the Coast\'s ace in the hole Gleemax took us aback, slapped us around, and handed to us the most complete vision of an online gaming community we\'ve ever seen. Complete with indie game developer support, event hosting, and cross-game currency and trading. Don\'t know about Gleemax? You should, and here\'s why...
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BioShock Review
game: BioShock
review | 08/31/07 | Chris Martin
From the article: \"BioShock is the latest effort from Irrational Studios (now 2K Boston and 2K Australia) and it\'s a massive undertaking, many years in the making. And it\'s so good, we might not see a game of it\'s caliber many years after. BioShock is a shooter, a retro sci-fi thriller, a revenge story, a dystopian allegory, an adventure, and to a lesser extent a role-playing game. But BioShock is first and foremost a first-person-shooter. It leaves no question in the player\'s mind, and doesn\'t dance around it\'s pedigree in the way Deus Ex did, or the way System Shock 2 was sparse on the shooter side, heavy on the RPG. No. BioShock is a game where you definitely have to kill things. And kill things aplenty.\"
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A 'Rapturous' Hands-On
game: BioShock
preview | 08/15/07 | Chris Martin
We travel fathoms under the ocean to Rapture, a city built on the most basic of ideals: \"a man is entitled to the sweat from his brow.\" A dystopia, like all dystopias, are built to fail. We are not surprised then, when Rapture, brainchild of Andrew Ryan, takes on water (by the deciliters), and you\'re trapped right in the middle of it. Full impressions and expectations inside.
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Bioshock Demo On Xbox Live
game: Bioshock
news | 08/13/07 | Chris Martin
This came out of nowhere. The studio formerly known as Irrational (they changed their two divisions\' names to 2K Australia and 2K Boston) get a big pat on the back for sneaking their demo onto Xbox Live on Sunday. Bioshock, which puts you through the eyes of a crash victim who gets stuck in the underwater dystopia known only as Rapture, just went gold last week. Now, we\'ll get to sample what we\'re betting is going to be a ground-braking experience.
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Review of Sandio's 3D Game O' Mouse
review | 06/04/07 | Jamie Gergen
While Sandio Technologies promises to revolutionize the way your mouse and game operate together, the learning curve is steep and difficult to overcome. Instead of improving your gaming experience and making you a better player, the 3D Gaming \'O Mouse will instead become an obstacle to overcome, as often as not. While the design works well for RTS camera controls, it falls apart when you move to faster paced titles like First Person Shooters. The inclusion of analog controls on the mouse may very well be a good idea, but not in this iteration, and after some time with the new mouse we simply can\'t recommend it at the $79 price tag.
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New The Darkness Demo On XBL - Mutilation Video
game: The Darkness
preview | 03/17/07 | Chris Martin
The Darkness is shaping up to be a must have game for not only fans of the Top Cow comic, but for fans of first person shooters. Blending supernatural elements and gunplay, The Darkness puts you in the shoes of Jackie Estacado, our resident anti-hero, as he seeks revenge on his father\'s murderer. The newest video is a montage of some new and old footage, and shows off the darkling powers and what makes them a force to be reckoned with.
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Call Of Duty 3 Review
game: Call Of Duty 3
review | 02/27/07 | Matt James
Apparently, gamers will never get tired of killing Nazis. The Call of Duty franchise proves this formula by standing out amongst the many WWII shooters released every year. How does Call of Duty 3 stack up against its predecessor? Check out Matt\'s review to find out.
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Bioshock a Gemini?
game: Bioshock
news | 01/05/07 | Chris Martin
According to the official forums of Through The Looking Glass, or more specifically \"2K Elizabeth\" from 2K Games, we\'re looking at a June release for Irrational\'s PC/Xbox 360 action-RPG Bioshock, the soul-brother to the cult and critically acclaimed System Shock and System Shock 2. What does that mean for this summer?
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Bomberman: Act Zero Review
game: Bomberman: Act Zero
review | 12/07/06 | Sean Hilliard
We sent our resident cheeky strategy freak Sean to get the story on Bomberman: Act Zero. After the fiasco that was F.E.A.R. Extraction Point we thought that everyone\'s favorite neighborhood explosives expert would be a nice change of pace. Boy, were we wrong! Not only has the new Bomberman been stripped of his best classic gameplay, it\'s been replaced by a semi-FPS element that simply makes it hard to see. Add in 99 uninspired levels and no ability to save, and you\'ll soon mourn Bomberman of old. Check out Sean\'s write-up to see why.
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F.E.A.R. Extraction Point Review
game: F.E.A.R. Extraction Point
review | 11/22/06 | Sean Hilliard
Do you like shooting bad guys in the face with a variety of weapons? Then you\'re probably already familiar with F.E.A.R., last year\'s instant classic FPS from Monolith. We strapped our resident cheeky strategy freak Sean to a desk and made him play the new expansion pack to F.E.A.R., Extraction Point, until he swore Shawn was Alma and the rest of the GF! staff were clone troops. And that\'s one game that\'s sure to end badly. As part of his community service, we\'re making him write the review anyways. Enjoy!
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Doom For XBLA Review
game: Doom
review | 09/30/06 | Tristan Mayshark
id\'s seminal classic is a surprise Xbox Live Arcade release for the Xbox 360. Demons from Hell on Mars and throbbing metal midi tracks help you party like it\'s 1994 (except this time around our pings are way better). Though it has not changed significantly from the version that debuted 13 years ago, it remains a worthwhile purchase for FPS junkies and casual gamers alike. Get the full story from our man, Tristan.
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17 New Xbox 360 F.E.A.R. Screens
game: F.E.A.R.
news | 08/22/06 | Chris Martin
As if you didn\'t have enough reason to love this game. Here are 17 brand new hi-res screens of the Xbox 360 version of F.E.A.R. You\'ll see some nice particle effects, lighting effects, and others. Early builds showed that the game didn\'t have wall parts chunking out after being shot, but these screens show otherwise. Check \'em out!
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F.E.A.R. Goes to PS3, In Game Screens Jump Out of Dark Corner
game: F.E.A.R.
news | 08/17/06 | Chris Martin
First Encounter Assault Recon or F.E.A.R. hit the PC some time ago. It\'s scheduled for a November 1st release on the Xbox 360. Vivendi Universal has confirmed F.E.A.R. is coming to PS3 and we\'ve got the screens to prove it. Look for this awesome shooter to make it to the PS3 lineup during the PS3 launch window.
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Prey Update and Downloadables Coming to PC, X360
game: Prey
news | 08/11/06 | Chris Martin
Prey is getting a few updates, some new 1v1 maps as per request, 6 new player models, and a whole roundabout of bug fixes for the PC version - heck, even the Xbox 360 version will be getting a patch soon to fix lag issues. We\'ve got the skinny right here.
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WolfKing Warrior Review
review | 08/08/06 | Tristan Mayshark
Since Half-Life made \"WSAD\" input the standard for all first person shooters, numerous efforts have been made to make a keyboard aimed at gamers, and most have failed miserably. The WolfKing Warrior doesn\'t so much fall flat on its face, as it does smash its wolfy snout right into hard pavement.
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