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Search for 'Chameleon PS2 Controller' returned 2 results.

Chameleon PS2 Controller
game: Chameleon PS2 Controller
review | 10/01/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Need a new controller but you're a little nervous about buying a 3rd party product? You're not alone. Hey, we've all been burned by inferior 3rd party products at one time or another. Lucky fo us, Pelican Accessories is looking to change all that with their new Chameleon controller“and it's a winner. Click here for the scoop
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Chameleon PS2 Controller Review
review | 09/09/03 | Eric Qualls
Need a new controller but you\'re a little nervous about buying a 3rd party product? You\'re not alone. Hey, we\'ve all been burned by inferior 3rd party products at one time or another. Lucky fo us, Pelican Accessories is looking to change all that with their new Chameleon controller?and it\'s a winner. Click here for the scoop
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