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Search for 'Banpresto ' returned 1 results.

Magna Carta: Tears of Blood Review
game: Magna Carta: Tears of Blood
review | 11/15/05 | Amanda Bateman
No, we\'re not talking about a legal document limiting the power of English monarchs in the year of 1215 (But, if you can make a fun videogame about that, we\'d love to see it!). Atlus and Softmax\'s Magna Carta: Tears of Blood is a new roleplaying game for the PS2 that has made its way from Korea to Japan, and is now on its way to make a new niche in the United States. Unlike the real Magna Carta, this game is no guarantee of increased rights for the aristocracy, but it\'s still OK with us. Get Amanda\'s take on it right here.
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