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Comparing the CryEngine2 to Real Life
game: Crysis
posted by: Aaron Stanton
publisher: Electronic Arts
developer: CryTek Studios
date posted: 03:05 PM Wed Jun 7th, 2006
last revision: 03:06 PM Wed Jun 7th, 2006

Click to read.Game engines are becoming more and more lifelike. A few months ago, EvilGamers.com put together a series of comparisons between real life locations and locations in Project Gotham Racing 3 on the Xbox 360.

The results were extremely impressive.

Now, another series of life-to-game comparisons have appeared on the net, this time putting the Crysis engine, CryEngine2 from CryTek Studios, side-by-side with real life photographs. Much like the Project Gotham comparison, the results are stunning, and serves as a reminder that gaming engines are coming closer and closer to photo-realism.

File: Crysis Comparisons (hosted by GamesFirst)

File: Crysis Comparisons (Not hosted by GamesFirst, but larger)

Of course, Oblivion has shown that screenshots don\'t tell the full story; Elder Scrolls IV looks simply brilliant in still screens, but less so when in motion. The lack of certain physical elements, such as the ability to interact with the foliage, now serves as the primary roadblock between real life and a realistic in-game environment.

Crysis, from the makers of FarCry, promises to be cutting edge in both storyline and graphics. Pushing not only extraordinary visuals, Crysis developers are keen to introduce a new form of in-game storytelling. Crysis will contain no cut scenes or clear-cut scripted elements.

\"What exists in Crysis is [that] the story is all around you,\" says President and CEO of CryTek, Cevat Yerli. \"It\'s being told around you. It\'s happening around you. The invasion moves on anyway regardless of you...\"

CryTek hopes to create a sense of realism and interactive storytelling that\'s currently not been done before. A storyline that progresses regardless of the player has its appeal; other games, such as Oblivion, tend to pause in-game storyline to wait for the player\'s interaction. How well this will actually translate into a progressive game is yet to be seen, but it\'s certainly worth paying attention to.

Crysis is expected to release in the Fall of 2006 for the PC.

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