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Search for 'ea' returned 1295 results.
game: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
preview | 05/30/02 | Monica Hafer
All you cheesball TV fans take heart: Buffy the Vampire Slayer will be coming to an Xbox near you this summer. Buffy\'s trademark gymkata style of fighting, all of her cohorts good and evil, and a load of cheesy dialogue juxtaposed with quick action make this one for the fans to clamor about. Details are right over here.
game: City of Heroes
preview | 05/30/02 | Aaron Stanton
Developed under the tutelage of online gaming giant Richard Garriot, NCSoft\'s latest endeavour, City of Heroes, is a MMORPG with a twist. Rather than the typical fantasy setting, you get to create your own superhero and vanquish evil. Tons of customization options and a cool gameplay setup should make this a hit. Click here.
game: BloodRayne
preview | 05/30/02 | Shawn Rider
Half-human, half-vampire, all woman. That\'s the tagline for BloodRayne, but it fails to sum up how incredibly cool this game is. With a load of weapons at your disposal, buttkicking melee combat, and several different vision modes, this supernatural action title will have you killing Nazis and sucking blood. Click here.
game: XIII
preview | 05/30/02 | Shawn Rider
Based on the French comic series of the same name, XIII brings the unique look of cel-shading to the next-gen Unreal engine, creating a first person shooter that looks unlike anything else we\'ve seen. The concerted focus on narrative and interactivity will make it a very popular game. Get the details here.
game: Spider-Man: The Movie
review | 05/29/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
And we didn\'t forget about our job as game reviewers. Eric just got done playing Spider-Man: The Movie (the game) and has his write up. On the plus side, you\'ve never felt so much like a newly irradiated, web-slinging crime fighter. On the downside, it isn\'t real. Click here.
game: Impossible Creatures
preview | 05/29/02 | Aaron Stanton
Microsoft games are looking strong this year in general, and although it\'s a good 9 months off, Impossible Creatures looks to continue the trend. Mix and match the most dangerous creatures in the world in this action RTS meets the Island of Dr. Moreau. Click here.
editorial | 05/29/02 | Shawn Rider
With all of the different console manufacturers launching their online components this year, it can be tough to sort it all out. So I put together Back to the Front: The Console Wars Go Online to outline the facts and offer up some analysis. See what you think.
game: MS Combat Flight Sim 3
preview | 05/29/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Microsoft doesn\'t have to worry about whether or not it will be a big hit, but the effort poured into MS Combat Flight Sim 3 is well deserved and will be very appreciated. Infinitely variable missions, enhanced ground graphics, and tons of bells and whistles are a few reasons this title will be the best in the series so far. Click here for more.
game: DX2: Invisible War
preview | 05/29/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Warren Spector and the gang in Austin made huge waves with Deus Ex, and the sequel, DX2: Invisible War is set to cause the same kind of hubub. Set 30 years after the original, DX2 offers more freedom, more complexity, and more muscle for the discriminating gamer. Details are right here.
game: Splinter Cell
preview | 05/29/02 | Jeremy Kauffman
Ubi Soft has a Snake-killer on their hands. Picture this: Millions and millions of gamers arguing for years and years about whether MGS or Splinter Cell is the superior third person stealth action title. That\'s what the future looks like. We\'re all fans of MGS, but this Splinter Cell could make us devotees. Get the whole story here.
Articles Archive | 05/29/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
One of the ubiquitous topics of E3 this year was online gaming. Specifically, online gaming for consoles was in the air and not since Sega announced SegaNet has there been more interest in the topic. Of course, SegaNet taught us quite a few things most importantly that it is possible and enjoyable to play console titles online. It also taught us that a lot can be done with a 56.6 Kb connection and that it is essential to allow groups of local players to take on groups of remote players. SegaNet gave us so much, and many of us Dreamcast fanboys felt more than a twinge of sadness at the death of the system, which didn't wither into old age, but was rather sacrificed for the greater good of the parent company. I can picture the Dreamcast kneeling before a row of Sega execs, knife poised at his chest, "I am sorry I have failed to bring Sega out of the pit it had dug well before I was conceived. Forgiveness, please?"
game: O.R.B.
editorial | 05/28/02 | Aaron Stanton
Strategy First will bring us a potentially revolutionary deep space RTS this fall. O.R.B. puts you in control of huge space armadas and interstellar action has never been so accurately reproduced. Accurate physics offer new tactics to exploit and the fully 3D galaxy is just beautiful. Click here for more.
game: Unreal Episode II
preview | 05/28/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
UT is the multiplayer game, and for the past while it has overshadowed the single player title that spawned it. This year Unreal Episode II will remind us all just why this franchise became so popular. Insane graphics, great action, and a cool single player adventure make this game one to watch for. Click here.
game: Unreal Tournament
preview | 05/28/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Infogrames is prepping one of the most hotly anticipated sequels of this year or the next. Unreal Tournament 2003 promises to satisfy the hardcore UT fans as well as bring a whole new generation to the game. Amazing graphics, gameplay enhancements, and lots of cool additions will make it a must have game. Click here.
Articles Archive | 05/28/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Although they sounded intriguing, it wasn't the martinis and massages that lured me into the WildTangent room at E3. As a member of the media, the invites for drinks were as free flowing as T-shirts and temporary tattoos for the normal E3 attendee. Yet, as I was winding my way through the mayhem that is E3, I was surprised to see a rather large woman in a purple shirt handing out gamedisks. With quasi-anorexic booth babes the norm in this venue, I was surprised to note that all of the WildTangent women (as that's who they were) were larger-than-life and exceptionally friendly. I wondered, "Who would be so bold as to flaut tradition and hire large, fully clothed women to entice players to check out a booth?" The answer turned out to be a company that has used just such divergent thinking in all areas of their marketing: WildTangent.
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