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10/26/05 | | Shawn Rider
Every once in awhile an indy game comes along that really makes you sit up and take notice. After seeing titles like Alan Wake or Darwinia developed by independent groups without the immediate support of a publisher, we\'re not surprised to see Project Offset, an epic fantasy first-person shooter in development by four individuals who want to play a really cool game (which is the best motivation for making a game). We\'re not surprised, but we\'re definitely impressed.

10/13/05 | | Blaine Krumpe
Call of Duty 2 puts gamers back in the role of American, British, and Russian soldiers fighting for the Allies in World War II. Known for its gritty depiction of the battlefield, Call of Duty 2 amps up the realism and immersive qualities. Everything from the AI of enemies and allies to the stellar graphics and enhanced environments have been improved upon, making Call of Duty 2 one of the most hectic battlefield simulations out there. Check out Blaine\'s preview here.

10/06/05 | | Aaron Stanton
Sometimes it takes a movie to turn a good idea into a game. The fantasy setting of The Chronicles of Narnia is an ideal world for the basis of a video game, containing monsters, heroes, and mystical creatures. Even separated from its religious basis, the story behind the classic children\'s tales offers everything a game designer could hope for to create a rich, living environment. In November, developer Traveler\'s Tales will be releasing a video game based on the upcoming movie adaptation of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and GamesFirst! has had an opportunity to play through a preview build of the title. What we found is a game worth looking forward to. Check out our preview.

10/04/05 | | Blaine Krumpe
Serious Sam 2 brings more of that classic Sam action to a variety of platforms. Developed by the eccentric Croatian development house, Croteam, Serious Sam is known for bright, colorful graphics, frantic action, and lots and lots of bullets. This time out, we get an evolution of everything, but also a very true-to-roots fragfest that involves some of the most insane monsters we\'ve ever seen. Check out Blaine\'s preview of Serious Sam 2 based on the recently released game demo.

09/11/05 | | Shawn Rider
Konami\'s Lost in Blue looks to easily become one of a small group of truly innovative and standout titles on Nintendo DS this Fall. Lost in Blue casts you onto the shores of a deserted island, and it is up to you to use your wits to survive. With cool touch screen minigames used to perform manual tasks, and a deep and complex simulation governing the island that affects almost every task you perform, Lost in Blue has all the markings of a must play.

09/11/05 | | Chris Martin
Come get your super powers! We go hands-on with the multiplayer aspects of Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects, EA\'s comic-based fighter. Find out how the coalition of super heroes is coming along.

08/25/05 | | Tristan Mayshark
When Fable was originally announced on the PC, it was going to be one of the greatest, most complicated RPGs ever created. That was the theory, at least. When the final product finally appeared on the Xbox, it had changed systems, lost features, and been forced to admit that it was not as sophisticated or as massive as had originally been planned. Still, the title found success where it counted: it was fun. Now, Fable is returning to the system on which it started, showing up on the PC as Fable: The Lost Chapters. We\'re here to help keep you briefed on what to expect from this wayward child.

07/21/05 | | George Holomshek
category: archive
Fourth quarter 2005 is looking strong for the Nintendo DS, primarily with a queue of upcoming releases currently unmatched in the handheld market. Along with top name games like Mario Kart and Animal Crossing (not to mention Nintendogs, which is driving sales of the DS through the roof in Japan), DS owners have games like Lunar: Dragon Song to look forward to. Take a moment to read about what to expect from the first pure-blood RPG to hit the system.

06/24/05 | | George Holomshek
category: archive
When the DS came out with stylus support, we all knew that the new level of precision it offered would allow for some new types of games. Probably most of us were not expecting a surgery simulation, though. Slightly different than what most of us are used to playing, Trauma Center won't have you blowing on the microphone to help clear the screen of leaves. Instead, you'll have a chance to try your hand at saving lives.

06/22/05 | | Monica Hafer
game: Alan Wake
Alan Wake was one of the standout games of E3 2005 (not to mention the dreamiest of male gaming characters). Featuring a psychological thriller storyline and amazing night/day and physics effects, this is a game unlike most others. Unfortunately, Remedy does not even have a publisher for this title. Our gal, Monica, has the details here.

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