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Search for 'movie' returned 69 results.

Reign of Fire Preview
game: Reign of Fire
preview | 06/23/02 | Monica Hafer
Gearing up to be a summer action hit at the movie theater, Reign of Fire on the PS2 is looking sweeter than Matthew McConaughey\'s belt buckle in Dazed and Confused. So if you\'re looking to mow down some dragons with a load of military might, or if you\'d just like to play for the other team, blazing humans as they get in your way, you need to click here.
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LOTR: The Two Towers Preview (PS2, GBA)
game: LOTR: The Two Towers
preview | 06/11/02 | Monica Hafer
The Lord of the Rings franchise has been fractured -- games are coming out from both Sierra and EA. EA has the movie license, and that will make all the difference. So far The Two Towers looks amazing, what with the hordes of orcs to cut down and the incredible interplay of film footage and game graphics. Click here to be amazed.
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Tron 2.0 Preview (PC)
game: Tron 2.0
preview | 06/04/02 | Aaron Stanton
Let the eighties nostalgia well up in you, for Tron is not gone for good. A new movie and videogame will revive Tron, and for that we are grateful. Tron 2.0 is an FPS (that data disc is way, way cool) that has you sucked back into the computer. With graphics that look about as good as the original film, this is going to be fun. Click here.
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Spider-Man: The Movie Review (PC)
game: Spider-Man: The Movie
review | 05/29/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
And we didn\'t forget about our job as game reviewers. Eric just got done playing Spider-Man: The Movie (the game) and has his write up. On the plus side, you\'ve never felt so much like a newly irradiated, web-slinging crime fighter. On the downside, it isn\'t real. Click here.
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Sony Takes It Online
Articles Archive | 05/21/01 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Sony announced several new partnerships and technology deals at E3, making a major play to enter the online gaming market before Microsoft can get its online bits in order. Both companies have professed the importance of online gaming to the success of console systems, and Sony has specifically illuminated desires to create an online distribution network for all kinds of gaming, movies, music, and other broadband entertainment applications.

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Three the Hard Way: An Analysis of the Next-Gen Super Systems
Articles Archive | 01/05/01 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
As we move into the next arena of competing systems, 2001's HAL9000 may be a ways down the road, but there is a wide world of electronic-gaming glory in sight. While most have hopefully known the awesome perfection that is Dreamcast, it does behoove both the serious and casual gamer to look at the upcoming choices and see what each new platform has to offer them.
PS2 has already landed and GameCube and X-Box will within a year. PS2 and X-Box should both be in the $300.00 range and GameCube about $200.00. Like most other technical-equipment purchases, it all depends on what you want your new box to do. The PS2 has made a serious leap forward as a true 'Set-Top Box' offering movie-playback and the promise of serous internet capabilities. X-Box will offer these also and Nintendo's new entry will at least offer online browsing. With DVD players dropping in price everyday and nearly half the houses in the country connected to the internet, these are niceties in a console, but maybe not the prime focus.

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Welcome to the World of DVDs
Articles Archive | 10/08/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Hey you, yeah you with the pre-ordered PS2 (who probably won't see it for a few more months)! I want you to slowly put down that VHS copy of Planet of the Apes and run, run I say, from the analog realm of home video. You're going to have a DVD player in just a few weeks. With virtually every movie that you could want to own (see the note on George Lucas at the bottom of the page) on DVD, or that is coming to DVD, you might need a little introduction into the fanatical world that is DVD video.
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EDITORIAL - There Can Be Only One
| 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
It\'s like that movie, Kill All Monsters, where the big guys from the Godzilla films get together and have a big old monster hoedown, except these are full grown companies. Of course, all that was at stake in Kill All Monsters was a fictional humanity, and here the reward is fiscal reality. With so many new consoles coming out, I find myself asked more and more often: Which one should I buy? Well, the answer, of course, is, \"All of them.\" That\'s unsatisfactory for most people, but it\'s about the best a simple Console Editor can do.
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The Future of Final Fantasy
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
It only took a span of minutes before http://www.finalfantasy.com ˜s servers experienced an increase in traffic (no, not a DDoS attack, though it might have felt like it) that ground them to a crawl earlier this week with the release of the first Final Fantasy movie trailers, information on the storyline, et cetera. One of the downfalls of the site is that it doesn't go into greater detail of what exactly we can expect from the storyline. What we do know: This will not be a retelling of any of the previous games; It's set on Earth in the year 2065 ( when Square will be releasing Final Fantasy XXXXI ) where "cities are deserted, the population is decimated, and the precious few humans who remain must find a way to survive"; the voice actors: Ming-Na, Alec Baldwin (no relation), James Wood, Donald Sutherland (we all loved him in Invasion of the Body-Snatchers), Ving Rhames, Steve Buscemi (Mr. Pink) and Peri Gilpin.
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