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Search for 'franchise' returned 91 results.

Pride FC Review (PS2)
game: Pride FC Review
review | 03/08/03 | Eric Qualls
THQ has brought in veteran ring fighting developers Anchor to create a worthy successor to the UFC franchise. Pride FC delivers a similar style of no holds barred, submit or suffer gameplay. Great graphics and a very nice fighting engine make this one for any fan of the sport or the UFC games. Click here.
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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Preview (Xbox, PC)
game: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
preview | 03/02/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
One of the most beloved RPG developers, Bioware (makers of hits such as Neverwinter Nights and Baldur\'s Gate), has grabbed hold of one of the most beloved franchises, Star Wars, and created an RPG for the RPG starved Xbox and the not-so-RPG-starved PC. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic should be super cool. Click here.
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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Preview
game: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
preview | 03/02/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
One of the most beloved RPG developers, Bioware (makers of hits such as Neverwinter Nights and Baldur\'s Gate), has grabbed hold of one of the most beloved franchises, Star Wars, and created an RPG for the RPG starved Xbox and the not-so-RPG-starved PC. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic should be super cool. Click here.
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Fighter Maker 2
game: Fighter Maker 2
review | 12/22/02 | Eric Qualls
Agetec brings us the next-gen installment of their very creative franchise in Fighter Maker 2. The graphics are better and there are more options than ever for making your own fighters and then duking it out in the ring. Unfortunately, tedious creation menus and a clunky core fighting engine hinder this one. Click here.
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MechAssault Review
game: MechAssault
review | 12/22/02 | Shawn Rider
The venerable Battletech franchise gets a new lease on console-based life in MechAssault. Featuring amazing graphics, destructible environments, and an incredibly fun online multiplayer through Xbox LIVE, this is definitely a big robot title with serious appeal.
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David Beckham Soccer Review (GBA)
game: David Beckham Soccer
review | 12/16/02 | Jason Frank
David Beckham is one of the biggest stars in the soccer world. That means that his game franchise, David Beckham Soccer, should be really great. Unfortunately, it isn\'t. Most of our American readers won\'t care either way, but simplistic controls will frustrate our more worldly gaming audience. Click!
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Robotech: Battlecry Review (PS2)
game: Robotech: Battlecry
review | 12/10/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
TDK Mediactive has singlehandedly made Robotech fans very happy this fall. Their take on the franchise has been very successful. Robotech: Battlecry is stylish and fun to play. Unfortunately, this is a season swamped with giant robot games, and the biggest thing going for this one is the story. Robotech fans, check this out. Click!
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MS Combat Flight Simulator 3 Review (PC)
game: MS Combat Flight Simulator 3
review | 12/10/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Our guy in the sky, Thomas, returns to give us the lowdown on the latest installment of Microsoft\'s venerable WWII flight sim franchise. Combat Flight Simulator 3 packs in a load of new planes, a new dynamic mission system, and some improved ground-level graphics. It\'s not revolutionary, but it is a very solid update to a well loved series. Click here for more.
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Myst III: Exile Review (PS2)
game: Myst III: Exile
review | 12/01/02 | Monica Hafer
Ubi Soft has brought the venerable Myst series to console systems, and, as anyone familiar with the franchise would guess, the style and focus of gameplay doesn\'t quite jive with what most console gamers expect. Many reviewers have reacted to Myst III: Exile like our reviewer, Eric. (Click here to read his review of Myst III: Exile for Xbox.) The pacing and mechanics of the game are unusual on the console, but this is still one of the most popular franchises in the history of gaming. So Monica, a long time Myst fan, reviewed the PS2 version of the game and gives us the other side of things, showing for the right gamers, Myst has still got it. Click here.
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Myst III: Exile Review (Xbox)
game: Myst III: Exile
review | 12/01/02 | Eric Bodrero
Ubi Soft has brought the venerable Myst series to console systems, and, as anyone familiar with the franchise would guess, the style and focus of gameplay doesn\'t quite jive with what most console gamers expect. Many reviewers have reacted to Myst III: Exile like our reviewer, Eric. (Click here to read his review of Myst III: Exile for Xbox.) The pacing and mechanics of the game are unusual on the console, but this is still one of the most popular franchises in the history of gaming. So Monica, a long time Myst fan, reviewed the PS2 version of the game and gives us the other side of things, showing for the right gamers, Myst has still got it. Click here.
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WWE Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth Review (PS2)
game: WWE Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth
review | 12/01/02 | Eric Qualls
THQ and Yukes has done a number on the Smackdown series. After the disappointment of Just Bring It last year, WWE Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth restores the franchise to its original glory. The season mode is great, graphics are seriously improved, and the wrestling has undergone some minor changes to make it a lot better. Click!
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INTERVIEW - Davor Tomicic, Game and Level Designer for Croteam
Articles Archive | 11/13/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The Serious Sam Franchise has been one of the most popular and most traditional shooters on the PC. Coming out of nowhere (Croatia) and taking the gaming world by storm, both Serious Sam and Serious Sam: The Second Encounter have done very well with the GamesFirst! reviewers. Now, Gotham Games and Croteam have put together an Xbox version of Serious Sam, combining both of the PC games and all jazzed up for better graphics and intense four player action. Don't miss our interview with David Nottingham, Producer for Gotham Games.
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INTERVIEW - David Nottingham, Producer Gotham Games
Articles Archive | 11/13/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The Serious Sam Franchise has been one of the most popular and most traditional shooters on the PC. Coming out of nowhere (Croatia) and taking the gaming world by storm, both Serious Sam and Serious Sam: The Second Encounter have done very well with the GamesFirst! reviewers. Now, Gotham Games and Croteam have put together an Xbox version of Serious Sam, combining both of the PC games and all jazzed up for better graphics and intense four player action. Don't miss our interview with Davor Tomicic, Game and Level Designer for Croteam.
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Smuggler's Run: Warzones Review
game: Smuggler's Run: Warzones
review | 11/06/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Rockstar\'s now-classic off-road combat driving franchise makes its way to the Gamecube. Smuggler\'s Run: Warzones features exotic locales, lots of vehicular mayhem, and a kinder, gentler form of international smuggling. Click here.
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Nintendo Cuts Ties with Rare, LTD (Microsoft Creates Ties with Rare, LTD)
news | 09/21/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
While Nintendo has made it official that they have gotten rid of their 49% share in Rare, LTD, creators of Donkey Kong, Perfect Dark, Star Fox, etc., Microsoft has yet to confirm details stated by Nintendo of America that MS has scooped up the London-based development house. This is big news and means franchises like Perfect Dark and Conker may find a home on the Xbox. Click for more.
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