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Search for 'ash' returned 108 results.
game: Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil
review | 05/07/05 | Tristan Mayshark
Released just eight months after Doom 3, this expansion is not completely without flaws, but is pretty to look at, satisfying to play, and adds some much needed variety to Doom 3. It also addresses your character's original inability to wield a flashlight and a weapon at the same time. You don't get to be any more ambidextrous than last time around, but at one point you'll find yourself with a flashlight stuck to your forehead. It's not quite as ideal a solution as using duck tape to strap the light to your gun, but it's a step in the right direction. Check out the full review for more details.
game: Soul Calibur III
preview | 04/27/05 | Chris Martin
What do we know about Soul Calibur III? Well, not much, actually. But we've been scrounging around the net and found some of the dirt on Namco's PlayStation 2 exclusive follow-up to the PS2, XBOX, and GameCube smash hit. Read on to find out...
game: Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade
review | 04/13/05 | Shawn Rider
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade is a hack-and-slash dungeon crawling RPG that brings classic Diablo-style gameplay to your PSP. It's got great graphics, a deep character development system, and is pretty much a hoot to play with friends. But like so many RPG protagonists, it is as flawed as it is brilliant. Curse the darkness, or get the light right here.
game: Champions: Return to Arms
review | 03/26/05 | George Holomshek
Top down hack-and-slash games are some of the most consistent in the game industry; if you like the genre, you can pretty much expect to have an equally good time with almost any game. Champions: Return to Arms comes to the stage as the sequel to Champions of Norrath, and finds itself burdened with the typical problems of the field; fun, but with limited depth. Still, with hours of gameplay and varied local, it's worth a look for anyone that can't get enough of smashing barrels and hunting for treasure by killing random wild animals. Read the full review for more details.
Articles Archive | 02/05/05 | Monica Hafer
We welcome back Monica, who returns valorous with a great contemplation of what it means to lose. All gamers, hardcore or casual, are well familiar with the feeling of getting stomped, splattered, shot, stymied, shut out, and stood up. Whether it's getting trashed in online multiplayer matches, or getting repeatedly busted up against that third boss, we've all come to some understanding of defeat. Click the details link below for Monica's treatment, The Art of Losing.
game: Alien Hominid
review | 01/02/05 | Laurie Taylor
It's always good to see a game developed independent of the mainstream industry, as is the case of Alien Hominid, a side scrolling mountain of action that scores points with anyone that has a taste for old-school, Contra-style gameplay. Read why this stylistic GameCube and PS2 title is well worth your time.
game: Conker: Live & Reloaded
preview | 12/26/04 | Chris Martin
The trash-talkin', poo-whompin', Tediz slaughterin' squirrel is back. Conker: Live and Reloaded is the Xbox update of one of the best platformers for the N64. And although we loved the game on the N64, it's a little hard to imagine Rare spending the time to bring the same game out again on the Xbox. So let's take a hands-on look at the game with our man, Chris, to see just what we can expect, and get a better idea if this game should elicit a big sigh, or a big squeal.
game: Everquest II
review | 12/14/04 | Eric Bodrero
With quality competition from games like City of Heroes and World of Warcraft, all arriving in the last year to vie for our monthly subscription dollars, the makers of EverQuest have a much tougher battlefield before them than they did five years ago when the series first helped define the genre. How good of an experience does EverQuest II offer? Is it worth your time in a world awash with MMOGs? Make sure you read Eric's review to find out.
game: Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors
review | 08/04/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Supersonic Warriors might not be the first Dragon Ball Z game on the market by any means, but it might very well be one of the best. With actual show bits and audio clips, DBZ: Supersonic Warriors is a straightforward button masher for the hardcore fan, and probably not a lot else. Click here to learn more.
game: Manhunt
review | 06/16/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
You might remember Manhunt from the splash it made on the PS2 not so long ago. Now it's taking its haunting atmosphere and uber violence to the Xbox and PC. We're pretty sure that Manhunt's ESRB rating of "Mature" really ought to have been "Adults Only", but adult gamers not feeling gore shy can look to Manhunt for a genuinely disturbing experience. Click here for the full review.
game: Wrath Unleashed
review | 04/21/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Chase two rabbits and you'll lose them both. I think I read that somewhereand Wrath Unleashed does just that. While is aims to combine the joy of a solid strategy game with the thrill of a fighter, the result is?. Well I don't want to ruin it for you. Click here to ask Eric.
game: King of Fighters 2000/2001
review | 02/23/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
2D fight fans, harken unto me. The King of Fighter 2000/2001 offers an amazingly deep combat system that is sure to keep you engrossed for many weeks. And what's more, you get two games for the price of one. Don't look for a graphical powerhouse, and don't look for a button mashing slug fest, but if you have the hankering to throw down in two dimensions, this just might be for you. Click here for the full review.
game: The Return of the King
review | 12/07/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
EA's highly successful The Two Towers drew high praise from gamers for its cinematic drama and hack and slash action. It wasn't the most innovative treatment of the Tolkien classic, but it sure was fun to be a part of. The latest installment, Return of the King, looks to improve on that success, offering more characters, more cinematic feel, and best of all, multiplayer co-op. But can more hack and slash satisfy a Lord of the Rings enthusiast? With a single click, your quest for knowledge begins right here.
game: Space Channel 5: Ulala Cosmic Attack
review | 11/10/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Remember Space Channel 5, the Dreamcasts' booty shaking, universe saving, system not saving, groove-a-thon? Yeah, that's the one. Well Ulala and her mad fashion sense are back, and together they are still trying to save the universe one groove at a time. Only this time Ulala is shaking it on the GBA. Can the GBA handle Ulala's style, or is this a move that ought not to be busted? Click here and you'll find out.
game: Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild
review | 10/09/03 | Matt James
THQ is back with the latest installment in the popular Splashdown jetski racing series, with a game for the PS2.
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