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Search for 'Revolution' returned 66 results.

Nokia N-Gage Preview
game: Nokia N-Gage
preview | 05/21/03 | Shawn Rider
Nokia has created a gaming device that is set to revolutionize mobile gaming. Featuring a cel phone, wireless connectivity for LAN gaming, an MP3 player, and graphics that look quite nice, the Nokia N-Gage might be the thing that really kicks cel phone gaming into overdrive. Click here.
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GTA: Vice City and Official Soundtrack
game: GTA: Vice City
review | 12/20/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Rockstar brings us the long awaited next installment in the GTA series, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. It does a whole lot of things right, but it isn\'t as revolutionary as GTA3, and, frankly, we\'re disappointed with the direction in which the series is heading. Of course, the soundtrack is amazing, so we reviewed the Vice City Official Soundtrack Box Set, too. Click here.
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MS Combat Flight Simulator 3 Review (PC)
game: MS Combat Flight Simulator 3
review | 12/10/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Our guy in the sky, Thomas, returns to give us the lowdown on the latest installment of Microsoft\'s venerable WWII flight sim franchise. Combat Flight Simulator 3 packs in a load of new planes, a new dynamic mission system, and some improved ground-level graphics. It\'s not revolutionary, but it is a very solid update to a well loved series. Click here for more.
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O.R.B. Preview
game: O.R.B.
editorial | 05/28/02 | Aaron Stanton
Strategy First will bring us a potentially revolutionary deep space RTS this fall. O.R.B. puts you in control of huge space armadas and interstellar action has never been so accurately reproduced. Accurate physics offer new tactics to exploit and the fully 3D galaxy is just beautiful. Click here for more.
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Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter Review (PS2)
game: Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter
review | 04/02/02 | Eric Qualls
Capcom\'s other latest offering is a revolutionary take on their established Breath of Fire series. Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter does two things very differently: First, it incorporates a way-cool cel shaded look. Second, the game structure and replay system are unlike anything we\'ve seen in console RPGs. Read all about it here.
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INTERVIEW - Lorne Lanning , President/Creative Director of Oddworld Inhabitants
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Lorne Lanning is the President and Creative Director of Oddworld Inhabitants, undoubtedly one of the most interesting and exciting development houses in the gaming industry. Their first two titles, Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee and Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus, have raised the bar for games to come. The award-winning and best-selling titles incorporate an amazing storyline, insanely innovative gameplay, stellar production values, and a whole bagfull of originality. With two new titles in development for the PlayStation 2, Munch's Oddysee (due Fall of 2000) and Hand of Odd (due sometime after that), the folks at Oddworld look ready to create an all-out revolution in electronic entertainment. We got the chance to ask Lorne a few questions that we've been itching to hear the answers to. Here's what he had to say:
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