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Search for 'AI' returned 735 results.

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones Review (GBA)
game: Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
review | 07/26/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The prequel trilogy\'s GBA titles have not been good, and Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones is only slightly better than Phantom Menace. Neither title offers much entertainment. Click here for the rev.
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All-Star Baseball 2003 Review (GBA)
game: All-Star Baseball 2003
review | 07/26/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Derek Jeter and co. are now portable. All-Star Baseball 2003 offers up the best baseball action on the GBA, and is probably the best sports title out right now for the system. If you\'re itching for some out-of-the-park action during those summer roadtrips, click here.
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Men In Black II: Alien Escape Review
game: Men In Black II: Alien Escape
review | 07/25/02 | Eric Qualls
Following the summer blockbuster, Men in Black II: Alien Escape succeeds in creating a fairly entertaining, if a bit mindless and way short, interactive MIB adventure. Control agents J and K as they make the planet a bit safer for gamers like us. Click here.
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SOCOM: US Navy Seals Hands-on Preview (PS2)
game: SOCOM: US Navy Seals Hands-on
preview | 07/20/02 | Jeremy Kauffman
Sony\'s betting big money on SOCOM: US Navy Seals, and from what we\'ve seen, it\'s a safe bet. The game is being pushed as an online multiplayer title, but the single player game is really great already. Nice AI, team strategizing, serious realism, and just plain fun gameplay should get it on your list of ways to avoid homework. Click here.
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EDITORIAL - What Women Want (From Gaming)
Articles Archive | 07/04/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
During the Nintendo press conference at E3, my mind began to wander somewhere that I'm sure they never intended; I began to think about? my mother. It all started during a promotional commercial for their new title, Animal Crossing, in which we see several seconds of humorous footage where a crazed-looking mother has stolen her child's GBA and is sitting at the kitchen table playing while her child attempts to wrest it from her grasp. I couldn't help but recall the stolen hours that my mother had spent on games such as Space Invaders and Legend of Zelda, Tomb Raider and Riven. These were seemingly decadent hours that I'm sure my father thought could have been spent more productively. But as I remember, her gaming was no less earnest than that of her offspring, and I believe she had no less (dare I say it?) fun.
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Shifters Review (PS2)
game: Shifters
review | 07/03/02 | Eric Qualls
3DO does it again. Shifters is a bad game, plagued with bad graphics, bad controls, glitchy play, and no real inspiration. The concept of a shapeshifting, \"cast & slash\" fantasy action game could have been pretty cool. But this isn\'t the game. Click here for more.
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Le Mans 24 Hours Review (PC)
game: Le Mans 24 Hours
review | 07/03/02 | Eric Qualls
PC gamers who love racing sims should be very, very happy with Le Mans 24 Hours. Featuring a broad selection of vehicles, a nice assortment of tracks, modes and options, and an attention to detail that is refreshing, this latest simulation is a must-play. Click.
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Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Review (PC)
game: Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Review (PC)
review | 07/03/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Forget Fourth of July holiday picnics and fireworks display. Give us a fast LAN, a dozen of our closest friends and family, and Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, and we\'ll be just fine. Blizzards latest triumph is another unqualified hit. If you can stand to wait another minute before you run out and buy it, click here for the review.
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Gladius Preview (Xbox, PS2, GC)
game: Gladius
preview | 07/01/02 | Shawn Rider
LucasArts decided to take a fantasy-oriented route with Gladius, which pits you against gladiators in arenas from Rome to Hades, but the liberties they\'ve taken should only disappoint those Classics majors and Roman Empire buffs. The rest of us might enjoy hurling fireballs at our foes. In an RPG-style strategy type game. Sounds fun.
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Big Bass Fishing Review
game: Big Bass Fishing
review | 06/28/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
How do you make a bargain priced fishing game for PSone stand out above the rest? If you are Big Bass Fishing you add a sexy angler into the mix. Her saucy allusions and provocative double entendres are fun for a bit, but then you\'re left playing the game, and it just falls short. Click here to read all about it.
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Dark Planet: Battle for Natrolis Review
game: Dark Planet: Battle for Natrolis
review | 06/28/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
It\'s one of the oldest stories we know: Multiple groups of settlers fight amongst themselves to control a newly discovered world, empty except for the natives. Nope, this isn\'t a pre-July 4 history lesson, it\'s the plot of Dark Planet: Battle for Natrolis. This bargain-priced strategy game brings some interesting features to the table, but overall it ends up falling a bit flat. Click here for more.
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Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix Review
game: Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix
review | 06/28/02 | Rick Fehrenbacher
Activision follows up their cult hit with a sequel that mostly gives the fans more of the same. Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix features nicer graphics and a more robust GHOUL system (which allows you to take out your enemies piece by piece), but the gameplay remains oriented around shooting, shooting, and shooting more. Click.
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Reign of Fire Preview
game: Reign of Fire
preview | 06/23/02 | Monica Hafer
Gearing up to be a summer action hit at the movie theater, Reign of Fire on the PS2 is looking sweeter than Matthew McConaughey\'s belt buckle in Dazed and Confused. So if you\'re looking to mow down some dragons with a load of military might, or if you\'d just like to play for the other team, blazing humans as they get in your way, you need to click here.
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Earth and Beyond Online Preview
game: Earth and Beyond Online
preview | 06/19/02 | Aaron Stanton
Westwood Studios and Electronic Arts are finishing up a MMORPG that has us interested. Earth and Beyond breaks out of the fantasy confines to explore the nether regions of the universe. It looks amazing, plays cool, and we can\'t wait to get our hands on the release version. Click here for more.
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Brute Force Preview
game: Brute Force
preview | 06/15/02 | Jeremy Kauffman
Microsoft and Digital Anvil have teamed up on a squad-based combat game that should have HALO fans wetting their pants. Brute Force allows you and up to three friends to play a cooperative story mode or just deathmatch the heck out of each other. Great visuals and lots of cool details make it one to watch for. Click!
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