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Search for 'games' returned 608 results.

The Future of Video Games Review
game: The Future of Video Games
review | 09/04/02 | Shawn Rider
Australian production company, Next Gen Video, brings us a DVD collection of game footage from E3 2002. If there\'s anything better than seeing screens from these titles, it\'s seeing them in full motion. The Future of Video Games will make you feel like you\'re at the show, and just like E3, it\'s not a perfect package. Click for more.
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Halo 2 Preview
game: Halo 2
preview | 08/14/02 | Shawn Rider
Microsoft and Bungie are at it again, and they\'ve finally copped to a sequel of one of the biggest games of last year. HALO 2 promises online multiplayer support, a focus on squad-based tactics, a larger arsenal of weapons, and a whole lot more of what we loved in the first place. Get the preview here.
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GTC Africa Review
game: GTC Africa
review | 07/25/02 | Jeremy Kauffman
Sick and tired of racing games that take place on closed tracks and in crowded urban areas? Majesco might have your antidote with their latest rally racer, GTC Africa. Sporting some innovative gameplay ideas and some of the best course design we\'ve seen in a long time, gearheads should find something new here. Click for the review.
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INTERVIEW - Richard Garriot, MMO Visonary, Part 2 of 2
Articles Archive | 07/17/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Richard Garriott. Lord British. I remember reading those names when Ultima Online was first announced, about the time when massively multiplayer games first began to come into realization. The names, both describing the same person, are synonymous with boundary-pressing game design and personal adventure. Professionally he's the founder of Origin Systems, the creator of the Ultima series, the power behind one of the first games to pioneer the concept of massively multiplayer. Having become involved with NC Soft and the incredibly popular Lineage, he's still making waves in the world of online role-playing. In person he's a charismatic fellow in blue jeans who just happens to have a lot of experience turning dreamy fantasies into working reality. I got a chance to speak with Garriot at E3 2002.
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INTERVIEW - Richard Garriot, MMO VIsionary - Page 1 of 2
Articles Archive | 07/17/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Richard Garriott. Lord British. I remember reading those names when Ultima Online was first announced, about the time when massively multiplayer games first began to come into realization. The names, both describing the same person, are synonymous with boundary-pressing game design and personal adventure. Professionally he's the founder of Origin Systems, the creator of the Ultima series, the power behind one of the first games to pioneer the concept of massively multiplayer. Having become involved with NC Soft and the incredibly popular Lineage, he's still making waves in the world of online role-playing. In person he's a charismatic fellow in blue jeans who just happens to have a lot of experience turning dreamy fantasies into working reality. I got a chance to speak with Garriot at E3 2002.
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Brittney's Dance Beat Review (PS2)
game: Brittney's Dance Beat
review | 07/13/02 | Monica Hafer
She\'s not yet a woman and not just a girl anymore -- now she\'s a digital character on your PS2 (and we can only hope THQ will have a sense of humor and make her a playable character in one of the WWE titles). Brittney\'s Dance Beat is awesome if you are in the right target audience, and you already know if you are. If you dig dance games, or really love dancing gams, click here.
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EDITORIAL - What Women Want (From Gaming)
Articles Archive | 07/04/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
During the Nintendo press conference at E3, my mind began to wander somewhere that I'm sure they never intended; I began to think about? my mother. It all started during a promotional commercial for their new title, Animal Crossing, in which we see several seconds of humorous footage where a crazed-looking mother has stolen her child's GBA and is sitting at the kitchen table playing while her child attempts to wrest it from her grasp. I couldn't help but recall the stolen hours that my mother had spent on games such as Space Invaders and Legend of Zelda, Tomb Raider and Riven. These were seemingly decadent hours that I'm sure my father thought could have been spent more productively. But as I remember, her gaming was no less earnest than that of her offspring, and I believe she had no less (dare I say it?) fun.
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Bomberman Generation Review
game: Bomberman Generation
review | 06/28/02 | Matt Baldwin
Bomberman is back, and this time he\'s in 3D, cel-shaded graphics that work great. Bomberman Generation shifts the focus of the previous games toward adventure-puzzle gameplay, and our resident Bomberman fanatic just loves it. Click here.
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Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb Preview
game: Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb
preview | 06/23/02 | Jason Frank
It seems like everyone these days wants to get out the old Indy and dust him off. Spielberg has Harrison Ford all lined up for another flick, not due until 2005, and LucasArts returns to the franchise with Indiana Jones and the Emperor\'s Tomb. So far it\'s looking great, and games might be the perfect vehicle to keep Indy alive and whippin\'. Click.
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Virtua Fighter 4 Review (PS2)
game: Virtua Fighter 4
review | 06/11/02 | Eric Qualls
Sure, sure, it\'s a couple of months old, but what the hell -- you\'ll like our review better because it has the benefit of time and space. Eric doesn\'t just want to review Virtua Fighter 4, but also to situate it in the broader scheme of fighting games. Also, it took him two months to get anywhere in the game because it\'s so damn hard. But that\'s something other reviewers will hide. Not us. Click here.
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LOTR: The Two Towers Preview (PS2, GBA)
game: LOTR: The Two Towers
preview | 06/11/02 | Monica Hafer
The Lord of the Rings franchise has been fractured -- games are coming out from both Sierra and EA. EA has the movie license, and that will make all the difference. So far The Two Towers looks amazing, what with the hordes of orcs to cut down and the incredible interplay of film footage and game graphics. Click here to be amazed.
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America's Army Preview (PC)
game: America's Army
preview | 06/08/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
It\'s bizarre to see the US Army making such a PR push. First they produced that reality Web series about boot camp. Now they\'ve created a development house, America\'s Army and two games: Operations and Soldiers. One is an FPS built on the new Unreal engine that should give Clancy fans and their ilk a treat. The other is an RPG. Both are free for the playing. Click for more.
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P.O.W. Preview (Xbox, PC)
game: P.O.W.
preview | 06/06/02 | Aaron Stanton
It\'s World War II, and here you are stuck in a P.O.W. camp. No guns, no killing, none of that traditional war game crap. Codemaster\'s latest endeavor, P.O.W., puts you in the role of an American prisoner trying to escape a German camp. The emphasis is on strategy, stealth, and planning the great escape. Click here for more.
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Sly Cooper and the Thievous Raccoonus Preview (PS2)
game: Sly Cooper and the Thievious Raccoonus
preview | 06/06/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The cel-shading technique is bringing a whole lot of games to life in a cartoony and appealing way. Sly Cooper and the Thievous Raccoonus is no exception. It looks like a cartoon and plays like a mixture of MGS and Mario. Sound like fun? Get more right here.
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Editorial: What Women Want (From Gaming)
editorial | 06/04/02 | Monica Hafer
We saw the guys from WomenGamers.com at E3. Just the guys. We had two women with us on GF! staff, Sarah and Monica, and each year we\'ve noticed more and more women at the show who aren\'t there to sucker guys who haven\'t seen the sun since 1994 to take their photo. But anyone with a sister or mom knows that women dig videogames. Still, women are not quite fully integrated into the gaming world, and Monica has some thoughts about that in her editorial, What Women Want (From Gaming). You really need to read it. Click here.
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