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Search for 'ai' returned 735 results.

Half-Life 2
game: Half-Life 2
review | 12/29/04 | Chris Martin
It's been five years since the original Half-life wowed the world with its brilliantly executed in-game scripting and storytelling; quite a wait for those of us holding our breaths for a full-blown sequel. Now we have it, possibly one of the most beautiful games ever, and with a crowbar that can actually break open barrels this time around. Can it possibly be as good as the original? Find out.
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Lineage II
game: Lineage II
review | 12/27/04 | Jason Frank
Lineage II is the most popular MMORPG in the world. Thousands of individuals worldwide love the game and play it religiously, so much that players in Southeast Asia are occasionally carted off to the hospital after multi-day Lineage II benders. Of course, not everyone is so enamored of the MMORPG genre, or with, specifically, Lineage II. And one of those folks happens to be our own Jason Hickman. We know we're going to take it on this one, but we feel obligated to express an array of opinion, so click the details to read the review, then let the flaming commence.
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Conker: Live & Reloaded
game: Conker: Live & Reloaded
preview | 12/26/04 | Chris Martin
The trash-talkin', poo-whompin', Tediz slaughterin' squirrel is back. Conker: Live and Reloaded is the Xbox update of one of the best platformers for the N64. And although we loved the game on the N64, it's a little hard to imagine Rare spending the time to bring the same game out again on the Xbox. So let's take a hands-on look at the game with our man, Chris, to see just what we can expect, and get a better idea if this game should elicit a big sigh, or a big squeal.
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Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
game: Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
review | 12/26/04 | Jeremy Kauffman
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War brings us the same great action we've come to expect from the franchise. If blowing things up in a jet and really gorgeous visuals are for you, but you can't be bothered with the details of true flight sims, then the Ace Combat games are ideal. Unsung War is no different: Great graphics and tight, easy controls, mixed with a few new feature and a totally laughable storyline mark this as a game for the more arcade-oriented flight enthusiast.
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GamesFirst! Holiday Wishlist! '04: Part 3
Articles Archive | 12/22/04 | Chris Martin
With less than three days until Christmas, it's crunch time for Santa and his helpers. We're all gearing up for big feasts, big trees, and for big game marathons with friends and family on an upcoming winter day. Still kids deep down inside, we're also gearing up for the Christmas morning tree rush, in which the grown men and women (or at least me) here at GF! give up adulthood for a moment and act like children again. What's the number one item we're hoping to find under the tree? Be sure to read Part I and II, posted over the last week or so, and then find out what's really got us hungry here in Part III. After you get done with that, relax, kick off your shoes, and have yourself a wonderful holiday, and a very merry Christmas!
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Super Mario 64 DS
game: Super Mario 64 DS
review | 12/21/04 | Matt James

The Nintendo DS has launched with a dicey line-up of titles, touting one or two great games and a fair number barely worth your time. Mario 64 DS certainly qualifies as one of the first. Don't pick up a DS without this little gem in your pocket, because it's the best the DS has to offer at the moment. Be sure to read our review.
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Forza Motorsport
game: Forza Motorsport
preview | 12/18/04 | Chris Martin
Chris continues his quest for the perfect driving simulation when he gets his hands on the new demo of Forza Motorsport, Microsoft's answer to Gran Turismo. With both Gran Turismo 4 and Motorsport hitting the road side by side in 2005, the question we're all wondering is, How are they going to compare?? Will Motorsport be able to unseat the king? Read Chris's Motorsport preview for details on what keeps Microsoft's title in the race. Check it out.
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Everquest II
game: Everquest II
review | 12/14/04 | Eric Bodrero
With quality competition from games like City of Heroes and World of Warcraft, all arriving in the last year to vie for our monthly subscription dollars, the makers of EverQuest have a much tougher battlefield before them than they did five years ago when the series first helped define the genre. How good of an experience does EverQuest II offer? Is it worth your time in a world awash with MMOGs? Make sure you read Eric's review to find out.
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Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3
game: Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3
review | 12/10/04 | Eric Qualls
There isn't exactly a ton of competition as far as good DBZ games go, but Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3 is the best DBZ game yet. New attacks have been added to shore up the questionable fighting engine of the past, and the result is a game that plays almost exactly like you are watching an episode of the show. Eric tells us all about it here.
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GTA: San Andreas Contest Winner Announced
Articles Archive | 12/02/04 | Shawn Rider
People really win here at GF! Case in point: Catherine Cole will be, in a matter of hours, whiling away her time rounding up her homies in Los Santos and putting the smackdown on suckas from the beach to the mountains. And no whining because you didn't win. Enter our Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines contest for some PC lovin'.
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Midway Arcade Treasures 2
game: Midway Arcade Treasures 2
review | 11/30/04 | Chris Martin
Some people have greater claim to history than others. Britney Spears, who's been a pop icon for somewhere around five years, has a harder time legitimately releasing a Greatest Hits album than say, The Rolling Stones, or The Beatles. But in the videogame industry, few companies can claim history like Midway, and they've put together another collection of classics to let us gamers relive the old-school. How have these forerunners held up over the years? Make sure you read our review to find out if this collection should make it into a loved one's gift pile? or onto your wish list.
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Full Spectrum Warrior
game: Full Spectrum Warrior
review | 11/26/04 | Blaine Krumpe
There's nothing quite like a little realism in a tactical game. Originally developed as a training tool for the U.S. Military, Full Spectrum Warrior tries to separate itself from other strategy games by offering action designed to be like the real thing. Can you keep your soldiers alive under hostile fire? FSW let's you find out.
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Terminator 3: The Redemption
game: Terminator 3: The Redemption
review | 11/23/04 | Jeremy Kauffman
It's so easy to pass by those pesky movie based titles. How often are they any good, really? Most of the time, games based on movies miss the charm or the magic or whatever it was that made the movie good, and serve up nothing but a laundry list of formulaic gameplay. But not always. Read why T3: Redemption isn't just another movie game on rails? well? almost. Check out the full review.
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Guilty Gear Isuka
game: Guilty Gear Isuka
review | 11/22/04 | Eric Qualls
Fans of Guilty Gear X2 have been waiting nearly two years for a sequel, and Sammy has finally delivered it in Guilty Gear Isuka. Eric tells us if it was worth the wait.
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Taiko Drum Master
game: Taiko Drum Master
review | 11/21/04 | Eric Qualls
Taiko Drum Master comes with a special drum controller that you have to beat in time with onscreen icons. How can a game that comes with a drum not be fun? Fans of music and rhythm games are in for a treat. And kids bent on really ticking off the 'rents. And fans of the ancient art of taiko drumming. Or, maybe not...
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