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Search for 'IV' returned 747 results.

twoplayer comic: Too Ugly for E3
comic | 05/18/05 | Aaron Stanton
There\'s nothing better than waking up at 6 in the morning after a night out at a Midway party. Our GF crew is in the process of getting ready for the media breakfast served at the start of each E3. Today\'s E3 twoplayer comic, Too Ugly for E3, refers to the fact that I was the only person on the GamesFirst crew that didn\'t receive my media badge in time for the trip down. While it all worked out, I felt hurt and rejected. Why was I turned away? Twoplayer provided my answer.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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Batman Begins
game: Batman Begins
preview | 05/09/05 | George Holomshek
Movies and video games have not been incredibly kind to the Batman franchise over the years. While some of the blockbuster productions turned out to be better than others, fans of the series have longed for a darker, deeper look at what makes a man parade around in leather armor and a bat cap. Now, Batman Begins promises to give fans a glimpse of Batman's roots, and the game promises to have a much stronger stealth and fear element to it than past games. An all-new Batman seems to be hiding in the shadows, and we can only hope that the new one will be capable of kicking the old one's ass. Check out our preview for more details.
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Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil
game: Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil
review | 05/07/05 | Tristan Mayshark
Released just eight months after Doom 3, this expansion is not completely without flaws, but is pretty to look at, satisfying to play, and adds some much needed variety to Doom 3. It also addresses your character's original inability to wield a flashlight and a weapon at the same time. You don't get to be any more ambidextrous than last time around, but at one point you'll find yourself with a flashlight stuck to your forehead. It's not quite as ideal a solution as using duck tape to strap the light to your gun, but it's a step in the right direction. Check out the full review for more details.
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Call of Duty 2
game: Call of Duty 2
preview | 05/03/05 | Blaine Krumpe
Since the release of Brothers in Arms, World War II FPS games have had a higher standard to work towards in order to compete. Even well established franchises like Call of Duty will have to battle hard to separate themselves from a saturated genre. Blaine breaks away from his original Call of Duty binge to look over what we know about Call of Duty 2. What can we expect from the next generation title?
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Phantom Dust
game: Phantom Dust
review | 04/30/05 | Chris Martin
If you're a fan of the unusual, Phantom Dust offers one of the most unique experiences on the Xbox. Developed to appeal to the Japanese market, this anime-influenced title is stylish, odd, and addicting. As a game unique in the American market, this budget title will devour hours of time for the people willing to give it a shot despite a style that is decidedly outside the mainstream. Read our full review for details.
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Soul Calibur III
game: Soul Calibur III
preview | 04/27/05 | Chris Martin
What do we know about Soul Calibur III? Well, not much, actually. But we've been scrounging around the net and found some of the dirt on Namco's PlayStation 2 exclusive follow-up to the PS2, XBOX, and GameCube smash hit. Read on to find out...
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Matrix Online
game: Matrix Online
review | 04/25/05 |
The Matrix Online is based on a series of movies that are renowned for their fast-paced and choreographed fight scenes. Can a massively multiplayer title possibly hope to convey that same intensity? Can a franchise so dependent on the style of its combat make a good showing in a game that pulls the real-time action in favor of a turn-based system? Find out what our man Larson has to say after experiencing TMO in the weeks before and after its launch.
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Gran Turismo 4
game: Gran Turismo 4
review | 04/21/05 | Chris Martin
The long-awaited sequel to the reigning king of racing simulations is finally here, but is Gran Turismo 4 everything you ever wanted? Refined graphics, updated offerings, and some spiffy tweaks make it appealing, but what about the AI, the lack of some significant licenses, and no online multiplayer support? Check the details for our lowdown.
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DVD-EXTRA STUDIO - An Interview with Clynton Hunt
Articles Archive | 04/18/05 | Chris Martin
ZOOtech is the manufacturer of DVD-Extra Studio. DVD- Extra Studio allows DVD authors to create seriously interactive DVD content, which makes possible games such as the wildly popular UK DVD version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Our man, Chris, finds out why ZOOtech was honored this year with the "Innovation Award" and the "Overall Winner" of the Sheffield Business Awards, and what this technology means for gamers (at least the bits that aren't still secret).
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Konami Focus: Castlevania DS
game: Konami Focus: Castlevania DS
preview | 04/12/05 | George Holomshek
One of the most popular and most enduring series in the history of
video games is the Castlevania series.  How is it that the series
has surviv......
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Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix
game: Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix
review | 04/12/05 | Gary Wong
If there's a console, odds are, there'll be a Tony Hawk game for it. Sure enough, the Sony PSP launched with Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix. How does it compare to the console versions and past portable attempts? What exactly makes this game a remix. Well, you'll just have to read the review to find out.
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Xitel SoundAROUND
game: Xitel SoundAROUND
review | 03/27/05 | Aaron Stanton
Xitel's SoundAROUND is a nifty little device with big claims. The SoundAROUND attempts to create a rich 3D surround sound environment capable of competing with a 5.1 speaker system, but using only two speakers. At the same time that it tries to trick your brain into hearing sounds from behind you when there are no sounds there, it ups the bass without overdriving your speakers. Is it magic? Does it work? Read our review to see how well the actual unit compares to the one Xitel advertises.
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Cops 2170: The Power Of Law
game: Cops 2170: The Power Of Law
review | 03/19/05 | Eric Bodrero
When a game touts mechanical rats capable of shooting at you, it's either a sign of genius, guts, or both on the part of the developer. In the case of Cops 2170, it's just the second; the combination of poor play dynamics and a few key design decisions leave the game with less of a positive punch than we could have hoped. If there is genius here, a few more months of development time before releasing the game onto the public might have made it more apparent. Read our full review to learn more.
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Editorial: The Reality of Games: Do Games Lead to Violence?
Articles Archive | 03/13/05 | Gary Wong
Gamers praise developers for the increasing visual authenticity found in video games. What happens when troubled individuals find too much authenticity in the games they play and take it to an extreme? How much responsibility should the gaming industry shoulder? Should it even be held to any amount of culpability?
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The King of Fighters 2002/2003
game: The King of Fighters 2002/2003
review | 03/09/05 | Eric Qualls
SNK rocks it old school and delivers a solid two disk set that should get any 2D fighting fan excited. The King of Fighters is all about deep combat and interesting characters, and the 2002 and 2003 versions have all of that plus some new twists to keep you hooked. Read our full review.
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