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Search for 'industry' returned 73 results.

If They Were As Smart As We Think We Are
editorial | 12/03/05 | Jeremy Kauffman
We all have ideas for the next big thing, an idea for a game that everyone would love. The big difference between us and the rest of the world is that we can write about our ideas and entertain our delusions of \'having a real effect on the industry.\' To those ends, we present \"If They Were As Smart As We Think We Are,\" Matt and Jeremy\'s forum for sharing some of their hare-brained videogame concepts. We invite you to read and respond.
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What Games Should You Buy With Your Xbox 360 (Part II)
game: Xbox 360
feature | 11/21/05 | Aaron Stanton
Tomorrow. If you\'re up on the game industry, you\'ll know what we\'re talking about. Tomorrow. Midnight. The Xbox 360 hits retail outlets. If you don\'t know what that means, then this article isn\'t for you; the chances of you getting a unit on launch day without a preorder are almost non-existent. The chances of getting your order on launch day, even if you did preorder, might be questionable. Regardless, tomorrow morning, meaning 12:01, thousands of lucky gamers are going to be buying their Xbox 360. This article is Part II of our look at what games you\'ll want to pick up at the same time.
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Lost Garden Challenges Conventional Wisdom of Game Industry
news | 11/11/05 | Shawn Rider
Danc from Lost Garden ruffled a lot of feathers with his article about Nintendo\'s Revolution controller a couple months ago (as did all the greatest gaming websites). Now he\'s come out again with another sharp bit of criticism and advice for the industry: Broaden your horizons, or remain a niche form of entertainment. It\'s easy to forget about how few gamers there really are when we put ourselves into communities where everyone shares our interests. Why is there such a crisis about getting women involved in gaming? Because ultimately, the games industry cannot survive if it does not diversify, both in the people who make games and in the people who play games. Danc\'s article is an absolute must-read for anyone who truly loves games.
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1UP Takes a Look at Gaming Webcomics: Forgets the TP
news | 11/08/05 | Shawn Rider
1UP.com has a good history of web comics dedicated to videogames. It walks through all the major players, from current videogame comic and freedom-fighting Juggernaut, Penny Arcade, to foundational titles like PvP and 8-Bit Theater. These mighty three have spun off entire genres in a fledgling industry, and many have made their rise side by side with the indy gaming website scene. Of course, there\'s no mention of Twoplayer, which has been recognized by sites like Joystiq as not totally sucking. Nevertheless, it\'s a good read and if any of the comics discussed are not on your webcomic radar, then you are really missing out. Check out the 1UP article here: Will Strip for Games: Gaming Comics Online
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A Peak Behind Alice: One Woman's Reasons for Gaming
interview | 11/06/05 | Aaron Stanton
In all the hype of the videogame industry, celebrity gamers and stereotypes often become the representative face of an enthusiast group comprised of some of the most interesting human beings on the planet. Regular gamers are a vast array of individuals: fans who have never been content to merely assimilate to industry wishes, makers who have hack and mod, and young scholars and fashionistas who have legitimized and accessorized games. Sometimes it\'s nice to pull back from the glitz and focus on the grassroots gamers who make up the real gaming community. In an effort to examine the role games play in the life of a single gamer, Aaron spent some time with Janny Stratichuk, one woman who loves her videogames.
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GF! Weekly Wrap-Up Numero Ten-o
podcast | 11/04/05 | Val Townsend
This week in the Wrap-Up, Val Townsend, the Atomic Goddess, takes us for a ride through the wild world of videogame news. It\'s a beautiful thing: reviews of Far Cry: Instincts and Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2, plus a preview of indy game effort Project: Offset, which looks incredible. All of that, plus the latest news in the gaming industry makes this the best 7:37 you\'ll spend this weekend.
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Infinium Labs Under SEC Investigation, Phantom Still Vapor
game: Phantom
news | 11/03/05 | Aaron Stanton
Infinium Labs has faced an upward battle for recognition as a legitimate player in the game industry. Ever since HardOCP.com published an article challenging the track record of Infinium Labs\' founder Tim Roberts, the company has been defending itself as much as it has been promoting their products. Numerous delays in releasing the Phantom game console have not helped their case any, and now they\'re facing additional problems. Apparently, the U.S. SEC is now investigating Infinium Labs for what amounts to unpaid taxes and poor payroll keeping. Just one more brick in the wall...
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GF! Mailbag
editorial | 10/16/05 | Matt James
Matt James is back with the mailbag, and after the mountain of email we got regarding our very non-controversial views on the Nintendo Revolution controller, we\'ve got to hand it to him: He carried that whole big bag up the stairs himself and didn\'t even strain anything. This is a classic edition of the GF! Mailbag: Gamers get fanatical about their hardware, and it\'s amazing how many people are driven to put their thought down although they have very little imagination or vision for how games could be even better than they already are. We\'ve said it before and we\'ll say it again: Sales figures are a false indication of quality.
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Joystiq Puts Together Xbox 360s Content Delivery Plans
news | 10/14/05 | Shawn Rider
In a great analysis of Microsoft\'s latest announcements about Xbox Live Arcade for Xbox 360, Joystiq\'s Vladimir Cole details how Xbox Live Arcade is a growing threat to the traditional retail chain. And that\'s not necessarily a bad thing for game publishers: \"Sure, the games on offer right now are non-threatening casual games, but it's only a matter of time until gamers are downloading entire triple-A titles and not just demos of them. With more and more retailers moving towards the sale of used games, first- and third-party publishers are going to push the direct-to-consumer channel even harder.\" Check out the full story on Joystiq here.
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Indigo Prophecy Review
game: Indigo Prophecy
review | 10/04/05 | Aaron Stanton
Even though adventure games have not been popular since the turn of the millennium, Indigo Prophecy managed to make it onto the shelves. The result is a title with a great interactive story that shifts seamlessly to match your actions on a level rarely seen in video games before. Check out our review to discover why Aaron considers Indigo Prophecy one of the best games ever made, and possibly a defensive tool in a game industry defending itself against political attack.
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Cyan Worlds Confirms They're Back
news | 10/03/05 | Aaron Stanton
Cyan Worlds, makers of Myst, laid off their entire development crew earlier this month and shut their doors for what the gaming industry assumed was forever. Turns out that\'s not the case. Ryan Miller, co-founder of Cyan Worlds, has confirmed to GamesFirst that the company has rehired some portion of their development team. \"Yes, we have rehired most everyone,\" he said. \"At this point, I can\'t really say more.\" Earlier, MercuryNews.com received similar confirmation from Cyan Worlds. Is it possible the game industry has not really lost one of its original pioneers? Sounds like it.
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Video Game Politics for the Informed
news | 09/29/05 | Aaron Stanton
Sometimes the best source of news is a blog, and when a good one shows up we\'re obligated to point it out. If you\'ve never heard of the Game Politics blog on LiveJournal, take note, because it\'s a website that should be a part of every serious gamer\'s morning ritual. The website focuses on news that pertains to video games in the political arena, like anti-game rallies, anti-game legislation, and anti-game personalities. At the moment the site is discussing, among other things, Eidos\'s decision to postpone the release of the hotly debated 25-to-Life until 2006. The \"cop-killer simulation\" has been a center for controversy in the mainstream media. If keeping yourself informed about the industry is important, this is a site you\'ll want to check regularly.
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Circle of Light: The Concept Behind Microsoft's Killer Strategy
editorial | 09/24/05 | Chris Martin
Microsoft isn\'t one to be left behind in the wake of Nintendo\'s announcement of the Revolution\'s controller. They might not be rolling out a redesigned input device, but it doesn\'t mean they aren\'t being revolutionary. What\'s Microsoft\'s revolution? It\'s Live. Their inclusion of the Live service in every Xbox 360 sold makes it clear that they consider the gaming community itself to be the revolutionary aspect of gaming. Take a moment to read about Microsoft\'s approach to the game industry.
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Revolution and the Next Generation of Gaming, or Popular Belief and the Gaming Industry
editorial | 09/20/05 | Chris Martin
Never a crew to let a single viewpoint dominate (we\'re still cleaning up the offices from the Great Console Wars of 01/02), our man Chris Martin has stepped up to the metaphorical typewriter. Those of you who find the Nintendo Revolution a bit too syrupy-sweet and dreamily perfect most likely share some of Chris\' concerns.
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Why Nintendo Gets It, or Why Sony Should Start Trying
editorial | 09/17/05 | Shawn Rider
With the announcement of the Revolution controller, Nintendo has proven that, at least some of the time, they really \"get\" it. Get what? Gaming. In a next-gen lineup that has been, frankly, a total snooze-fest, the Revolution has finally shown us a sliver of light, which we think will broaden into a bright new direction for game design to explore. While Sony and Microsoft are content to release platform upgrades, it looks like Nintendo is the only one attempting to move gaming to a new generation.
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