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Search for 'design' returned 74 results.

Shadow of the Colossus: Incredible
game: Shadow of the Colossus
review | 11/10/05 | Shawn Rider
Sony\'s Shadow of the Colossus is the latest offering from the team behind cult hit, ICO. Colossus has been making waves among gamers because of its completely unique game design: Basically, the game is comprised of 16 of the most massive boss battles ever. But it\'s also one of the most incredibly beautiful games ever created, and it features an amazing narrative that pushes the boundaries of what we\'ve seen in game stories so far. Any gamer worth her salt MUST play this one.
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King Kong on XB360 Public Preview Events in NYC and LA
game: Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie
news | 11/03/05 | Shawn Rider
One of the titles we\'re most excited about this Fall is Peter Jackson\'s King Kong, the game based on the movie. The combination of Peter Jackson\'s visual storytelling and Michel Ancel, Ubisoft\'s resident super game designer, is a potentially dynamic duo that has so far demonstrated an incredible game in the making. Now, Ubisoft sends word that they will host public preview events for the game in New York City and Los Angeles, the week before the game hits stores for pretty much every platform on the planet. The preview events will be major affairs, featuring a full mock-up of Skull Island and 11 kiosks where gamers can experience King Kong, the game, in full big-screen, HD glory on Xbox 360. Get the dates here.
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Kuma Reality Games Hits CNN, Pisses People Off
game: Kuma\War
news | 10/25/05 | Aaron Stanton
Kuma Reality Games, makers of Kuma\\War, found themselves the center of international attention when a petition began circulating requesting the removal of one of their products from the web. The petition, written in Farsi, demands that a mission portraying an American attack on Iran be removed from the website and made unavailable for download. In the body of the petition, the author expresses a concern that the game is designed to measure world sensitivity to a U.S. assault on Iran. \"In my opinion,\" the petition reads, \"this is not something we can easily ignore.\" The petition, and the reaction from the Iranian press in regards to the game, has made it into the top headlines on CNN.com.
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Twoplayer Comic: Modest Proposal Gone Wrong
game: PSP
comic | 10/24/05 | Aaron Stanton
Jack Thompson\'s letter offering to donate $10,000 may have been satirical, but not nearly satirical enough. A number of games designed to meet his criteria have sprung up across the Internet, evidently eager to top the lawyer\'s demand. It\'s a good thing that Jonathan Swift\'s proposal, the one which Thompson compares his own letter to, was a bit more obvious. Crazy things could have happened. Check out this week\'s twoplayer comic, A Modest Proposal Gone Wrong.

Twoplayer game comics are published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com.
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Is World of Warcraft Watching You?
game: World of Warcraft
editorial | 10/15/05 | Aaron Stanton
A recent posting on RootKit.com suggests that Blizzard installs software that watches the personal information of people playing their game. The software is designed to hunt for cheat-ware, but reads the title headings of any window open, regardless of its relation to WoW. The poster reports that he, \"watched the Warden sniff down the email addresses of people I was communicating with on MSN, (and) the URL of several websites that I had open at the time.\" Don\'t like that? Too bad. Considering that it\'s part of Blizzard\'s anti-hacking measures, it might be considered illegal for you to turn it off, or even try to. At what point do we consider this a problem?
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Nintendo DS Trojan: Nintendophiles Get Bricks Too
news | 10/11/05 | Shawn Rider
In a shocking turn of events (and just plain weird event in general), news comes to us through several sources of a Nintendo DS Trojan. The malicious program is known as either \"hentai loader\", \"r0mloader.zip\", or \"taihen.zip\", and is designed to \'brick\' your Nintendo DS. The program promises to load either pirated game roms or hentai (a Japanese term for pornographic comics and cartoons) on your DS when loaded using a flash rom device, which makes it possible to run homebrew applications and games on the Nintendo DS.
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The Chronicles of Narnia Preview
game: Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
preview | 10/06/05 | Aaron Stanton
Sometimes it takes a movie to turn a good idea into a game. The fantasy setting of The Chronicles of Narnia is an ideal world for the basis of a video game, containing monsters, heroes, and mystical creatures. Even separated from its religious basis, the story behind the classic children\'s tales offers everything a game designer could hope for to create a rich, living environment. In November, developer Traveler\'s Tales will be releasing a video game based on the upcoming movie adaptation of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and GamesFirst! has had an opportunity to play through a preview build of the title. What we found is a game worth looking forward to. Check out our preview.
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Playlogic Announces Stealth Devil-Spy Action
game: Diabolique: License to Sin
news | 09/27/05 | Shawn Rider
Playlogic and Metropolis Software have announced Diabolique: License to Sin. Diabolique puts you in charge of Dark Eaville, a super spy with all of the Double-Oh-So-Smoothness of James Bond and all the evil demon-ness of Hellboy. (But he\'s cute like Sean Connery, too.) This is stealth-action mixed with some dark horror: Imagine Sam Fisher meets Blood Rayne. Or MGS meets Soul Reaver. Published by Dutch publisher Playlogic, and developed by Polish design house Metropolis Software, Diabolique: License to Sin looks on first glance like a title US gamers should keep an eye on for import. Get some screens right here.
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Circle of Light: The Concept Behind Microsoft's Killer Strategy
editorial | 09/24/05 | Chris Martin
Microsoft isn\'t one to be left behind in the wake of Nintendo\'s announcement of the Revolution\'s controller. They might not be rolling out a redesigned input device, but it doesn\'t mean they aren\'t being revolutionary. What\'s Microsoft\'s revolution? It\'s Live. Their inclusion of the Live service in every Xbox 360 sold makes it clear that they consider the gaming community itself to be the revolutionary aspect of gaming. Take a moment to read about Microsoft\'s approach to the game industry.
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Why Nintendo Gets It, or Why Sony Should Start Trying
editorial | 09/17/05 | Shawn Rider
With the announcement of the Revolution controller, Nintendo has proven that, at least some of the time, they really \"get\" it. Get what? Gaming. In a next-gen lineup that has been, frankly, a total snooze-fest, the Revolution has finally shown us a sliver of light, which we think will broaden into a bright new direction for game design to explore. While Sony and Microsoft are content to release platform upgrades, it looks like Nintendo is the only one attempting to move gaming to a new generation.
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Revolution Controller REVEALED
news | 09/16/05 | Shawn Rider
Nintendo has finally revealed their groundbreaking controller design for the upcoming Nintendo Revolution console. And it\'s a... remote?!? Sure to cause widespread outbreaks of whiplash as gamers everywhere do a massive doubletake, this proves two things: First, Nintendo has the cojones of a Tanuki. Second, well, Nintendo has some real big balls. Get the scoop on what actually sounds like it could be a real revolution in gaming control (once you get past the doofiness) right here.
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Space Pirates
game: Space Pirates
review | 08/01/05 | Shawn Rider
Space Pirates is another of the video-based videogames released by American Lasergames for systems like 3DO, Phillips CD-I, and Sega CD. Digital Leisure has been reissuing these games formatted for any DVD-capable system, including PC, Mac, DVD players, Xbox, and PS2. Designed to play with a light gun or a DVD remote, this title attempts to make anything with a DVD into a game system. Check out the review to see if this is one to put on your must-play list this summer.
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E3 2005: Ojom's Killer Mobile Games
Articles Archive | 05/27/05 | Shawn Rider
Ojom has been making games for the rest of the world for awhile now, and their innovations in game design and augmented reality have made them incredibly popular in Europe and Asia. We got a chance to sit down with some of the Ojom crew at E3, and we were very impressed with the games we played. Get the rundown on why Ojom is a company to keep an eye on in our detailed look at their current lineup.
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E3 2005: Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented
game: E3 2005: Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented
preview | 05/25/05 | Laurie Taylor
In terms of fear and clever design, the Fatal Frame series is very possibly the most successful trilogy of horror games ever created. Brilliantly introduced in the first Fatal Frame, and refined with the introduction of the first-person view in Fatal Frame 2, the series is looking to once again scare gamers with Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented, due out later this year. Take a look at what the new title has to offer in this E3 preview.
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Age of Empires: The Age of Kings
game: Age of Empires: The Age of Kings
preview | 05/21/05 | Blaine Krumpe
For all of its innovative design and touch screen, so far the DS has not really delivered the kind of different experiences that it has the potential for. Blaine identifies one great use of the touch screen that makes possible a thoroughly enjoying pocket form of Age of Empires: Age of Kings. AoK is a classic turn-based strategy game, and so far the direction this handheld version is taking might make it one of the first pocket strategy games to be as enjoyable as the PC version.
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