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Search for 'wireless' returned 17 results.

Wavebird Wireless Controller Review
game: Wavebird Wireless Controller
review | 08/30/02 | Jason Frank
Nintendo\'s Wavebird Wireless Controller is a serious blessing for Gamecube owners. Featuring the solid construction and quality performance we\'ve come to expect from the Big N, this bad boy will have you sitting 25 feet back from your TV, juggling dinner, homework, and Mario Sunshine all at the same time. Click for the review.
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Nintendo WaveBird Preview (GC)
preview | 06/01/02 | Jason Frank
Nintendo wowed the crowd at E3 with their wireless WaveBird controller. If you\'ve ever tried a wireless controller, you know two things: First, it\'s the wave of the future because cords just plain suck. Second, it\'s never been quite up to snuff, and controller cutouts in the middle of your game suck, too. But count on Nintendo to do it right later this month. Click here.
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