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Search for 'mystery' returned 21 results.

MI: Operation Surma
game: MI: Operation Surma
review | 02/23/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
It's no secret that stealth action games are all the craze these days. And with quite a few looking to be the next big thing, does Mission Impossible- Operation Surma have what it takes to roll with the big names, or is it using its stealth technique to slide into the bargain bin undetected? Colin Yu solves this mystery for us, and he tells all right here.
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game: Kill.Switch
review | 01/11/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
In one word, what is Namco's kill.switch? A mesmerizing story of mystery and drama of the sort not seen often enough in videogames“a thrilling adventure and a top notch action game. That's more than one word I guess, but kill.switch deserves them all and these words as well: Click here for the full review of this surprisingly stunning title.
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Scooby-Doo: Mystery Mayhem
game: Scooby-Doo: Mystery Mayhem
review | 12/07/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Sometimes a well known name is all it takes to sell a game, so not enough work goes in to the game itself. Enter Scooby Doo: Mystery Mayhem, as Scooby and the gang try to score as much loot from gamers' pockets as they possibly can--and they would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't have been for that pesky reviewer Jason Frank. Read here to unmask the mystery of Scooby Doo: Mystery Mayhem.
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Law and Order II
game: Law and Order II
review | 10/16/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Law and Order II: Double or Nothing starts with a pretty good idea. A narrative driven videogame where you spend the first half of the game trying to solve a mystery and the second half of the game going for a conviction in the courtroom sounds like a, innovative, promising concept. How is the execution? Tristan, a long time Law and Order fan, puts this steaming pile on trial. Click here for the verdict.
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INTERVIEW - Dana Bruno of BrunoReport.net
Articles Archive | 11/12/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Dana Bruno runs the one-woman-show, The Bruno Report (www.brunoreport.net), which has been getting more than a little notice recently due to her high profile involvement in the Search 4 E. Search 4 E (www.search4e.org) is a project underway from True Crime Press to utilize Websurfing civillians to help solve the mystery of what happened to the even more mysterious "E" (Ed Sobian, Eric Sobel, or Emil Sobiak, take your pick). Currently there is reluctance in the law enforcement community to take up the missing persons case, largely due to the fact that it is hard to determine whether E was kidnapped or ran away, so in a move spearheaded by James Pitt (the well-known author) and True Crime Press, private investigators have been brought in. The allure of large amounts of money and valuable items found by professional and amateur investigators researching the case has helped generate serious interest.
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EDITORIAL - Why You Didn't Buy a Sega Dreamcast... But Should
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
In the grand scheme of things the Dreamcast hasn't sold as well as it could have and I don't think there's any real mystery as to why this is so. A lot of people felt like they got burnt by the Saturn and they've lost faith in Sega's ability to deliver the goods. Gamers coughed up 299 bucks to take a stroll through the next generation system, but then a little something called the PlayStation showed up and preceded to whoop Sega's ass all up and down the isles of your local videogame store. When Resident Evil came out it gave gamers an experience they'd never had before and the Saturn was on the ropes. Sony landed jabs and uppercuts and if you listened closely you could hear bones breaking. Final Fantasy VII rolled out and "Fatality" echoed in the background. FFVII helped sell a bajillion more Playstations, and the Saturn basically just disappeared. When the dust settled and the blood was mopped up Sony was the undisputed champion of the console world and Sega's mangled remains were unceremoniously kicked aside, and the videogame world moved on.
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