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Search for 'hell' returned 23 results.

Chaos Legion Review
game: Chaos Legion Review
review | 09/11/03 | Eric Qualls
Capcom\'s Chaos Legion storms its way into the gaming scene. Leading a legion of troops against 30+ enemies on screen at once, a little Devil May Cry, a little Dynasty Warriors, loads of hack and slash, and ultimately boring as hell. Eric tells us why right here.
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Savage Preview
game: Savage
preview | 05/22/03 | Aaron Stanton
One thing we love about this job is spotting new games from small, unknown companies, that are going to make big, big waves. Say hello to iGames, the publisher, S2, the developer, and Savage: The Battle for Newerth, the RTSFPS that will have you and 63 of your closest friends staying up all night long. This game is innovative, beautiful, and, most importantly, loads of fun. Check it out here.
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Age of Mythology
game: Age of Mythology
review | 12/20/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The Age of Kings series also gets an update in the latest installment, Age of Mythology. Bruce Shelley and company have created a wonderful strategy game that melds three distinct strains of mythology. Featuring a new 3D engine, you can check out the battles in an array of views. It\'s really a blast to play, so click here for the review.
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Red Faction 2 Review
game: Red Faction 2
review | 11/08/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
THQ has scored more than an ordinary hit with Red Faction 2. Building on the original installment of the series, RF2 offers an amazing story of the kind we don\'t often see in videogames. Sure, the Geo Mod technology is still there, and still fun as hell, but this one is about telling a good tale, and we commend its success.
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Virtua Fighter 4 Review (PS2)
game: Virtua Fighter 4
review | 06/11/02 | Eric Qualls
Sure, sure, it\'s a couple of months old, but what the hell -- you\'ll like our review better because it has the benefit of time and space. Eric doesn\'t just want to review Virtua Fighter 4, but also to situate it in the broader scheme of fighting games. Also, it took him two months to get anywhere in the game because it\'s so damn hard. But that\'s something other reviewers will hide. Not us. Click here.
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Age of Mythology Preview
game: Age of Mythology
preview | 05/05/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Bruce Shelley and the gang have put together a wonderful next installment in the Age of Empires series. Age of Mythology allows you to play several cultures replete with heroes, fantastic creatures, and plenty of heavenly vengeance. The new 3D engine lets you see the action from any angle and zoom. It\'s just beautiful. Click here.
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Your PS2 DVD Player Vs. The Competition
Articles Archive | 10/30/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
So, as I was standing in line at 6:00 a.m., waiting for Big K to open and deliver me my PS2 booty, the hot topic amongst the fellow first-come-first-servers was DVD. None of us doubted the PS2 game system would be hot, but for many people DVD playback was what brought them out to brave hypothermia, and risk social rejection for years to come. (Hey, camping out for a PS2 is a hell of a lot cooler than doing the same for a Furby”you can't even give those things away anymore!) I have to admit I was skeptical.

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The 2000 Interactive Achievement Awards
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences held their third annual Interactive Achievement Awards last Thursday, May 11, 2000 in LA. In the midst of E3, the IAAs have gained some notoriety, and with good reason. It was an all-star event, featuring Martin Short as emcee, and with celebrity guest presenters like Ahmet Zappa, Peter Molyneux, Sid Meier, and Harry Shearer. Of course, some of the winners were luminaries in their own right like Bruce Shelley, Hironobu Sakaguchi, and Will Wright. In all, it was a great evening, and some of the greatest games from the last year were given their proper recognition. Of course, there were some disappointments (Knockout Kings over Tony Hawk's Pro Skater?!?). We've summed it all up below for your viewing pleasure.
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