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02/14/06 | | Chris Martin
category: gone gold
One of the most beloved strategy games of all time makes its way to the Nintendo DS. Ensemble Studios\' juggernaut PC series Age of Empires has been a long time coming, and promises to prove once and for all the value of that touch screen. While Age of Kings has obviously been modified to fit the requirements of gaming on the go, the addition of wireless multiplayer and the ability to carry the game with you anywhere should be enough to get any Age of Empires fans interested in the potential. Official confirmation has gone out: Age of Kings has shipped.

02/01/06 | | Shawn Rider
category: gone gold
Sony Online Entertainment sends word that Untold Legends: The Warrior\'s Code has gone gold and is on-target for a March 13 release date. That\'s almost exactly a year after the launch of the PSP and the first in the Untold Legends series. The first time out, Untold Legends was good, but a bit boneheaded and low on the charisma points. This time out, SOE has taken great pains to make Warrior\'s Code more appealing on virtually every level, plus it now features true online multiplayer. Get more on Warrior\'s Code as well as some spiffy new screens right here.

09/07/05 | | Chris Martin
category: gone gold
It\'s a good week when two anticipated games come out side-by-side. And it\'s a nice rounded release too. Radiata Stories takes up the RPG end and R6: Lockdown is at the FPS end...everyone\'s happy! Wait, we\'re not just happy, we\'re ir-radiata-ing rainbows of joy that these two anticipated titles are finally here!

08/31/05 | | Shawn Rider
category: gone gold
Bet On Soldier: Blood Sport takes a high energy FPS starting point and amps it up with some novel approaches to multiplayer gameplay. In BOS, you live and die by your victories, and this war isn\'t waged for peace or freedom; this war is waged for ratings and money. UK gamers will be enjoying Bet On Soldier for PC in a few short weeks, and hopefully we\'ll get to check it out so we can know whether or not to riot in the streets until it comes to the US.

08/30/05 | | Shawn Rider
category: gone gold
Dynasty Warriors 5 comes out on September 13. Featuring 48 playable characters and some new gameplay elements, this could be a good one for when killing a dozen or two enemies in an FPS isn\'t enough, and only slaughtering a virtual army of thousands can really take the edge off.

05/05/03 | | Matt James
category: gone gold
Rockstar hasn\'t stopped the rockin\', and their latest offering, Midnight Club II is certainly faster and more furious than its predecessor. Bringing the thrill of illegal street racing to LA, Paris, and Tokyo is just the beginning. Go global on this bad boy using the online adapter and you\'re in for a world of joy. Click here for more.

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