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Search for 'all' returned 872 results.

Are You Ready for Code Age?
game: Code Age Commanders
preview | 12/14/05 | Amanda Bateman
We all love post-apocalyptic video games, don\'t we? Of course we do! Square-Enix\'s Code Age Commanders takes us to a world where humans, warheads, and self-propelled mobile phones co-exist together in a stylized action adventure game which will be appearing on American shores in the near future. CAC hasn\'t seen a lot of popularity in Japan, but will an English language release make it a hit? Amanda checks out the entire Code Age Project for us.
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Movies Made by The Movies
game: The Movies
news | 12/13/05 | Aaron Stanton
The Movies has disappointed a lot of people by being a great sim game, but a less than flexible Machinima tool. The sandbox mode, instead of being an unlimited playground for creative use, is limited in some respects by what you\'ve unlocked in the campaign mode. In an attempt to highlight the fan community\'s use of their game as a way to express themselves, Activision is bringing attention to one fan created movie called, \"The French Democracy.\" And they\'ve chosen well. Retelling the events of the French riots in October of 2005, it\'s easily one of the most interesting examples of using The Movies as a creative tool we\'ve seen.
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Kosumi Review
game: Kosumi
review | 12/13/05 | Chris Galbraith
Did you used to love games until your soul got sucked away and you spent day after day staring at three walls of a cubicle? Now you just can\'t find \"the time\" to play games as much as you\'d like? We\'ve got your solution: Kosumi is a multiplayer, turn-based strategy game that moves slowly, which might be just the thing for some gamers. Check out Chris Galbraith\'s review for all the details about this work-friendly gaming experiment.
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Madden NFL 06 Review
game: Madden NFL 06
review | 12/12/05 | Jeremy Kauffman
Madden 06 brings the gridiron to the Xbox 360. With graphics built from the ground up for the next generation system, it is prettier than ever, and sports a few gameplay tweaks to boot. But like all of the EA Sports lineup, it is curiously missing some features and seems to be catered to hardcore fans. So what\'s the final verdict? Read Jeremy\'s full review here.
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King's Quest IX is Saved By Gamer Loyalty
game: King's Quest IX (Now The Silver Lining)
news | 12/11/05 | Aaron Stanton
We here at GamesFirst want to congratulate everyone working on the King\'s Quest IV project, and a thumbs up to everyone that helped save it. On December 9th, 2005, Vivendi Universal, who owns the publishing rights to King\'s Quest, announced that they would allow King\'s Quest IV to be developed with a name change to, \"The Silver Lining.\" This came about after the gaming community pulled together and made enough noise to change Vivendi\'s mind, who had shut down the project with a cease and desist letter. Kudos to Vivendi, as well, for being a large company that\'s still willing to change its mind from time to time.
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Call of Duty 2: Big Red One Review
game: Call of Duty 2: Big Red One
review | 12/10/05 | George Holomshek
Activision\'s Call of Duty series has been a big hit, so it\'s only natural that fans are excited about Call of Duty 2: The Big Red One. Exploring the campaigns of Russia, Central Europe and North Africa, Call of Duty 2 offers a cinematic FPS experience that is intense and gritty. Smoke and dirt and explosive action makes the visuals as beautiful as they are terrifying. George has battled through COD2: The Big Red One on the current-gen consoles, and has brought back this report from the front.
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NBA Live 06 Review
game: NBA Live 06
review | 12/09/05 | Chris Martin
Are graphics all they\'re cracked up to be? Has the NBA Live franchise regained its prestige? And what happened to franchise mode? There are two basketball titles to make it to the Xbox 360 launch: NBA 2K6 and NBA Live 06. One is good, the other, not so good. Woe is you that picks up the wrong title, because while one is a blast, the other will have you throwing your controller in frustration. Is NBA 2K6 the good one, or the bad one? Read on to find out if EA Canada\'s port of Live 06 is worth your money.
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So Tired of Being Cool: The Mold of Game Marketing
editorial | 12/09/05 | Aaron Stanton
The gaming industry has grown large; Hollywood large. This means that while we can expect to find more and more gamers in the general population, we can also expect large companies to milk that success for all it\'s worth. If you think the images shown in game ads are accurate, think again; the people you see in video game ads tend to be more telling about the demographic they\'re targeting than about the current audience. Someone is trying to make video games cool, and it cramps our style.
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Degrees in Game Design Help Gamers and Nongamers
editorial | 12/08/05 | Laurie Taylor
Ted Rueter\'s editorial trashing game studies and game design programs in colleges and universities has really gotten the dander up around the GF! offices. One of our resident gaming academics, Laurie Taylor, who is finishing her PhD in English studying games, responds to Rueter\'s criticisms in the best possible way: refutation and redirection. Laurie points out the wonderfully sensible fact that if people want less violent, better games, then they had better study games in order to find out how to create those new experiences.
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Degrees in Game Design Threaten American Colleges?
editorial | 12/07/05 | Shawn Rider
Jack Thompson jokes wearing thin? We understand. After all the coverage Thompson has gotten, we\'re pretty bored with his ranting. But the game world needs a new hysterical voice to mock and deride, which is why we are happy to present Ted Rueter, Assistant Professor of Political Science at DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana. Professor Rueter has written an editorial in College News against colleges adopting game design courses and degrees of study, which, he says, \"kidnap American education.\" Needless to say, we disagree.
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Hammer & Sickle Review
game: Hammer & Sickle
review | 12/05/05 | Sean Hilliard
Hammer & Sickle is the latest turn-based RPG to hit store shelves. Does it stand up next to previous hits like Fallout and KOTOR? Do Soviets really have more fun? Are a hammer and sickle in-game weapons? Is Rambo cool enough to merit his own skill set? Or should this game just be nuked? Find out in Sean\'s full review.

EDITOR\'S NOTE: Our initial version of this review featured some inaccurate information about the character classes available in H&S. We have since corrected our review, and we apologize for any confusion this error may have caused.
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Project Gotham Racing 3 Review
game: Project Gotham Racing 3
review | 12/05/05 | Chris Martin
PGR 3 is one of the most highly anticipated games to launch with Xbox 360. The Project Gotham series has become a staple of the gaming landscape: The hottest cars and the hottest graphics out there are found in this game. Our man Chris Martin has dreams of tearing up race courses all over the world, and PGR 3 fulfills those dreams. Check in for the complete review.
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GF! Mailbag
feature | 12/04/05 | Matt James
This week in the Mailbag, we\'ve got all kinds of media-centric inquiries, ranging from the Xbox 360\'s media features to getting media onto the PSP and a few more tips to help you find an HDTV that will be compatible with the PlayStation 3. As usual, Matt James has put all of the best letters of the week together for your reading pleasure.
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If They Were As Smart As We Think We Are
editorial | 12/03/05 | Jeremy Kauffman
We all have ideas for the next big thing, an idea for a game that everyone would love. The big difference between us and the rest of the world is that we can write about our ideas and entertain our delusions of \'having a real effect on the industry.\' To those ends, we present \"If They Were As Smart As We Think We Are,\" Matt and Jeremy\'s forum for sharing some of their hare-brained videogame concepts. We invite you to read and respond.
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NHL 2K6 Review
game: NHL 2K6
review | 12/01/05 | Jeremy Kauffman
Hockey has been through some hard times, but we\'re finally enjoying a year back on the ice. Also returning to the arena is 2K Sports\' franchise installment, NHL 2K6. NHL 2K6 makes its way onto the Xbox 360 with a graphical polish and some additions to gameplay. Is this the must own hockey game for the next generation? And can the enhancements made for the 360 version make it worth the 360 price tag? Jeremy has the full review here.
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