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Search for 'action' returned 376 results.
game: Conker Live & Reloaded
review | 08/15/05 | Laurie Taylor
Conker was pretty much mindblowing when it came out for the N64. Of course, that was back in the day when GTA looked a lot like playing with Matchbox cars. Now that the gratuituous naughty humor is a bit more common in gaming, how does everyone\'s favorite raunchy squirrel hold up? Check Laurie\'s review for more.
game: Dragon Ball Z: Sagas
review | 08/15/05 | Blaine Krumpe
Dragonball Z: Sagas is out now for the big three consoles, and, well, it\'s another Dragonball game. Unfortunately, we\'ve seen power levels much higher than this in the past, and, well, Blaine will break the news to you as gently as possible in his review.
game: Actiontec 54 Mbps Wireless Bridge
review | 07/15/05 | Chris Martin
Actiontec has been making wireless bridges for a long time, but none so small and sleek as the Actiontec 54 Mbps Wireless Router. We've tested it, we've played with it, we've even yelled at it. We've got the scoop here!
game: Psychonauts
review | 07/06/05 | Chris Martin
This year, a number of great titles have appeared, but none have gotten us as stir-crazy as the newest intellectual property from game writer and director Tim Schafer. Psychonauts is one of the most enjoyable games to come around in a long time; find out why inside.
game: Alan Wake
preview | 06/22/05 | Monica Hafer
Alan Wake was one of the standout games of E3 2005 (not to mention the dreamiest of male gaming characters). Featuring a psychological thriller storyline and amazing night/day and physics effects, this is a game unlike most others. Unfortunately, Remedy does not even have a publisher for this title. Our gal, Monica, has the details here.
game: E3 2005: Aeon Flux: A First Look
preview | 05/28/05 | Monica Hafer
Aeon Flux has become a cult phenomenon. With a movie and a game launching almost simultaneously, we'll have enough fluxifaction to sustain even a city park full of fanboys (and girls). We have first impressions of the game directly from the E3 floor and Monica talked with game Producer Raymond Holmes about the title.
comic | 05/21/05 | Aaron Stanton
E3 is done with, at least in terms of the show floor. The doors finally closed on an exhausted crowd at 4 in the afternoon on Friday, locking away all of those wonderful games for another year (those that are not releasing soon, at least). \"One Last Line,\" is the last of our E3 comics, and tomorrow we return to our regular color twoplayer. Writing about what we\'ve seen is now the only distr
action we have to worry about here at GF. No more of this running around getting exercise; now we can really get to the coverage.
Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at
game: E3 2005: Okami
preview | 05/20/05 | Laurie Taylor
Capcom\'s Okami blends watercolor fluidity with a mythologized storyline to create a beautiful and immersive game. To get the full effect of the game\'s beauty, you have to see it in motion and actually try out the blend of action and painting, but you can get the next best thing in Laurie\'s preview.
game: Act of War: Direct Action
review | 05/14/05 | Eric Bodrero
If you've been craving a quality RPS game - with beautiful graphics, good story, and great gameplay - Act of War might be for you. This detailed and intricate strategy game uses many of the established norms in terms of features, but mixes them up well enough that they're still fun to play without shaking things up too much. Be sure to read our full review for the inside details on what makes this game work, and what makes it worth your time.
game: Phantom Dust
review | 04/30/05 | Chris Martin
If you're a fan of the unusual, Phantom Dust offers one of the most unique experiences on the Xbox. Developed to appeal to the Japanese market, this anime-influenced title is stylish, odd, and addicting. As a game unique in the American market, this budget title will devour hours of time for the people willing to give it a shot despite a style that is decidedly outside the mainstream. Read our full review for details.
game: Matrix Online
review | 04/25/05 |
The Matrix Online is based on a series of movies that are renowned for their fast-paced and choreographed fight scenes. Can a massively multiplayer title possibly hope to convey that same intensity? Can a franchise so dependent on the style of its combat make a good showing in a game that pulls the real-time action in favor of a turn-based system? Find out what our man Larson has to say after experiencing TMO in the weeks before and after its launch.
game: Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade
review | 04/13/05 | Shawn Rider
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade is a hack-and-slash dungeon crawling RPG that brings classic Diablo-style gameplay to your PSP. It's got great graphics, a deep character development system, and is pretty much a hoot to play with friends. But like so many RPG protagonists, it is as flawed as it is brilliant. Curse the darkness, or get the light right here.
Articles Archive | 03/13/05 | Gary Wong
Behind every successful video game are a team of developers who work long, hard hours to create the best product they can for you, the gamer. When those developers work too long and too hard without just compensation, EA_Spouse voices their concerns. We talk to her about the mainstream reaction to her article, EA's recent market moves, and GameWatch, her new project to illuminate quality of life issues in the game development industry.
game: Ubisoft Focus: Far Cry: Instincts
preview | 01/12/05 | Chris Martin
There's some great first person shooters coming into sight this year on the consoles that once hailed only on the PC. Doom III, Half-Life 2, Far Cry: Instincts. As soon to be first to market, Far Cry is more than just a port of its PC counterpart, but a game flushed out with new weapons, levels, and design criteria. Check out what's coming for the PS2, Xbox, and GameCube a little bit down the line. Finally console gamers get to have a go at one of the best games in the genre.
game: Alien Hominid
review | 01/02/05 | Laurie Taylor
It's always good to see a game developed independent of the mainstream industry, as is the case of Alien Hominid, a side scrolling mountain of action that scores points with anyone that has a taste for old-school, Contra-style gameplay. Read why this stylistic GameCube and PS2 title is well worth your time.
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