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Search for 'DS' returned 502 results.

Spyro: Shadow Legacy
game: Spyro: Shadow Legacy
review | 11/17/05 | Laurie Taylor
Spyro: Shadow Realm is more than a little shady. In fact, it\'s all we can do to keep from making a dragon-doo joke. But this one is for the kids, so let\'s keep it clean. Spyro: Shadow Legacy is a deeply flawed game, with unfinished, glitchy gameplay. It doesn\'t take long for the game to get repetitive, and the fact that half of the game is just the first half with a different color palette doesn\'t help. Check Laurie\'s review for the lowdown on Spyro: Shadow Legacy.
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Redefine the Grind: Sociolotron and the Atypical Gamer (Part Two)
game: Sociolotron
feature | 11/14/05 | Shawn Rider
Last week we published the first part of Shawn\'s in-depth look at the twisted world of Sociolotron. Billed as the ultimate adult MMORPG, Sociolotron features unprecedented levels of player freedom and sexual gameplay. But Shawn found that, much like novels by the Marquis de Sade, the bizarro sex quickly becomes banal and the real meat of the game lies in the ways players build their characters and live out alternative lives within the game. In Part Two of his feature, Shawn talks to senior citizen male prostitutes, lesbian lovers, and a wheelchair-bound mafioso who commands four in-game sex slaves. He also talks to Patrick Lagny, who has created Sociolotron almost single-handedly, about what motivates him to make such a game.

Needless to say, this article features explicit language and frank descriptions of adult and sexual themes. Reader discretion is advised.
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Resident Evil 4 for PS2
game: Resident Evil 4
review | 11/13/05 | Laurie Taylor
Resident Evil 4 is a massive lurch forwards for the quintessential survival horror franchise. A completely new control scheme makes RE4 a much more agile, fast-paced game experience, and the storyline is a refreshing departure from the old \"take out the secret Umbrella experiment\" rigmarole we\'ve gotten used to. This isn\'t your mother\'s Resident Evil game. Making its debut on the PlayStation 2 after a huge success on the Gamecube, RE4 is finding a whole new audience. Our woman Laurie gets down to business with Capcom\'s venerable old franchise, and she likes what she finds.
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Civilization IV Review
game: Civilization IV
review | 11/13/05 | George Holomshek
Sid Meier\'s Civilization IV is the latest in one of the most venerable game series ever created. Civilization is an amazing game, and the latest incarnation proves that solid gameplay withstands the ages. Even so, the improvements this time around make Civilization a bit more approachable while offering die-hard fans a bit more of a streamlined strategy experience. Get the full story from George, right here.
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Microsoft Releases Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility List
game: Xbox 360
news | 11/12/05 | Aaron Stanton
Microsoft has released an initial list of Xbox games that will be supported for emulation on Xbox 360. We know Halo and Halo 2 will be featured (and it\'s rumored that they will sport some kind of extra buffs and/or graphical polish), but what else can we expect? Just to save you some time and alleviate your worries, we\'re glad to confirm the following titles are on the supported games list: Barbie Horse Adventures: Wild Horse Rescue, Circus Maximus, BMX XXX, and the entire Cabela\'s Xbox catalog. So you\'re pretty much covered.
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GF! Weekly Wrap-Up Podcast #11
podcast | 11/11/05 | Val Townsend
Here it is, another episode of the GamesFirst! Weekly Wrap-Up. This week Val takes a look at the latest news stories, as well as reviews of Shadow of the Colossus for PS2 and GameTap, the new broadband gaming service for PC. She also has a preview of the very intriguing second-generation Xbox 360 title, Crackdown, which comes from the creator of the original GTA and Lemmings. You know you want it, and it\'s right here.
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X-Men Legends 2: Rise of Apocalypse
game: X-Men Legends 2: Rise of Apocalypse
review | 11/11/05 | Shawn Rider
X-Men Legends 2: Rise of Apocalypse is the sequel to last year\'s breakout hit, and the return of the franchise is triumphant. The PSP version of Rise of Apocalypse features all the goodness of the home console versions, including a robust online multiplayer mode that lets you team up with players from all over the world. With a great X-Men story, super satisfying action-RPG gameplay, and loads of extras and unlockables, Rise of Apocalypse is one of the best things out for PSP right now.
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Google Maps Risk
game: GM Risk
news | 11/11/05 | Shawn Rider
The release of the Google Maps API has led to all kinds of fun experiments, from the Xbox 360 Kiosk maps to Google Map overlays for the NYC subway system and walking tours of people\'s favorite places. One industrious gamer, Teh Diplomat, has written a version of Risk played on Google Map overlays. The game is still being fine-tuned, but for the most part it\'s there and it works. Playing on the satellite map of the world is pretty fun, and Risk is, well, a classic. Check it out.
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GameTap Review
game: GameTap
review | 11/07/05 | George Holomshek
GameTap is Turner Broadcasting\'s newest offering. It is a broadband games-on-demand service that allows unlimited play of hundreds of games for about $15 per month. If you\'re a hardcore retro-gaming junky, there\'s loads to love here: Games are precisely emulated like the original systems, and systems range from Atari 2600 through Commodore 64 to Dreamcast and Sega 32x. Oh, and we hear there\'s some TV-like stuff on it, too.
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1UP.com Runs DS Wi-Fi Around the Track
game: Mario Kart DS
news | 11/06/05 | Aaron Stanton
We\'re only days away from the release of Mario Kart DS, the most recent iteration of Nintendo\'s popular franchise and the first DS title to use Wi-Fi to play on Nintendo\'s online service. This close to release, review copies and test builds have been making their way to various members of the gaming community, including 1UP.com, which now has an article on the Nintendo Wi-Fi adapter. The article shows screenshots of installing the software on a PC, and connecting to it via Mario Kart DS. Give it a week, and you\'ll probably be able to see these screens for yourself.
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King Kong on XB360 Public Preview Events in NYC and LA
game: Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie
news | 11/03/05 | Shawn Rider
One of the titles we\'re most excited about this Fall is Peter Jackson\'s King Kong, the game based on the movie. The combination of Peter Jackson\'s visual storytelling and Michel Ancel, Ubisoft\'s resident super game designer, is a potentially dynamic duo that has so far demonstrated an incredible game in the making. Now, Ubisoft sends word that they will host public preview events for the game in New York City and Los Angeles, the week before the game hits stores for pretty much every platform on the planet. The preview events will be major affairs, featuring a full mock-up of Skull Island and 11 kiosks where gamers can experience King Kong, the game, in full big-screen, HD glory on Xbox 360. Get the dates here.
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Gamer Builds Revolution Controller, Releases Video Playing Half-Life 2
game: Revolution
news | 10/29/05 | Aaron Stanton
With the Xbox 360 only a few weeks away, the next generation consoles are about to begin the process of officially becoming this generation. With all the energy building up around the pending 360 release, it\'s not surprising that the Nintendo faithfull are speculating about what their system is going to play like. We\'ve all seen video, but very few have had any chance to really sit down with the Nintendo controller. Well, one creative gamer assembled a Nintendo Revolution controller out of pieces and parts of computer equipment he had around the house. Then he played Half-Life 2 with it. Then posted instructions and videos.
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PSP 2.0 Firmware Homebrew Loader Released
game: EBoot Loader v0.7
news | 10/26/05 | Shawn Rider
A developer known as Fanjita has released a version 2.0 homebrew loader for PSP, which brings Sony vs. The Hackers pretty much even again: Now, you can load your PSP up with the latest games (which are requiring you to have version 2.0 firmware) and you can play your homebrew games, applications and emulators. Plus, you get the new version 2.0 features including the much-appreciated web browser. But don\'t go jamming that X-Men Legends 2 UMD in your machine and update all willy-nilly. There\'s a method to upgrading your PSP.
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Kuma Reality Games Hits CNN, Pisses People Off
game: Kuma\War
news | 10/25/05 | Aaron Stanton
Kuma Reality Games, makers of Kuma\\War, found themselves the center of international attention when a petition began circulating requesting the removal of one of their products from the web. The petition, written in Farsi, demands that a mission portraying an American attack on Iran be removed from the website and made unavailable for download. In the body of the petition, the author expresses a concern that the game is designed to measure world sensitivity to a U.S. assault on Iran. \"In my opinion,\" the petition reads, \"this is not something we can easily ignore.\" The petition, and the reaction from the Iranian press in regards to the game, has made it into the top headlines on CNN.com.
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Tracking Xbox 360 Kiosks
news | 10/22/05 | Shawn Rider
As the Xbox 360 begins to show up around the country in retail kiosks gamers are frothing for a chance to get some hands-on time with the system. To assist you in finding a retail location with an Xbox 360 kiosk, someone has created a Frapper map that charts the locations of retail 360 kiosks by plugging into Google maps. Users can add waypoints, comments and images. There is a severe lack of imagery, though, so gamerss with phonecams, get ye to the local megalomart. And then post them up on the Xbox 360 Retail Kiosks Map.
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