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Search for 'NDS' returned 274 results.

20 New Trauma Center Screens
game: Trauma Center: Under the Knife
news | 08/21/05 | Shawn Rider
Trauma Center: Under the Knife really impressed many on the GamesFirst! crew at E3, and we\'re happy to have the chance to share 20 new screenshots with you. Check out the tense surgical action of the first medical simulation for Nintendo DS to make it to the states, and then click over to our E3 preview of Trauma Center: Under the Knife to find out why this is one title that should be on your Nintendo DS radar this holiday season.
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GF! Kicks Off Weekly Podcast
podcast | 08/19/05 | Shawn Rider
We\'re happy to release the first of our weekly podcasts from the world of GamesFirst! featuring Val Townsend, the Atomic Goddess. This week we cover recent hardware news from Microsoft and Nintendo, review Dungeon Siege II, Conker Live & Reloaded, and Dragonball Z Sagas, and finish up with a look at The Battle for Orion\'s Belt, a mobile phone-based strategy shooter featuring team battles via your cellular handset.
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Water Cooler Games Slams IGDA's Sex & Games Group
news | 08/18/05 | Shawn Rider
The International Game Developers Association (IGDA) has created a Special Interest Group to investigate the issue of \"sex in games.\" They\'ve gotten a handful of developers with an interest in the topic together, and they\'re investigating issues developers are currently facing. Sounds useful at the start, but Ian Bogost, noteworthy gaming journalist, has posted a critique of the effort on Watercooler Games that has us nodding our heads.
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Nintendo Announces GB Micro Release + DS Price Drop
news | 08/18/05 | Shawn Rider
The Big N is back with some little news that should make some gamers really happy. The Game Boy Micro release date has been spilled, and this news comes hot on the heels of the news of a Nintendo DS price drop scheduled for next week. Get your touching fingers ready...
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Beta Signups Open for Mobile Online Space Shooter
game: The Battle for Orion's Belt
news | 08/17/05 | Shawn Rider
Cellufun is bringing The Battle for Orion\'s Belt to the mobile scene. This mobile space combat action game will allow up to eight player deathmatches and the formation of \"cliques\" for online cooperative play. Sounds fun. Adventurous and social gamers will definitely want to check out what\'s going on with the Beta signups, which are open right now.
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KOEI Announces Game Lineup for Tokyo Game Show
news | 08/12/05 | Shawn Rider
Koei has announced some new titles they will display at the Tokyo Game Show, which starts Friday, Sept. 16.
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Forza Motorsport: 10 Quick and Easy Steps to Tuning Your Ride
Articles Archive | 07/20/05 | Chris Martin
Hands down, Forza Motorsport is one of the best racing games around. When Microsoft introduced this brilliant title, they were aiming for the throat of the Gran Turismo franchise, and they did a magnificent job of scoring a critical hit. Now that you've got a copy of the game, learn how to optimize your cars for the best racing possible. You shouldn't race without reading this guide. If you don't, you'll probably lose to the people that do.
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The Legend of Zelda: Hands On Impressions, or The Adventure of George in Nintendoland
preview | 06/16/05 | George Holomshek
It seems that no one on the planet could be more of a Zeldaphile than our own George Holomshek. Seriously, the guy\'s nuts for Link. So at E3 this year we unleashed George on the unknowing PR people at Nintendo. George came out with extensive impressions of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
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E3 2005: F.E.A.R. - First Encounter Assault Recon
game: E3 2005: F.E.A.R. - First Encounter Assault Recon
preview | 06/01/05 | Blaine Krumpe
There are few things more mysterious than secret government research facilities. Whether it's the combination of the unknown, the possibility of really bizarre experiments going on, or the fact that a lot of them seem to be underground, government research labs gone bad claim their share of would-be horror games, and spark the imagination. F.E.A.R., an upcoming horror FPS, ventures once again into the depths of a government lab in search of answers. Can it hold up in a genre weighted by competition? Our man Blaine reports his thoughts after some hands-on at E3.
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E3 2005: X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse
game: E3 2005: X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse
preview | 05/30/05 | George Holomshek
X-Men Legends was a popular title, and X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse looks to be a significant improvement. New features and gameplay elements should satisfy both hardcore X-Men fans as well as the general gaming audience.
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E3 2005: Kameo: Elements of Power
game: E3 2005: Kameo: Elements of Power
preview | 05/27/05 | Eric Bodrero
One of the Xbox 360 titles that Microsoft was demonstrating at this year's E3 was Kameo: Elements of Power. Originally announced for the GameCube, then the Xbox, and finally settling on the Xbox 360 as an exclusive, this massive adventure title will help launch the new system. With huge battles involving thousands of enemy A.I. and a style that looks to target the Zelda-fan demographic, Kameo is one to watch. Check out our E3 2005 preview.
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E3 2005: Hands-on With Gears of War
game: E3 2005: Hands-on With Gears of War
preview | 05/24/05 | Aaron Stanton
One of the more polished games shown for the Xbox 360 at E3 2005, Gears of War is an over-the-shoulder shooter with a style reminiscent of Brute Force, only fun to play. While the world was wondering what the next generation titles would look like, screens from Gears of War have been on the Internet since E3 2004, when they were shown off under a different name for an Unreal 3 engine demonstration. Now we get to see more details about how the game plays as Aaron checks out the title behind closed doors.
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E3 2005: Okami
game: E3 2005: Okami
preview | 05/20/05 | Laurie Taylor
Capcom\'s Okami blends watercolor fluidity with a mythologized storyline to create a beautiful and immersive game. To get the full effect of the game\'s beauty, you have to see it in motion and actually try out the blend of action and painting, but you can get the next best thing in Laurie\'s preview.
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First Impressions - Hands on with the Game Boy Micro
Articles Archive | 05/19/05 | George Holomshek
What's "just a hair bigger than an iPod Mini and 2/3 the weight?" The new Game Boy Micro. Nintendo unveiled the new teeny-tiny game system in a variety of skins and colors at this year's E3, and George, our resident Nintendophile, is the lucky guy who got to take it for a test drive.
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twoplayer comic: Meet Xbox 2 (Part 3)
comic | 05/01/05 | Aaron Stanton
We\'re two weeks from E3 2005. That sounds like a lot of fun, but it\'s really just a lot of work for us in the industry, and if there\'s one thing we at GF! generally dislike, it\'s work. It also means that we only have 12 days until Microsoft unveils their next-generation game console, so we figure there\'s still time for Meet Xbox 2 (Part 3) before we move on to poking fun at some other companies and games in the industry. For a little insight into what goes on behind the comics, including a little bit about the daily twoplayer comics we\'ll be doing over E3, be sure to read about it here (after checking out this weeks cartoon, of course). Remember, you can always find the latest twoplayer comics at http://comics.gamesfirst.com.
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