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Search for 'art' returned 549 results.

Dead Rising Preview and Hands-On with some Maladroit Zombies
game: Dead Rising
preview | 05/28/06 | Chris Martin
While we\'ve had our fill of space-age RPGs and the like, taking a tire iron to the face of a walking undead never becomes antiquated. Capcom\'s phenomenon Dead Rising is looking better than ever, with fixed framerate issues and polished, open-ended gameplay, not to mention the ability to smash a zombie with literally everything and anything you can get a hold of. It\'s \"Shawn of the Dead\" meets \"Resident Evil\" in Capcom\'s most promising IP since \"Devil May Cry.\"
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The New N-Gage: The System that Could
game: N-Gage
preview | 05/28/06 | RJ Brooks
Though the N-Gage hardware might be gone, the N-Gage spirit apparently won\'t die. Nokia has changed the N-Gage from a portable gaming device into a portable gaming network available exclusively to Nokia customers. The network will provide downloadable games to many different types of cell phones, not just a specific one pushed as a gaming device. Set to launch in 2007, the service will offer both first and third party titles. If you\'re interested in Nokia\'s push to return to the world of gaming, read about the rebirth of the N-Gage.
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CivCiy: Rome Preview
game: CivCity: Rome
preview | 05/22/06 | Blaine Krumpe
Combining elements from classic strategy games like Civilization and classic sim games like SimCity, CivCity: Rome from 2K Games focuses on the Roman Empire at a level we haven\'t seen before. This top down strategy puts you in control of Rome on the ground level, starting you off as a lowly farmer and letting you rise to the level of Caesar, if you\'re good enough. You\'ll not only choose which buildings are built within your city, but how they\'re managed and how smoothly they function. CivCity: Rome looks to be a genre blending title that\'s built by people that know what they\'re doing. Take a look at our preview for more information.
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Qmotions Shapes Up Gamers With New Sports Peripherals
preview | 05/21/06 | Monica Hafer
For any gamer who wants to get in shape, or who just wants to add a little more movement to their gaming experience, the new additions to the Qmotions family will get you in the game in a completely different way. Featuring the Xboard \"boarding game\" controller, a funky exercise bike controller, and both baseball an golf simulators, Qmotions lineup is looking good. And the best part is, these devices are coming in at realistic prices, which, our friend Monica believes, should open up these possibilities to more mainstream gamers.
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Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday Review
game: Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday
review | 05/21/06 | Sean Hilliard
Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday may not be the casual gamer\'s best intro to the uberhardcore world of wargaming, but it\'s not half bad, either. If you\'re a n00b to the strategy wargame, then you might want to cut your teeth somewhere else. But if you\'re aching for some serious, strategic global warfare, then Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday might be worth your weekend. Get the full review from our shell-shocked reporter, Sean Hilliard.
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Super Columbine Massacre RPG: Art or Atrocious?
game: Super Columbine Massacre RPG
editorial | 05/20/06 | Shawn Rider
Super Columbine Massacre RPG! is, needless to say, kicking up a bit of controversy. Released a year ago by indy filmmaker Danny Ledonne, the game has recently grabbed attention thanks to some high-profile posts on Joystiq, Kotaku, and the likes. Curious to find out what Super Columbine Massacre is all about (as if we didn\'t already know), Shawn downloaded and played through the five hours or so of game. Was it crazy awesome? Or just plain crazy? Check out Shawn\'s article to find out.
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Time Crisis 4 Preview
game: Time Crisis 4
preview | 05/20/06 | RJ Brooks
The light-gun style genre might be set for a comeback in the near future. Nintendo is pressing new and unusual styles of interaction with the Wii, and shooting games reminiscent of the NES light zapper are sure to be a part of that. Not to be outdone, Namco was showing off the sequel to one of the most notable granddaddy\'s of the light-gun genre, Time Crisis 4. Traditionally released on the PS2, the Time Crisis series is looking true to form and has Rob excited after a bit of hands-on with the title at E3. Time Crisis keeps getting better with time.
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Gamesfirst! at the Best Buy Party at The House of Blues
editorial | 05/16/06 | Monica Hafer
Even though the Gamesfirst! crew was exhausted from bringing you the latest news from the floor of E3, we were still able to get our second wind in time to attend the invite-only Microsoft and Best Buy sponsored party at the House of Blues on Sunset Strip in LA. GF! brings you the inside view.
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E3 Exclusive: Hands on with Best of Show 06: Gears of War
game: Gears of War
preview | 05/15/06 | Chris Martin
Microsoft\'s 500 lbs gorilla this Fall is Gears of War. Not only did Gears manage to rip the GamesFirst! Best of Show trophy right out of our +5 Controller Grip, but it managed to prove to some jaded fellows that it is more than just another shooter. Featuring a focus on team-based strategic play, elements of quick-reflex skills, and some of the best audio and visuals we\'ve ever seen, Gears of War is the one game every Xbox 360 owner will buy this Fall.
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E3 2006 Announcements from LucasArts: Euphoria Jones
feature | 05/14/06 | Jeremy Kauffman
Big things are in store for Indiana Jones. In addition to an upcoming fourth movie, the new game, due out in 2007 from LucasArts features a revolutionary AI system named Euphoria. What\'s so cool about Euphoria? Imagine watching Indiana Jones struggle with all his might to maintain his footing on a shakey rope bridge. Eventually he falls, catching himself on the ropes as he\'s thrown over and pulling himself back onto the bridge as the shaking subsides. Now imagine that you\'re standing at E3 and some guy from LucasArts follows up the awesome animation by telling you that none of what you just saw was animated in advance. Did we just blow your mind? Well, put on on a helmet and check out Jeremy\'s full article for more about this mindblowingly cool new game technology.
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E3 2006 Hands on with Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II for the Xbox 360
preview | 05/14/06 | Jeremy Kauffman
EA\'s Battle for Middle Earth series brings the insanely huge battles of the Lord of the Rings trilogy to the small screen (if you aren\'t blessed like our man Jeremy with a really big monitor). But now EA is set to make Battle for Middle Earth II the first major real-time strategy game to work well on the home console. Previous attempts to bring titles like Starcraft to the game consoles have fallen flat, but after some hands-on time with BFME2, it looks like EA has finally broken through to a working control scheme that should make Xbox 360 owners very happy.
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E3 hands on: Battlefield 2142
game: Battlefield 2142
preview | 05/13/06 | Blaine Krumpe
EA showed off the latest addition to the Battlefield Franchise: Battlefield 2142. This installment adds a little sci-fi flair to the action, but remains true to the roots of the series in its realism and excellent online multiplayer support. We just wish it had some kind of interesting storyline, since the futuristic setting easily allows for the most imaginative (or at least slightly clever) premise of all the Battlefield games. Still, Blaine says we\'ll be able to get over the plot and focus on the action, which is oh-so-sweet. Get the in-depth hands-on preview here.
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Hands on with The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
game: The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
preview | 05/13/06 | George Holomshek
Twilight Princess might be the star of the show, but the DS Zelda title Phantom Hourglass is still worth a look. Pursuing the cartoon-Link style of Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass fully exploits the DS touch-screen. Players lead Link around by tapping the screen and making a small fairy appear. Link follows this fairy to wherever you want him to go. Sounds wacky? Yep. But George says it\'s actually not bad. Check it out.
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A Day With Nintendo and Hands-On With Super Mario Galaxy
preview | 05/11/06 | Chris Martin
It was quite a day at the Nintendo booth at E3 today. With 27 titles, along with the Wii itself to be seen inside the fortress of a booth Nintendo had built, demand was high and lines were long. How long, you ask? Try a line of people with enough manpower that, if they wanted to, could have marched across the hall and held most of the Sony booth hostage. And while this mass of humanity deterred most of the GamesFirst! crew until tomorrow, our man Chris decided to brave the storm. Not only did he manage to come back alive, he even brought back an amusing story and some impressions of Mario\'s latest adventure.
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Fabled Sequel Joins Microsoft Lineup
game: Fable 2
preview | 05/10/06 | Chris Martin
Fans of being evil, rejoice! The sequel to the morality breaking game (or making, but that\'s no fun) Fable and Fable: The Lost Chapters for the Xbox has been announced for the Xbox 360. We couldn\'t be happier. Finally, Peter Molyneux\'s team of jokesters and homage heralds are hard at work on the sequel to one of the most promising (and overhyped) games ever to grace a console. And we got the first look! Here\'s what we know about Fable 2!
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