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Search for 'franchise' returned 91 results.

The Simpsons Game: Best. Simpsons Game. Ever.
game: The Simpsons Game
review | 04/06/08 | Shawn Rider
The Simpsons are a perennial videogame topic. Many of the games created in the franchise are utterly forgettable. (Anyone up for a round of Simpsons Wrestling? Didn\'t think so...) But there have been a few well-done Simpsons games: Simpsons Hit and Run (a GTA clone) and The Simpsons Road Rage (a Crazy Taxi clone) were both enjoyable. The Simpsons Game isn\'t a direct rip-off of any particular game. It sticks to a platform/action approach and uses the whole world of videogames for its satirical fodder. The result is a Simpsons game that may be slightly less polished in terms of gameplay but is easily the game that feels most like a real Simpsons episode. Check out our review for more.
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Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock Review
game: Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
review | 11/21/07 | George Holomshek
Harmonix may have moved on to Rock Band, but the Guitar Hero franchise still goes strong. The third Guitar Hero features online play, a great song list, and the best fake guitar money can buy. But did Tony Hawk developer Neversoft shred this one up too much? Do a few glaring issues keep this hero from saving the day?
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Bungie Goes Independent, Microsoft Retains Halo
news | 10/05/07 | Chris Martin
There have been rumors aplenty since the explosive launch of Halo 3. The rumors pointed to the an \"insider\" who said Bungie and Microsoft will be parting ways, and that, as we just received word, is true. Bungie Studios will become an independents developer, although Microsoft will retain the rights to the Halo franchise, and Bungie will still be focusing mainly on Microsoft\'s platform. Quote Harold Ryan, Studio head for Bungie, \"We will continue to develop with our primary focus on Microsoft\'s platforms; we greatly value our mutually prosperous relationship with our publisher, Microsoft Game Studios, and we look forward to continuing that affiliation through \'Halo\' and beyond.\"
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Hands-On with Sega Rally Revo (Plus Brand New Super Car Pics)
game: Sega Rally Revo
preview | 09/10/07 | Chris Martin
This year we got to play tons of games at PAX 07, and of them, SEGA Rally Revo, the next iteration of the SEGA Rally franchise, was on display. The series has seen quite a few versions on the now defunct N-Gage and Dreamcast, as well as one on PlayStation 2, PC, and wireless. Simply, the series has \"been around the track\" if you know what I mean. Now, we bring you our impressions of SEGA\'s next evolution of the franchise on Xbox 360 and PS3: SEGA Rally Revo. All this and screenshots of the just-announced Super Cars inside!
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Metal Slug Anthology Review
game: Meatal Slug Anthology
review | 04/12/07 | Matt James
Metal Slug Anthology continues SNK\'s tradition of beating mildly successful franchises to death. This time they package the entirety of the Metal Slug library onto one Wii disc. That\'s seven (count them, Seven!) Metal Slug games for about ten (10!) bucks cheaper than one fully priced game. With updated controls meant specifically for the Wii, what else could you ask for? Is this finally the ultimate Metal Slug package? Find out inside!
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Call Of Duty 3 Review
game: Call Of Duty 3
review | 02/27/07 | Matt James
Apparently, gamers will never get tired of killing Nazis. The Call of Duty franchise proves this formula by standing out amongst the many WWII shooters released every year. How does Call of Duty 3 stack up against its predecessor? Check out Matt\'s review to find out.
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Eragon Review
game: Eragon
review | 01/15/07 | Jason Perkins
The story behind the first Eragon book, movie, and video game is an interesting one, starting with a home-schooled student that published his book at 19 years old. Now, with a movie that is being universally trashed by reviewers, the Eragon video game has come forward to redeem the franchise from embarrassment. Sadly, its repetitive gameplay and incoherent storytelling don\'t do Eragon much justice, portraying the world as nothing but an endless stream of bad guys with frustrating gameplay. The movie and book have been accused of being derivative of classics like Star Wars; the video game doesn\'t present a coherent enough story to be accused of being derivative of anything.
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GTR 2 Review
game: GTR 2 Fia GT
review | 11/24/06 | Chris Martin
The original GTR FIA GT was a popular title with the hardcore racing sim fans. Featuring great graphics, excellent control and near-perfect driving feel, the GTR franchise has a lot to live up to. So how does GTR2 FIA GT stack up? We let our resident GF! race sim fanatic, Chris Martin, run it around the track, and he brought back this review.
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Bomberman Review
game: Bomberman
review | 10/19/06 | Matt James
Hudson Soft\'s classic Bomberman series makes a much better return on the PSP. Fans of classic Bomberman style and a PSP should check it out, but don\'t expect a \"next-generation\" of Bomberman here: Unlike the recent console remake of Bomberman, very little liberties are taken with the franchise, which leaves this one feeling a bit flat. Check out Matt\'s review of Bomberman for PSP to get the full story.
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Another Great Platformer Based on a Cartoon: Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi: The Genie and the Amp
game: Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi: The Genie and the Amp
review | 07/21/06 | Laurie Taylor
Ami and Yumi are back in Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi: The Genie and the Amp, fresh from D3 Publisher, whose lineup this year includes several noteworthy titles. For the younger set, The Genie and the Amp is pretty much right on: A cool franchise is done justice with good production and solid game design. This won\'t popularize the Puffy AmiYumi franchise with the hardcore gaming demographic, but it will be a hit on the playground. Read Laurie\'s review for the details.
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VGA Remake of King's Quest III Released
game: King's Quest III: To Heir is Human
news | 06/19/06 | Aaron Stanton
Following the release of King\'s Quest I and II from AGD Interactive, Infamous Adventures has released a VGA re-make of King\'s Quest III: To Heir is Human. AGD Interactive and Infamous Adventures are both enthusiast developers that have taken it on themselves to reintroduce gamers to the wonders of some of Sierra Online\'s most significant franchises. Made on the versatile Adventure Game Studio, this VGA remake of King\'s Quest III: To Heir is Human let\'s gamers experience one of the best games of all time as if it were new. Plus, it\'s free.
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Twilight Princess Hands-on with Wii
game: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
preview | 05/18/06 | George Holomshek
As if Nintendo fans didn\'t have enough of a hard time: Now their fave franchise will have them twirling and striking with a Wii li\'l controller as they shepherd everyone\'s fave elven man-boy on to victory. Twilight Princess now supports the Wii controller awesomeness that both helps you immerse yourself in the fantasy experience, and helps you look even less cool while playing video games. Behold the awesome glory of gaming innovation! Check George\'s in-depth hands-on write-up in this preview.
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Building a New Shadowrun for Live Anywhere
game: Shadowrun
editorial | 05/15/06 | Aaron Stanton
Fans of the Shadowrun franchise became excited last week when Microsoft announced the development of a new Shadowrun title. After ten years of being off the computer game market, the intellectual property will be returning to the Xbox 360 and Windows Vista. It\'ll also be the premier title for Live Anywhere, Microsoft\'s new multiplayer service that puts PC users against Xbox 360 users. But without a storyline and game intervals of only 4 minutes each, is Shadowrun abandoning the roots that made it famous? How far can Shadowrun be changed and still be Shadowrun? We take a look at the changes that are being applied to the Shadowrun universe, and whether or not that\'s a good thing or a bad thing.
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E3 hands on: Battlefield 2142
game: Battlefield 2142
preview | 05/13/06 | Blaine Krumpe
EA showed off the latest addition to the Battlefield Franchise: Battlefield 2142. This installment adds a little sci-fi flair to the action, but remains true to the roots of the series in its realism and excellent online multiplayer support. We just wish it had some kind of interesting storyline, since the futuristic setting easily allows for the most imaginative (or at least slightly clever) premise of all the Battlefield games. Still, Blaine says we\'ll be able to get over the plot and focus on the action, which is oh-so-sweet. Get the in-depth hands-on preview here.
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Naruto: Clash of Ninja Review
game: Naruto: Clash of Ninja
review | 05/08/06 | George Holomshek
D3 Publisher and developer, Eighting, have done good work with the Naruto Gamecube title, Naruto: Clash of the Ninja. For a franchise-based kids\' game, Clash of the Ninja offers surprisingly enjoyable fighting action, especially in the multiplayer, and nice visuals in the 2D-fighter tradition. This is one cartoon-based title that parents don\'t have to be afraid to buy their children. George has the full story here.
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