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Search for 'McDonald' returned 2 results.

GF! Weekly Wrap-Up #9
podcast | 10/30/05 | Val Townsend
Get ready for a spook-tastic episode of the GamesFirst! Weekly Wrap-Up. This week, Val takes a moment away from creating Halloween mayhem on the radio to bring you a roundup of the scariest gaming news, reviews of Evil Dead: Regeneration and Stubbs the Zombie: Rebel Without a Pulse, and a preview of Capcom\'s upcoming Xbox 360 title, Dead Rising. It\'s a podcast chock full of gory, gory goodness.
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Nintendo Announces Free DS WiFi at McDonald's
news | 10/20/05 | Shawn Rider
Nintendo announced on Tuesday that they would partner with McDonald\'s restaurants to provide free wifi access for Nintendo DS owners. McDonald\'s already offers wifi connectivity in 6000 locations in America, but normally charges for internet access. The deal with Nintendo provides free access to gamers using the DS. The free access, coupled with popular wifi-enabled titles like Mario Kart DS and Animal Crossing DS, could be a genuine attractor for kids, making McDonald\'s a popular hangout.
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