(sniffle) Okay, enough with tearful, sentimental, sappy stuff, it's time to get down to the biz. I've been out of it for a bit, so below is a list of previous essays-of-the-gaming-kind that I've done over the past year. I used to shoot for a weekly target, but found that to be a bit much. New musings will be listed under the GamesFirst! homepage whenever I get around to spewing out another one. My newest treatise deals with the subject of the term "gaming community". Give it a sniff, I think you'll like it. Oh, I've also done a small update to the August 31st column . . . see below. - Neal Ulen Current Column: Monday, December 28, 1998 Future Columns: Is Valve the next id software?...to be written before Hell freezes over. Death to 3D . . . Long Live 3D!...to be written before Rick sends me Hereitc II.
Past Columns: Monday, August
31, 1998 Tuesday, August
4, 1998 Monday, July 20, 1998 Monday, July 13, 1998 Wednesday, July 1, 1998 Monday, June 29, 1998 Tuesday, February 3,
1998 The Undertow Copyright (c) 1998-99 Neal E. Ulen and GamesFirst! |