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Search for 'Starship Troopers' returned 2 results.

Starship Troopers
game: Starship Troopers
preview | 06/11/05 | Blaine Krumpe
The ideas behind the RTS Starship Troopers might have been better suited to the First Person Shooter genre and game developer Strangelite seems to have understood this. Starship Troopers should be hitting store shelves in fall, but we've got a first hand preview of this brand new shooter.
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The PS2 Deal
Articles Archive | 10/30/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Okay fellow troopers, here's the deal on the PlayStation 2. We've been flooded with mails here at GF! asking about details regarding the PS2's memory, processing power, rumored bugs, and a lot more, but most often people have been wanting to know the simple, practical bits of info: Does it come with a demo disk? (No.) Does it come with a memory card? (No.) Will my old multi-tap work? (No.) While the technical details are interesting and provide fodder for those late-night debates about what system will be number one by what month and whose momma could whoop who at Tekken, it's those more practical questions that will hang you up.

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