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Search for 'wife' returned 4 results.

My Oblivion Wife, or: Of Orcish Bondage
game: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
feature | 04/21/06 | Shawn Rider
Oblivion is a big game -- HUGE. And although many of its inhabitants have interesting problems, not many become long-lasting friends. And virtually none become companions (except that annoying fan guy). You can\'t even have a pet in Oblivion, although that lady in Chorral just flaunts her two super-awesome wolves. Fortunately, thanks to an odd glitch in the game that prevents him from completing the Knights of the White Stallion quest, Shawn has figured out how to keep himself a mighty fine Orc wife, Mazoga. (That is, if you count bride-knapping as \"marriage.\") Get the full story here.
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Editorial: So You Want a PSP...
Articles Archive | 03/22/05 | Jason Frank
So you want a PSP, but your wife says, "No." Such is the predicament for many grown men eagerly waiting for Thursday's launch of the PSP. "But wait," you say, "isn't the PSP an all-in-one marvel of modern technology that pretty much does it all? That huge feature set MUST help us convince our significant others how much the unit will benefit by having a PSP..." Check out Jason Frank's valiant attempt in this editorial.
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How to Get Your Significant Other to Love Gaming
Articles Archive | 10/20/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
It is the plague of gamers everywhere”how do you get the one you love to love your gaming habit? The most obvious and commonly attempted ploy is trying to get your significant other to develop his or her own habit. But sometimes this is a more difficult prospect than one might expect. I have heard many of my male counterparts bemoan the fact that his wife or girlfriend just doesn't understand his need to spend hours on the console or computer and that it is jeopardizing both of the loves of his life. As I am a firm believer in the "love me, love my obsessions" philosophy, I decided put my mind to work figuring out how to lure your partner into the gaming fold. After much thought, I finally came up with a strategy that I think will work for almost anyone. So here goes?my best advice for winning over your one and only.
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EDITORIAL - Why You Must NOT Buy a PS2... Yet
Articles Archive | 08/27/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
My wife hates it whenever I make a significant electronics purchase; she doesn't mind the money spent as much as the buyer's anxiety I always experience after plunking down a few hundred dollars for something I know will be obsolete within a few months. The DVD player, the stereo, the camcorder are all sources of great anxiety to me whenever I think about them. Should I have waited for them to go down in price? Could I have gotten a better deal if I had looked around a little more? Did I get the right brand? Because of this tendency to second guess myself, I try to avoid making major purchases of things new to the market. I waited a year to see if DVD would really take hold, and it did. I had intended on breaking the waiting restriction with the Playstation 2. I didn't think that there could be a surer bet. At the beginning of the summer I started putting pennies away in anticipation of October 26th. I would be the first one on my block to own it, and it would be glorious. There was no doubt. After all, Newsweek even ran a cover story on it. Sure, there were rumors about an X-Box and a Dolphin, but what were they in the face of Sony?
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