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Search for 'princess peach' returned 2 results.

Super Princess Peach
game: Super Princess Peach
review | 03/19/06 | Laurie Taylor
Finally, the Princess has come into her own: Super Princess Peach marks the first time longtime Mario world fave, Princess Peach, has played the lead role in her own platformer. Incorporating the touch screen and the microphone found on the Nintendo DS, Super Princess Peach offers up a great spin on classic Mario-style gaming, with an excellent level of quality. It might be a bit easy for the hardcore, but for retro fans, new gamers, and anyone looking for a hip girly game, Super Princess Peach is a must-play. Get the full details in Laurie\'s review.
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Video Game Invasion: The History of a Global Obsession
game: Video Game Invasion: The History of a Global Obsession
review | 11/23/04 | Shawn Rider
There's nothing to give you that feeling of being one of the gang,? here at GamesFirst than being able to pull out obscure videogame trivia during conversations. While some might consider jokes about Pong, Zelda, and the need for Princess Peach to take self-defense lessons as an indication that we're nerds, around here we consider it the height of sophistication. How do we keep on top of the game? Well, we read, we subscribe to our own newsletter, and we keep an eye open for the occasional quality DVD documentary like Video Game Invasion. It's an inside look with the right sources and the right heart. Make sure you read our review.
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