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Search for 'import' returned 26 results.
game: Halo 3
news | 08/01/07 | Chris Martin
I intentionally avoided, up until now, posting news about Halo 3 - pics notwithstanding - because, frankly, I don\'t care to learn about the levels or the neat gizmos the good Master Chief will be using this time around, ahead of time. They, to me, are spoilers. I am at the point where I just want to play the game for myself and be surprised. I am breaking my rule now because the latest news about Halo 3 steps beyond that broad line of \"developer hype.\" Today Bungie officially confirmed that Halo 3 will feature 4 player Co-op play over Xbox Live and System Link. It\'s that kind of important news that just needs to be boldface.
game: Robowarrior
feature | 10/07/06 | James Gardiner
RoboWarrior: a game with an unrecognizable title, perhaps, but a title of some great importance. For instance, RoboWarrior was partly responsible for the fall of the former Soviet Union; when Jaleco sent copies of it to civilians, there commenced massive riots and burnings of giant NES effigies in the streets! Don\'t bother looking that little tidbit of knowledge up in a history book, it\'s all part of a Soviet cover-up to keep it very hush hush. Today, the story of a man named ZED will be told!
game: Gradius Collection
review | 07/20/06 | Matt James
Konami\'s latest retro anthology, Gradius Collection, brings a long legacy of side-scrolling shooter mayhem to the PSP. For fans of the classic space-cave action Gradius made popular, this is a must-have collection. Sporting some welcome enhancements, including a quick-save feature that helps players reach previously unattainable levels and makes the games more portable-friendly, Gradius Collection is worth checking out to spice up that summertime commute. Matt James has the review right here.
game: Saint's Row
preview | 05/19/06 | RJ Brooks
Saint\'s Row comes off as another GTA clone just trying to cash in on the current fads: Gangstas + Free Roaming Play = $$$. But for some reason, it has taken the interest of Mr. RJ Brooks here on the GF! Staff. What is it? The crazy customizable gangster looks? The street cred imported through story advisors with gang affiliations? Nah, it\'s just the sucker-punching civvies as you car-jack them. That\'s gotta be it. Get the full story about Saint\'s Row in Rob\'s preview.
game: Daemonica
review | 04/11/06 | Blaine Krumpe
Meridian 4 has brought us another indy European import that might not be quite up to next-gen graphical standards, but features a great story full of horrific twists. Daemonica is a compelling RPG set in a 14th Century European town having a little trouble keeping the life and the afterlife completely separate. (We have the same problem with Oblivion.) The action is light, but the price is right, and the narrative was enough to impress our guy, Blaine. Check out his review here.
news | 02/24/06 | Aaron Stanton
Sometimes the human elements of the industry are the hardest to report, and the most important not to miss. Mark VanDeVelde, a Vice President at Crave Entertainment and an industry veteran, passed away last Saturday, February 18th. The memorial service will be held today, and a scholarship fund has been established for Mark\'s 11-year-old daughter. While the chance is small that this news will impact the average gamer on a day-to-day level, sometimes we have to care simply because we know that someone else is fundamentally affected by such changes. It says something about Crave Entertainment that they felt it was important to share the loss, and our condolences go to Mark\'s family. We are genuinely saddened for you, and we can only imagine how difficult a time this must be. You have our best.
feature | 02/20/06 | RJ Brooks
They are one of the often unsung heroes of the game development industry. But the consistently high quality of titles has proven numerous times why Treasure is one of the best game development houses in existence. With such fan classics as Gunstar Heroes and Astro Boy in their library, Treasure\'s games have created a rabid fanbase of twitch gamers and import junkies. Our man, Robert Brooks, has a retrospective of Treasure\'s games along with five classic retro reviews, each going live over the next week. Check it out here.
game: Alan Wake
news | 02/10/06 | Aaron Stanton
Few games excited the gaming media during E3 2005 like Alan Wake. The self-billed action suspense title was on many release lists to be set free at the beginning of this month; it\'s no where to be found. In fact, there isn\'t even yet word on an official publisher, a fairly crucial step in the release of a game. Remedy, Alan\'s developers and the creators of Max Payne, are hard at work and wrapped in a cloud of secrets and mystery, for the time being. Which leaves us all with the question: Who is Alan Wake? And maybe more importantly, where is Alan Wake?
game: RIP
review | 01/23/06 | Shawn Rider
RIP is a fast-action twitch title that is also relatively easy to pick up and play. The simple action is augmented by some strategic upgrade and skill development elements, which gives it a unique feel. For folks who love a fast-paced shooter with hordes of enemies and a dose of thoughtful strategy, RIP warrants a demo download at the least. Get the lowdown on this independently developed import from Russia in Shawn\'s review.
news | 10/19/05 | Laurie Taylor
Majesco has announced several exciting unlockable characters for Infected, the fast-paced shooter for the PSP. Announced unlockable characters for Infected include Bloodrayne and members of Slipknot. Given Infected\'s gruesome gameplay footage that mixes horror and Christmas, and given Infected\'s rocking soundtrack with several tracks from Slipknot, Infected is shaping up to be a major November release. We\'ll still have to see how Infected shapes up in light of
World of Warcraft\'s adventures in virtual plagues, but it looks like it will be a great game and an
important game for the PSP.
news | 09/29/05 | Aaron Stanton
Sometimes the best source of news is a blog, and when a good one shows up we\'re obligated to point it out. If you\'ve never heard of the
Game Politics blog on LiveJournal, take note, because it\'s a website that should be a part of every serious gamer\'s morning ritual. The website focuses on news that pertains to video games in the political arena, like anti-game rallies, anti-game legislation, and anti-game personalities. At the moment the site is discussing, among other things, Eidos\'s decision to postpone the release of the hotly debated
25-to-Life until 2006. The \"cop-killer simulation\" has been a center for controversy in the mainstream media. If keeping yourself informed about the industry is
important, this is a site you\'ll want to check regularly.
game: Diabolique: License to Sin
news | 09/27/05 | Shawn Rider
Playlogic and Metropolis Software have announced Diabolique: License to Sin. Diabolique puts you in charge of Dark Eaville, a super spy with all of the Double-Oh-So-Smoothness of James Bond and all the evil demon-ness of Hellboy. (But he\'s cute like Sean Connery, too.) This is stealth-action mixed with some dark horror: Imagine Sam Fisher meets Blood Rayne. Or MGS meets Soul Reaver. Published by Dutch publisher Playlogic, and developed by Polish design house Metropolis Software, Diabolique: License to Sin looks on first glance like a title US gamers should keep an eye on for import. Get some screens right here.
game: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
news | 08/27/05 | Aaron Stanton
Bethesda confirmed that the widely anticipated Xbox 360 title Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion will run with or without a hard drive. But what does that mean? Is the $100 hard drive so unimportant that it can be pushed to the side at a whim? We asked Bethesda if they could clarify exactly what difference a hard drive makes in how Oblivion plays. The answer, depending on how you read it, can be either encouraging, or suggest that the role of the hard drive has been pushed to a level of minor importance. Read Bethesda\'s response, and decide for yourself.
game: Kuon
review | 02/12/05 | Laurie Taylor
Kuon on the PS2 seems like a minor release when compared to the new Resident Evil 4, but then perhaps that's part of its appeal. As an import title that you might have a hard time finding at your local rental outlet, Kuon offers rich import flavors, gameplay, and traditional survival horror control schemes. Does it have a place on your shelf? Read the review to find out.
Articles Archive | 01/17/05 | Aaron Stanton
How important can great storytelling in a game be? Characters we care about? Plots we actually want to know the ending to? Sounds like a book or something. Take a moment to find out why Aaron connects Advent Rising with art in video games, free speech, and apparently an issue he has with remembering things.
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