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Search for 'fan' returned 302 results.
game: Too Human
preview | 07/18/08 | Chris Martin
This terribly cold, strenuous year has entered it\'s warming period. Twentysomethings venture to the park for volleyball or soccer. Some throw frisbees or discs, if you prefer the neutral term. Also, the demo for Too Human has hit Live Marketplace. We suggest you go download it and play it. It\'s a game with as much controversy as variety, as little tact as subtlety.
game: BioShock
news | 12/06/07 | Chris Martin
The other day we posted about BioShock\'s new DLC, stating new plasmids and the ability to turn off vita-chambers. There\'s more, don\'t worry. We\'ve got the details on the new plasmids, as well as the answer to \"what the hell does Horizontal FOV actually do?\" While 2K ponders a sequel to BioShock, we can, at least, enjoy the bliss that is the first, again, if we so desire, we and our brass balls.
game: Pirates of the Burning Sea
preview | 12/05/07 | Jamie Gergen
It\'s 1720 A.D. and the seas of the Carribean are the new battlefront for the powers of Europe. Pirates, Privateers, and Free Traders cruise the waters in search of their fortunes, while Navy ships of the line keep as much order as one can with fleets of Pirates sailing their dark colors from the mast. Like pages from a Patrick O\'Brien novel, Pirates of the Burning Sea brings the life on the sea to your computer with fantastic success.
game: Bioshock
news | 12/01/07 | Chris Martin
2K Boston and 2K Australia created an awesome art-deco world at the ocean\'s floor, but they\'re not done. The critically acclaimed and successful Bioshock is back for more next week. As reported by
Shacknews and
Bioshock will be getting its first downloadable content sometime next week (that\'s the 2nd through the 7th) to get
fans to revisit the world of Rapture.
game: Forza Motorsport 2
news | 10/27/07 | Chris Martin
Fans have been pressuring Turn 10 for this for a long time: new DLC Track Pack. \"Twin Ring\" Motegi is the first downloadable track to be featured in Forza Motorsport 2. And actually, it\'s the best download for Forza 2 yet. Because of the unique design of the Twin Rings we get not one, but four different tracks. Details inside. The pack is 400 Microsoft Points.
game: Project Gotham Racing 4
review | 10/24/07 | Chris Martin
Fans of racing games take note: Project Gotham Racing 4 is a dream come true--lots of exotic cars, tons of tracks, weather effects, Bulldog Mode, and a rock-solid career mode to boot. Oh yeah, and motorcycles. PGR4 might be working a gamer niche that is already supersaturated by the likes of Forza, PGR3, and Burnout. But it still manages, despite it\'s competition, to be a furiously enjoyable racer with more variety than it perhaps knows what to do with.
game: Halo 3
review | 10/08/07 | Chris Martin
You\'ve been watching The Ticker, you\'ve seen the reviews, you\'ve been playing the game. Halo 3 has had a phenomenal launch, selling over 2 million copies in the first night of release. We\'ve taken the good Master Chief into the heart of the ark, killed hundreds of thousands of Covenant, and rescued Cortana from the clutches of the Gravemind. Now here\'s our review of the most anticipated videogame of 2007. Is Halo 3 still the reason to own an Xbox 360?
news | 09/22/07 | Chris Martin
The second downloadable pack for Forza Motorsport 2 has jsut been released, for 400 Microsoft Points. This pack is substantially meatier than the last one, including various cars from seven different manufacturers. A few Civics, two Lambos, and even a Saturn come our way this week. But for all you Le Mans fans, the gorgeous 2006 Audi R10 (#8 Audi Sport Team Joest) Prototype will be enough to entice you.
game: Gleemax
editorial | 09/06/07 | Chris Martin
We went in expecting Magic the Gathering Online Version 3, but what we got was much, much bigger than we anticipated. PAX 07 was great for a number of reasons - concerts, contests, Family Feud - but Wizards of the Coast\'s ace in the hole Gleemax took us aback, slapped us around, and handed to us the most complete vision of an online gaming community we\'ve ever seen. Complete with indie game developer support, event hosting, and cross-game currency and trading. Don\'t know about Gleemax? You should, and here\'s why...
game: BioShock
review | 08/31/07 | Chris Martin
From the article: \"BioShock is the latest effort from Irrational Studios (now 2K Boston and 2K Australia) and it\'s a massive undertaking, many years in the making. And it\'s so good, we might not see a game of it\'s caliber many years after. BioShock is a shooter, a retro sci-fi thriller, a revenge story, a dystopian allegory, an adventure, and to a lesser extent a role-playing game. But BioShock is first and foremost a first-person-shooter. It leaves no question in the player\'s mind, and doesn\'t dance around it\'s pedigree in the way Deus Ex did, or the way System Shock 2 was sparse on the shooter side, heavy on the RPG. No. BioShock is a game where you definitely have to kill things. And kill things aplenty.\"
game: BioShock
news | 08/29/07 | Chris Martin
Tired of news about BioShock? We hear you. While our review is still baking in the oven, getting crispy on the edges, we came across a neat little factoid for all you
fans of the old jest: \"My game is better, ha, ha!\" For it appears that BioShock not only has become critically received as one of the best games of all time, not only this year.
According to, Bioshock has supplanted Resident Evil 4 in the #4 highest ranked game of all time, just below The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64), Soul Calibur (DC), and Metroid Prime (GC).
game: Halo 3 ActionClix
preview | 08/27/07 | Chris Martin
Halo 3 is just a month away and dammit if we\'re not shaking in our trousers for it. This year at the Penny-Arcade Expo we sat down with the kids over at Wizk!ds, creators of such table top games as Marvel and DC HeroClix. We got to sit down and play the Halo 3 Actionclix table top game and see what all the hubbub was about. And believe us: there was hubbub aplenty.
game: Guitar Hero 2
news | 08/09/07 | Chris Martin
Ever dreamed of winning money for playing videogames? Ever dreamed you might be standing in front of thousands of adoring fans as you rip-it-up on a plastic guitar? I know I have! Live in the Los Angeles area? Then you might want to spend your weekend at the Sacred Fools Theater Company as they host a Guitar Hero 2 tournament, sponsored by RedOctane. Oh, did I mention first prize is $200?
news | 08/07/07 | Chris Martin
Just arrived on Xbox Live today are two new demos. Eternal Sonata from Namco Bandai is likely to satisfy all those eager for a JRPG on Microsoft\'s console, and Vampire Rain, which is, something else entirely. I personally am excited for Eternal Sonata, as I haven\'t played a JRPG in some time and it looks fantastic from previews. I\'m less excited for the universally panned Vampire Rain, where you\'re an elite special forces unit sent to thin out the vampire ranks. Impressions forthcoming.
game: Command & Conquer 3
review | 07/27/07 | Chris Martin
It you asked us three years ago if console gamers would get a decent real time strategy game in the next-generation, our response would have probably been resounding: \"I wouldn\'t hold your breath.\" We were surprised, fellow readers, not to have only a single decent strategy game come to the Xbox 360, but to have two. Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth has already been critically received, and now Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars gets the royal treatment. If setting Orcs upon a faction of Elves doesn\'t get your heart racing, perhaps setting a herd of mammoth tanks on unsuspecting Nod extremists will.
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