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Search for 'cool' returned 83 results.
game: Indi-Site Launches
news | 10/16/06 | Aaron Stanton
The launch of Manifesto Games might not have caught the imagination of the mainstream game press, but it\'s like a playground for those of us interested in indi-game development. Manifesto is a portal that brings all the indi games you\'ve never heard of to the front row, letting you download demos and purchase games online. You might recognize some of the titles, but others are buried in obscurity. Most of them, though, share a sense of creativity that\'s sure to fire up interest. Some of the best games you\'ve never played can now be found in one easy-to-browse location. Check out Manifesto Games, and find that hidden diamond that you didn\'t even know you were missing.
game: Guild Wars Nightfall
news | 08/15/06 | Chris Martin
This trailer features footage of the two new professions, the scythe-wielding Dervish and the holy warrior Paragon, as well as glimpses of breathtaking cities, lush landscapes and some new creatures. Cool stuff from the upcoming third campaign of NCSoft\'s massively multiplayer online game sans monthly fees.
game: Titan Quest
review | 07/25/06 | George Holomshek
Titan Quest is a 3rd person action RPG that brings Diablo-style gameplay to Clash of the Titans-style content. The result is a bit brainless, but oozing with cool, especially if you\'re a fan of Harryhausen-esque skeleton battles and Greek mythology. Titan Quest does almost nothing new, but it does all of that old stuff really well. If you\'re a fan of the action RPG, or Medusas, Minotaurs and guys in leather skirts, then you should at least check out George\'s review.
game: Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi: The Genie and the Amp
review | 07/21/06 | Laurie Taylor
Ami and Yumi are back in Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi: The Genie and the Amp, fresh from D3 Publisher, whose lineup this year includes several noteworthy titles. For the younger set, The Genie and the Amp is pretty much right on: A cool franchise is done justice with good production and solid game design. This won\'t popularize the Puffy AmiYumi franchise with the hardcore gaming demographic, but it will be a hit on the playground. Read Laurie\'s review for the details.
game: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
news | 07/12/06 | Chris Martin
True to their word, Bethesda isn\'t done with updating their magnum opus The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. The latest update is a \"vile lair\" for all you thieves, assassins, and rogues, and even if you\'re just plain evil. It\'s got all you could ever want to feed your bloodlust: evil shrines, evil minions, and even a pen of cattle to feed on. Bloodlust be damned. It might not have a coded fix for some of the bugs in the game, but you\'ll be surprised if it doesn\'t have one of the most coveted cures in all of Tamriel. If you thought the Wizard\'s Tower was cool, you\'re going to love this.
editorial | 07/04/06 | Aaron Stanton
Web traffic drops during the summer as gaming news runs dry and warm weather draws people away from their monitors. Fourth of July often represents the summer\'s ultimate low in traffic, and pretty much everyone in the gaming industry takes the day off. If you haven\'t had a chance to spend some time outside in the beautiful weather, now is the perfect day to step outside into the cooling evening, put away the games for a moment, and take in a part of life that doesn\'t run on electricity. Tomorrow we can return to the flash of modern life, but tonight and maybe tomorrow we here at GamesFirst are going to stretch out, light some fireworks, and enjoy a good birthday. We hope you consider doing the same. Happy Fourth of July, everyone.
game: My Sim Aquarium
review | 05/23/06 | Shawn Rider
Formosoft and Viva Media bring us a simulation that has some promise, but which ultimately winds up floating on the surface. My Sim Aquarium promises a simulated fish tank, complete with 48 species and loads of decorations, plants, mollusks and whatnot. This could be a cool idea, if a bit wacky, but ultimately it ends up being a lot less thrilling that we thought it would be. Check Shawn\'s review here.
feature | 05/18/06 | Monica Hafer
Head-mounted displays (HMDs) are controversial devices: On the one hand, they fill your complete field of vision with generated graphics, creating an absolutely immersive experience. On the other hand, you cannot turn away from an HMD, and many folks feel claustrophobic or motion-sick using the devices. On the third hand, hired models in shiny silver outfits with laser guns and futuristic virtual reality helmets are so cool-looking that we just have to stop and check them out. Monica checks in on the development of the Trimersion HMD system, compatible with game consoles and PCs. Get the full details here.
game: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
preview | 05/18/06 | George Holomshek
As if Nintendo fans didn\'t have enough of a hard time: Now their fave franchise will have them twirling and striking with a Wii li\'l controller as they shepherd everyone\'s fave elven man-boy on to victory. Twilight Princess now supports the Wii controller awesomeness that both helps you immerse yourself in the fantasy experience, and helps you look even less cool while playing video games. Behold the awesome glory of gaming innovation! Check George\'s in-depth hands-on write-up in this preview.
game: Xbox Live
feature | 05/14/06 | Shawn Rider
Xbox Live Anywhere is propelling Microsoft\'s multiplayer gaming community into a whole new realm, bringing it cross-platform in all sorts of cool ways. One of the major new features of the Anywhere service will be a much expanded Xbox Live Arcade, which will offer games on almost every mobile phone and PDA platform. Bringing the reliability, not to mention the try-before-you-buy mentality, of Xbox Live to the mobile gaming experience could be just the thing to get us to take cell phones seriously as a gaming platform. Get the full story here.
feature | 05/14/06 | Jeremy Kauffman
Big things are in store for Indiana Jones. In addition to an upcoming fourth movie, the new game, due out in 2007 from LucasArts features a revolutionary AI system named Euphoria. What\'s so cool about Euphoria? Imagine watching Indiana Jones struggle with all his might to maintain his footing on a shakey rope bridge. Eventually he falls, catching himself on the ropes as he\'s thrown over and pulling himself back onto the bridge as the shaking subsides. Now imagine that you\'re standing at E3 and some guy from LucasArts follows up the awesome animation by telling you that none of what you just saw was animated in advance. Did we just blow your mind? Well, put on on a helmet and check out Jeremy\'s full article for more about this mindblowingly cool new game technology.
game: Generation of Chaos
review | 04/20/06 | Matt James
Generation of Chaos is an anime-styled tactical RPG that features, as its main selling point, massive battles with upwards of 30 combatants on each side. It sounds really cool, and tactical RPGs (think FF Tactics or Arc the Lad) can be so much fun. Unfortunately, Generaton of Chaos features so many obscure menus that it ends up being about as much fun as Microsoft Word. Be sure to check out Matt\'s review before venturing into the chaos.
editorial | 04/03/06 | Shawn Rider
Five girls from Ravenna, Ohio face possible charges for hanging up Super Mario Bros. question cubes around town on April Fools day. Part of a Net-wide phenomenon, hanging SMB cubes is a very cool thing. How surreal would it be to happen upon these things in real life? Apparently too surreal for the citizens of Ravenna, who called out the hazardous materials unit and the bomb squad to remove the boxes. Of course, we always knew Ohio had issues (that last election didn\'t go so well...). Get Shawn\'s reaction here.
game: Outpost Kaloki X
review | 03/04/06 | Tristan Mayshark
Xbox Live Arcade has put some cool games on the Xbox 360, and has very much helped 360 owners cope with the rather slow trickle of 360 titles to hit the market. Some of these XBLA games are original, some are greatest hits, and some are games that had made an impression on PC gamers as an indy release and now find a second audience on the Xbox. A great example of the last type of game is Outpost Kaloki X. Outpost Kaloki X is a mid-depth strategy experience that XBox 360 owners can try for free and own for a low price. If you\'re looking for decent strategy and a clever sense of humor in your lemonade stand games, then Kaloki could be just the thing. Get Tristan\'s full review right here.
game: Age of Conan? Hyborian Adventures
news | 02/04/06 | Shawn Rider
Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures has been generating some good interest from gamers, and with a cool franchise that definitely lends itself to action RPG gameplay, and some unique online components, Conan could be a very popular title. Funcom has now opened their community site where interested parties can get the lowdown on the game direct from the developers. Get the details here.
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