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Search for 'cables' returned 2 results.

Monsterous Connections for the Xbox 360
game: Monster Cables
review | 04/05/06 | Tristan Mayshark
Monster has produced a series of cables for the Xbox 360 console, and without hesitation it can be said that they are the best 360 A/V cables presently available. The design is very nice, the cables are quite long, and the signal quality is excellent. But are they worth the extra bucks? Check in with Tristan\'s review to find out.
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Hoyle Gaming in Your Hand Lacks Key Ingredient: Fun
game: Hoyle Family TV Gaming System
review | 02/21/06 | Tristan Mayshark
TechnoSource has packaged 11 Hoyle games onto a controller that connects to your TV using RCA cables. Including classics like Mahjong, Backgammon, and Old Maid, this might sound like the ultimate Hoyle Family TV Gaming System. But with strictly single-player action, jank graphics, and terrible AI, this is probably a \"family\" activity best left alone. Get the full story in Tristan\'s review right here.
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