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Search for 'Zelda' returned 20 results.

BioShock BioShock BioShock Bioshock...BioShock!
game: BioShock
news | 08/29/07 | Chris Martin
Tired of news about BioShock? We hear you. While our review is still baking in the oven, getting crispy on the edges, we came across a neat little factoid for all you fans of the old jest: \"My game is better, ha, ha!\" For it appears that BioShock not only has become critically received as one of the best games of all time, not only this year. According to www.Gamerankings.com, Bioshock has supplanted Resident Evil 4 in the #4 highest ranked game of all time, just below The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64), Soul Calibur (DC), and Metroid Prime (GC).
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Return of a Legend - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Review
game: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
review | 12/09/06 | George Holomshek
The Wii has burst onto the scene this Fall every bit as popular as some imagined. Its success is due, in part, to a single title that many Nintendo fans have been eager to play: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess has been re-tooled from its Gamecube origins for the Wii\'s unique controller and brawnier hardware. The result is a launch title of virtually unparalleled quality. Is Twilight Princess all that we hoped it would be? Our man George is mighty impressed. Check out his review for the details.
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Sam and Max Possibly Heading for the Wii
game: Sam and Max
news | 09/18/06 | Aaron Stanton
The advent of services like Xbox Live and the Wii Virtual Console have changed the dynamics of the industry. Suddenly there\'s a marketplace for less mainstream genres that have a hard time competing against the likes of Halo and Zelda. One such genre: Adventure Games. According to 1up.com, Nintendo has heard fans asking for adventure game content and contacted TellTale games about the possibility of bringing Sam and Max to the Wii. A sure thing? Far from it, but it\'s nice to know that you can make a difference if you shout loud enough. Good job, guys and gals.
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Miyamoto talks big changes for Twilight Princess
news | 08/21/06 | George Holomshek
As reported by IGN, in a recent interveiw with Japan\'s monthly Nintendo Dream magazine, legendary game creator Shigeru Miyamoto unveiled that Nintendo has made some serious changes to the control scheme of the Wii version of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. What does that mean? More natural sword-swinging and more. Our man George has all the details in this story.
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Twilight Princess Hands-on with Wii
game: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
preview | 05/18/06 | George Holomshek
As if Nintendo fans didn\'t have enough of a hard time: Now their fave franchise will have them twirling and striking with a Wii li\'l controller as they shepherd everyone\'s fave elven man-boy on to victory. Twilight Princess now supports the Wii controller awesomeness that both helps you immerse yourself in the fantasy experience, and helps you look even less cool while playing video games. Behold the awesome glory of gaming innovation! Check George\'s in-depth hands-on write-up in this preview.
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Hands on with The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
game: The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
preview | 05/13/06 | George Holomshek
Twilight Princess might be the star of the show, but the DS Zelda title Phantom Hourglass is still worth a look. Pursuing the cartoon-Link style of Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass fully exploits the DS touch-screen. Players lead Link around by tapping the screen and making a small fairy appear. Link follows this fairy to wherever you want him to go. Sounds wacky? Yep. But George says it\'s actually not bad. Check it out.
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Two Player Comic: Tingle's Secret Profession
comic | 02/21/06 | Aaron Stanton
Zelda\'s Tingle is probably one of the most unusual and distinctive characters in video game history. The short, stocky little guy in green tights can be more than annoying; he can be downright creepy at times. Yet does Tingle have a secret identity? When he\'s not out bothering Link, maybe he\'s a costume designer for Dead or Alive. You have to admit, the similarities are there. Skin tight clothes. Matching ears. Similar creep factor. Read this week\'s Twoplayer comic, Tingle\'s Secret Profession.

Twoplayer game comics are published at http://comics.gamesfirst.com.
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Kameo: Elements of Power Review
game: Kameo: Elements of Power
review | 01/11/06 | Aaron Stanton
In a bit of a late look at Microsoft\'s attempt to neutralize Zelda, we play over Kameo: Elements of Power to see just how good it is. The beautiful design and brilliant particle effects dazzle, but is the gameplay enough to make you want to own it? It is, actually, pulling traditional adventuring elements and combining them with unique Rare flavor and character design. It might not be the beginning of a classic game franchise, but it\'s certainly worth your time until something better hits the stage.
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Zelda Playable With Revolution Controller?
game: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
news | 12/28/05 | Shawn Rider
According to NGC Magazine, and reported by Game Daily, the upcoming Legend of Zelda title, Twilight Princess, will be playable with the Nintendo Revolution controller. This news has not been confirmed by Nintendo, and Twilight Princess will still be officially released for the Gamecube. According to Games Radar, the online affiliate of NGC Magazine (a print magazine published in the UK, US, and Japan), Twilight Princess will support a radical new control style if played on the Nintendo Revolution console with its unique controller.
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Is Link About to Die?
game: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
news | 11/27/05 | Aaron Stanton
There\'s an article over at TheHylia.com that pools what we know about The Twilight Princess\' placement in the Hyrule time-line, and makes some interesting conclusions. Twilight Princess happens decades after Ocarina of Time, but before Wind Waker? Interestingly, we know what happens after Ocarina of Time from the introduction of Wind Waker: No hero appears, everything goes to crap. If Link is there somewhere in-between, he fails.
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Super Mario World Level Editor: Build Yourself Some Old School
game: Lunar Magic
news | 11/02/05 | Aaron Stanton
Is there room on a gaming site for news that\'s not exactly new? We think so. Sometimes things that are old are still cool, even if they\'ve slumped a bit below the radar in recent years. The N64 modding community is an excellent example; modders online have been updating old N64 ROMS for years, including replacing old textures with high resolution images, cell-shaded graphics, and other nifty treats. Around for a while or not, Zelda: Ocarina of Time is still cool in our book, especially in high rez. In the same vein, if you\'re looking for something to drain away your time, check out Lunar Magic, a level editor for the SuperNES title Super Mario World. Yeah, it\'s been around for a while, but if you\'ve never seen it, it\'s new to you.
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The Zelda That Never Was
game: Zelda III: The Triforce Saga
news | 10/28/05 | Aaron Stanton
Zelda II was the last official Zelda title released on the NES in the United States, but there\'s speculation that maybe a third title existed, or was at least under development before the series was transferred to the SuperNES. Recently, a gamer claimed to have found a Legend of Zelda III NES cartridge at a flea market containing an unfinished build of the third Zelda installment. What unfolded was a series of events that include eBay listings, accusations of fraud, and an official denial of involvement from none other than the Canadian development company Silicon Knights. The cartridge ultimately sold for $3000 CAD (about $2500 USD). Or did it? We take a look at the time-line of events.
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How the Revolution Will Change Zelda
game: Zelda
editorial | 09/17/05 | George Holomshek
The creator of The Legend of Zelda series made rather cryptic comments recently about how The Twilight Princess will be the final Zelda title we\'ll see in this form. Changes are coming. Now that the Nintendo Revolution\'s controller has come onto the stage, we couldn\'t help but wonder exactly what that means. Will Zelda be better for the ability to fish and draw a bow with your hand? We take a look at what Zelda might be in just a few years.
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Zelda: Twilight Princess Delayed Until 2006
news | 08/16/05 | Aaron Stanton
Nintendo has announced that it will delay the release of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess until no sooner than April 1st, 2006. Ranked after E3 2005 as the most anticipated game of the year, the delay is sure to disappoint a huge Nintendo demographic. The Nintendo team requested more time to improve the game before release.
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New Zelda Screenshots
game: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
news | 08/16/05 | George Holomshek
As a cookie for delaying Twilight Princess, Nintendo has offered us a few more glimpses into the world of Link\'s latest adventure. Check out the new screens inside!
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