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Search for 'The Suffering' returned 4 results.

Movies and Multiplayer, Mergers and Megaconglomerates
news | 09/10/05 | Shawn Rider
We\'ve got a roundup of some recent news bits from the industry, including Microsoft\'s confirmation of the new Xbox Live pricing, The Suffering: The Movie, Newscorp\'s $650 million buyout of IGN, and GameSpy on the PSP. Get the known details here.
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6 Screenshots From The Suffering:Ties That Bind
game: The Suffering:Ties That Bind
news | 08/30/05 | Shawn Rider
Midway is gracious today, and in advance of the September 16 release of The Suffering: Ties That Bind, they have dropped a half-dozen new screens. It\'s a frighteningly, er, terrifyingly, er, really good-looking game, if you\'re into the ultraviolent videogame horror stuff. And who isn\'t?
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The Suffering Preview
game: The Suffering
preview | 05/26/03 | Matt James
Midway is getting all creepy on us, and not in a cuddly Dr. Muto way. The Suffering is a dark, dark, dark horror adventure game set in a maximum security prison. Definitely for adults, and scary enough to hook our man Matt in the midst of the E3 show floor, this is one game for grownups who have deadbolts on the doors.
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The Suffering
game: The Suffering
preview | 05/26/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Midway is getting all creepy on us, and not in a cuddly Dr. Muto way. The Suffering is a dark, dark, dark horror adventure game set in a maximum security prison. Definitely for adults, and scary enough to hook our man Matt in the midst of the E3 show floor, this is one game for grownups who have deadbolts on the doors. Click here.
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