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Search for 'Lean Like Persain Prince: Part I' returned 1 results.

Me Lean Like Persian Prince, You Buff Like Conan: Part I
Articles Archive | 04/21/04 | Aaron Stanton
True story: I was in an arcade in Hong Kong a couple of weeks ago and everyone was lining up in front the latest light-gun game sensation - Hong Kong Super Kill Cop, or something like that. I threw down my tokens and drew, only to find some high tech gadgetry was tracking my body movement.. You want your character to duck behind that desk, you better duck.. or lean, or dodge. It was like lasertag only cooler because it had all the joy of a videogame. By the time I got capped by a crime lord I was breathing heavy, sweating profusely and my muscles were cramped from over exertion. It was one of the most intense 30 seconds I've ever spent with a videogame. Apparently I'm not the only gamer in need of a little exercise. Aaron Stanton takes on the issue in his latest article. Exercise your index finger right here for the good stuff.
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