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Search for 'Iritor Online' returned 2 results.

Roman Kremlicka, VP of Wootsoft
game: Iritor Online
interview | 03/10/03 | Aaron Stanton
Wootsoft has a new idea: How about a massively multiplayer online RPG that combines various action elements and, most importantly, looks really, really pretty? Iritor Online promises to deliver stunning visuals and compelling gameplay. To find out more, our man Aaron spoke to Roman Kremlicka, VP of Wootsoft. Click for interview.
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INTERVIEW: Roman Kremlicka, VP of Wootsoft
interview | 02/08/03 | Aaron Stanton
Wootsoft has a new idea: How about a massively multiplayer online RPG that combines various action elements and, most importantly, looks really, really pretty? Iritor Online promises to deliver stunning visuals and compelling gameplay. To find out more, our man Aaron spoke to Roman Kremlicka, VP of Wootsoft. Click for interview.
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