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Search for 'If Only They Could All Be Brain Age' returned 1 results.

Brain Boost: Beta Wave and Brain Boost: Gamma Wave Reviews
game: If Only They Could All Be Brain Age
review | 01/09/07 | Laurie Taylor
The success of Brain Age has helped to launch an entire genre into the public mindset. While video games will probably always revolve around high action and high intensity, games designed to make you smarter have established a slower, more serious side of gaming. Yet even games that are designed to make you smarter have to be fun, and Majesco\'s Brain Boost series for the Nintendo DS simply doesn\'t make the cut. We take a look at Brain Boost: Beta Wave and Brain Boost: Gamma Wave to see if there\'s a winning combination of entertaining puzzles and something to improve the mind; we\'re not entirely convinced we found either.
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