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Search for '3D Realms' returned 5 results.

Prey Update and Downloadables Coming to PC, X360
game: Prey
news | 08/11/06 | Chris Martin
Prey is getting a few updates, some new 1v1 maps as per request, 6 new player models, and a whole roundabout of bug fixes for the PC version - heck, even the Xbox 360 version will be getting a patch soon to fix lag issues. We\'ve got the skinny right here.
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3D Realms Offered $500,000 to Release Duke Nukem by December 2006
game: Duke Nukem Forever
news | 06/10/06 | Aaron Stanton
Take Two Interactive renegotiated their contract with 3D Realms back in March, pulling two million dollars from the project at the same time as offering a $500,000 bonus if 3D Realms delivers by the end of the year. The $500,000 bonus is only paid if Duke Nukem Forever ships by December 31st, 2006. What does this mean for Duke Nukem? Well, it might get the title out the door. On the other hand, cutting money from the budget and then leaning on the developer to finish faster isn\'t exactly a formula for a quality game. A bonus might sound like a good idea, unless it leads to rushed development with lower standards.
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20 Days to the Prey Demo, 3D Realms' Joe Siegler Updates
game: Prey
news | 06/03/06 | Chris Martin
We\'re only 20 days from the release of the Prey Demo on PC and Xbox 360. That means you\'ll be able to see what the gaming media has been raving about since Prey made an unexpected appearance on the show floor at E3 2005. Combining traditional FPS elements with dynamic gravity, Spirit Power, and Portals, Prey adds up to one hell of a shooter. Joe Siegler from 3D Realms updates us on everything Prey and everything MultiPrey in the Prey Weekly Update. Shooter fans, read on!
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New Prey Screens Revealed
game: Prey
news | 09/07/05 | Shawn Rider
3D Realms blew everyone away at E3 last May with the unveiling of their progress on Prey, a first-person shooter that features some amazing visuals, great physics-oriented gameplay, and a really enticing storyline. We\'re happy to put up these latest screens of Prey for you to feast your eyes upon. Check them out.
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E3 2005: Prey Press Demonstration
game: E3 2005: Prey Press Demonstration
preview | 05/19/05 | Chris Martin
3d Realms seems to have been under the radar for a while. Duke Nukem Forever might be just a pipe-dream, but let me assure you 3d Realms' new title "Prey" is very much a reality. One of the real jems on the E3 floor, it blew our freakin' socks off - way beyond what we've seen in sample videos before! Impressions and screens inside.
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