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Search for 'PS3' returned 66 results.

Sony Brings Development Studios Under One Name
news | 09/14/05 | Aaron Stanton
Sony Computer Entertainment has unified their numerous game development studios under the name Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios. The new title helps Sony provide a more unified front in an industry that\'s becoming increasingly global. Of course, Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios is extremely long, and abbreviates into SCEWS. Would you want to be called SCEWS?
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Pretty Colors and Lens Flare: Why Graphics Matter
editorial | 09/08/05 | Shawn Rider
There is a raging debate going on right now about the next generation of gaming consoles. For many, it can be summed up like this: Do prettier graphics justify an entirely new generation? Are the graphics in the next generation enough of an improvement to justify an entirely new generation? With game development cycles getting longer and hardware cycles getting shorter, it\'s entirely appropriate to address the issue of whether or not the next generation of home consoles is really worth it.
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KOEI Announces Game Lineup for Tokyo Game Show
news | 08/12/05 | Shawn Rider
Koei has announced some new titles they will display at the Tokyo Game Show, which starts Friday, Sept. 16.
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E3 2005: Full Auto
game: E3 2005: Full Auto
preview | 05/20/05 | Laurie Taylor
Any game that can claim to be next generation? is a hot topic this year. The Xbox 360, PS3, and Revolution all have a great deal of buzz, but we're only now starting to see the first hints of what the games themselves will actually look like. Every screenshot we've seen has been from early developer kits, which are traditionally less powerful than the final systems. We get a look at the Xbox 360 title Full Auto.
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twoplayer comic: It Does Everything!
comic | 05/17/05 | Aaron Stanton
This morning\'s twoplayer hits on my main focus of the day, which is Nintendo\'s press conference. We\'ve already seen glimpses of Microsoft\'s Xbox 360, and now we know more about the PS3; the big mystery that remains is the Nintendo Revolution. Be sure to check out today\'s twoplayer, It Does Everything!

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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PS2 Price DROP
game: Playstation 2
news | 05/20/02 | Jeremy Kauffman
Long awaited by gamers everywhere, the two big boys of the console market have locked horns. Sony announced earlier this week that the PS2 price would drop from $299 to $199. Click here for the details about Sony\'s price change. Microsoft had planned on surprising us all at E3 with a price drop for the Xbox, but in light of Sony\'s news chose to make the change immediately, dropping the price of the Xbox from $299 to $199. Click here for Xbox details. In other news, Sony Japan has announced the PS3 is in development and slated for Japanese release in 2005.
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