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Search for 'developer' returned 102 results.
game: WWE Day of Reckoning 2
review | 10/16/05 | Chris Martin
We got Chris Martin\'s skinny butt in the ring with WWE Day of Reckoning 2 for the GameCube, and, oddly enough, he came out with a weird afterglow that made him forget about all the bruises and mat burns. Day of Reckoning 2 is pretty much a \"bigger, better, more\" improvement over its predecessor, and veteran in-the-ring game developer, Yuke\'s Media Creations, really brings it with a game good enough to make non-wrestling fans want to play it. Check out the review here.
feature | 10/13/05 | Sean Hilliard
No M-rated games. No AIM/ICQ style of gamer-to-gamer communication at launch. Space Ghost interviews big-name game developers.
That\'s the bad news about Turner Broadcasting Co.\'s GameTap service, which offers a library of games and game-related media content for download to subscribers. The good news is, GameTap also feature emulators, including a Dreamcast emulator. So if you can get past the sketchy bits (and you have a fast broadband connection), then you might want to check out GameTap when it launches on Oct. 17. GamesFirst! sat down with GameTap\'s Vice President of Content Rick Sanchez to get the scoop on GameTap\'s launch.
game: Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
preview | 10/06/05 | Aaron Stanton
Sometimes it takes a movie to turn a good idea into a game. The fantasy setting of The Chronicles of Narnia is an ideal world for the basis of a video game, containing monsters, heroes, and mystical creatures. Even separated from its religious basis, the story behind the classic children\'s tales offers everything a game designer could hope for to create a rich, living environment. In November, developer Traveler\'s Tales will be releasing a video game based on the upcoming movie adaptation of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and GamesFirst! has had an opportunity to play through a preview build of the title. What we found is a game worth looking forward to. Check out our preview.
game: GUN
news | 10/06/05 | Shawn Rider
I don\'t even like westerns, but I love Deadwood. The grimy, gritty Old West environment, teetering between nature and civilization, lends itself to some gripping drama and high adventure. Plus, there\'s plenty of cursing. So I get very interested when I hear that Neversoft, one of my fave game developers, has also been watching Deadwood, and has created an entire game based in the Wild West, with the goal of expanding the open-play scenerio beyond cops and robbers. GUN will come out this Fall for Xbox, PS2 and Xbox 360. We\'ve got some XB360 screen here and a bit more about the game.
game: Too Human
news | 10/05/05 | Shawn Rider
Eternal Darkness developer, Silicon Knights, is working on a first-party game for Microsoft Game Studios. Too Human is an \"epic action game\" (read: the first of a planned trilogy) in which players assume the role of the Cybernetic God Baldur, who must defend humanity from a group of monstrous war machines who don\'t play well with others. Powered by Unreal Engine 3, this one is already looking good, and with the reputation Silicon Knights has for creating great, story-driven action games, we have very high hopes for this title. Keep an eye out for Too Human to release in Fall 2006.
news | 09/27/05 | Shawn Rider
I-Play, developer of mobile games in Europe and the US, has just completed a five country survey of mobile gaming habits. The study compares the views of American and European mobile gamers and finds several interesting differences: Americans are driven by a need to \"win\" the game, yet US mobile gamers prefer \"casual\" games while their Euro counterparts prefer \"action\" titles. Fodder for endless forum speculation and armchair analysis, right here.
news | 09/20/05 | Shawn Rider
The GP2X is the ultra-open source successor to the GP32, which enjoys a cult following and a remarkably high level of development. The GP2X is a Linux-based handheld that can run virtually any Linux application, including hundreds of exisiting games. A flood of games is sure to be ported rapidly for this thing. And game developers looking for an easy way into a powerful system (2x200mhz processors, 64mb of system memory) will love the fact that the SDK is included in every box! Plus, this plays movies, reads books, plays music, views photos, etc. We wanna play with it!
game: Nintendo Revolution
editorial | 09/16/05 | Aaron Stanton
Nintendo has pulled the Revolution controller from its magic hat, and the gaming community is now reeling in surprise. Initial responses around GamesFirst have ranged from, \"Wow,\" to, \"That\'s the ugliest thing I\'ve ever seen.\" How well the controller works depends on the quality of games Nintendo and third party developers can produce. Another question, though: After months of fan mock-ups and fake Revolution photos, did any of them get it right? Did anyone get even close? Turns out one or two did.
game: Jets'n'Guns
review | 09/14/05 | George Holomshek
Jets\'n\'Guns, from indy game developer Rake in Grass, is a sh\'mup fan\'s dream come true: A wacky story provides an excuse for you to pilot your tricked out, jet-powered instrument of destruction to horde after horde of enemy hardware. Featuring a scientifically verified \"buttload\" of upgrades and enhancements, Jets\'n\'Guns can keep you hooked on its uber-chaotic shooter gameplay for a surprisingly long time. Check it out.
news | 08/18/05 | Shawn Rider
The International Game Developers Association (IGDA) has created a Special Interest Group to investigate the issue of \"sex in games.\" They\'ve gotten a handful of developers with an interest in the topic together, and they\'re investigating issues developers are currently facing. Sounds useful at the start, but Ian Bogost, noteworthy gaming journalist, has posted a critique of the effort on Watercooler Games that has us nodding our heads.
Articles Archive | 07/08/05 | Aaron Stanton
Timesplitters Future Perfect has the best Xbox Live feature of any game on the market, and it has nothing to do with how well the voice chat works or whether or not you can play capture the castle. It's the ability for players to build and upload their own maps for download on Xbox Live. Aaron takes a moment to call on the next generation of gaming to go a step beyond that, and figure out how to integrate player created content into the console world, starting with Ghost Recon 3.
Articles Archive | 06/14/05 | Monica Hafer
The growth of the video game industry and the acceptance of gaming into mainstream society has brought about both positives and negatives. Companies like Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft drive technology forward, but how does that leave the small, independent developers that helped give this industry its footing? An interview with Stardock reveals that there's a lot of spunk left in the independent market, and perhaps a healthier business model than the one currently driving the big boys.
game: Starship Troopers
preview | 06/11/05 | Blaine Krumpe
The ideas behind the RTS Starship Troopers might have been better suited to the First Person Shooter genre and game developer Strangelite seems to have understood this. Starship Troopers should be hitting store shelves in fall, but we've got a first hand preview of this brand new shooter.
game: E3 2005: Full Auto
preview | 05/20/05 | Laurie Taylor
Any game that can claim to be next generation? is a hot topic this year. The Xbox 360, PS3, and Revolution all have a great deal of buzz, but we're only now starting to see the first hints of what the games themselves will actually look like. Every screenshot we've seen has been from early developer kits, which are traditionally less powerful than the final systems. We get a look at the Xbox 360 title Full Auto.
game: Cops 2170: The Power Of Law
review | 03/19/05 | Eric Bodrero
When a game touts mechanical rats capable of shooting at you, it's either a sign of genius, guts, or both on the part of the developer. In the case of Cops 2170, it's just the second; the combination of poor play dynamics and a few key design decisions leave the game with less of a positive punch than we could have hoped. If there is genius here, a few more months of development time before releasing the game onto the public might have made it more apparent. Read our full review to learn more.
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