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editorial | 05/26/06 | RJ Brooks
The overwhelming market domination of the PS2 has been Sony\'s biggest strength, as well as their chossen ideology in the PS3\'s console design, specs, and marketing. Ironically, the PS3 is also proving that size is not everything when it goes up against innovation (Nintendo and Microsoft). What has been presented by Sony as \"the next generation\" begs the question: While the PS3\'s tag-line reads \"Go Beyond\" is Sony really taking their own advice? With a system price that exceeds both their competition combined, is Sony prepared to push themselves beyond a game of matching, and truly lead the industry?
game: Warhawk
preview | 05/20/06 | Jeremy Kauffman
Overall, Sony\'s PlayStation 3 area was pathetic (and less crowded than we\'ve ever seen at the Sony booth since 1999). Other than anti-aliasing issues, wonky early builds, and (at best) 360-quality graphics, there wasn\'t much to talk about. Except one thing: Sony did surprise everyone by announcing a me-too technology that adds tilt-sensitivity to the PS3 controller. How did that work out? Well, Jeremy took some time with the showcase title for the new tilt-controls, Warhawk, a flight combat game that shows how any new control element, no matter how small, can make a moderate game kind of sort of fun. Get the full details here.
game: Haze
preview | 05/19/06 | Blaine Krumpe
Ubisoft brings us another military-themed First Person Shooter, Haze, which there obviously aren\'t nearly enoug of these days... But Haze feels a bit different, too. Charged with some serious political satire, Haze gets you all tied up with Mantel Global\'s corporate mercenaries in the ongoing war for democracy. Expect plenty of drugged-up supersoldiers and some tricky ethical decisions, two things we\'d like to see a lot more of in the FPS genre. Get Blaine\'s full preview here.
game: Enchanted Arms
preview | 05/17/06 | Matt James
Enchanted Arms is one of the few Japanese-developed games coming to American Xbox 360s this year. Already out in the JP, we know it\'s a solid RPG with traditional elements and sparkly graphics. But can it offer up that something special that Xbox owners crave? Our man, Matt James, took on the great golems of Enchanted Arms, and he did fare well (although not so well at getting a chuckle out of those stoic From Software reps). Check out the full preview here.
game: Spore
preview | 05/17/06 | Blaine Krumpe
Will Wright\'s Spore is a hot topic. Due for any platform that will run it at some point in the indeterminate future (you know how these uber-game projects go...), Spore offers, literally, the whole universe in a game. Begin as a jelly little protozoa and work your way through the state of nature, early tribes, civilized urban life, and finally interstellar exploration and mayhem-making. There are a hundred things to love about Spore, and Blaine runs down some of them in this preview.
game: Shadowrun
editorial | 05/15/06 | Aaron Stanton
Fans of the Shadowrun franchise became excited last week when Microsoft announced the development of a new Shadowrun title. After ten years of being off the computer game market, the intellectual property will be returning to the Xbox 360 and Windows Vista. It\'ll also be the premier title for Live Anywhere, Microsoft\'s new multiplayer service that puts PC users against Xbox 360 users. But without a storyline and game intervals of only 4 minutes each, is Shadowrun abandoning the roots that made it famous? How far can Shadowrun be changed and still be Shadowrun? We take a look at the changes that are being applied to the Shadowrun universe, and whether or not that\'s a good thing or a bad thing.
feature | 05/15/06 | Monica Hafer
Ever wonder what\'s new in the world of broadcasting technology? The National Association of Broadcasters convention in Las Vegas features not only the latest in radio and television broadcasting and technology, but also the newest items in Film, DVD, and multi-media. Monica braved the gauntlet of vendors in Vegas to bring you a few of her favorite things relating to both film and videogaming technology.
game: Xbox Live
feature | 05/14/06 | Shawn Rider
Xbox Live Anywhere is propelling Microsoft\'s multiplayer gaming community into a whole new realm, bringing it cross-platform in all sorts of cool ways. One of the major new features of the Anywhere service will be a much expanded Xbox Live Arcade, which will offer games on almost every mobile phone and PDA platform. Bringing the reliability, not to mention the try-before-you-buy mentality, of Xbox Live to the mobile gaming experience could be just the thing to get us to take cell phones seriously as a gaming platform. Get the full story here.
feature | 05/14/06 | Jeremy Kauffman
Big things are in store for Indiana Jones. In addition to an upcoming fourth movie, the new game, due out in 2007 from LucasArts features a revolutionary AI system named Euphoria. What\'s so cool about Euphoria? Imagine watching Indiana Jones struggle with all his might to maintain his footing on a shakey rope bridge. Eventually he falls, catching himself on the ropes as he\'s thrown over and pulling himself back onto the bridge as the shaking subsides. Now imagine that you\'re standing at E3 and some guy from LucasArts follows up the awesome animation by telling you that none of what you just saw was animated in advance. Did we just blow your mind? Well, put on on a helmet and check out Jeremy\'s full article for more about this mindblowingly cool new game technology.
game: E3 2006
feature | 05/13/06 | Shawn Rider
The 2006 Electronic Entertainment Expo is over, but the good times certainly aren\'t. There were many things that impressed us at E3, a few that disappointed us, and plenty that we just didn\'t feel one way or the other about. But we\'ve focused in on the biggest of the big, the bestest of the best, and we have determined the best in a series of categories: Best of Show, Best Booth, Biggest Surprise, Most Annoyingly Exclusive, Gamer Approved, and the lowliest reward, Worst of Show. Check out the winners here.
news | 05/11/06 | Aaron Stanton
Booth babes have been a hot topic at E3 this year. The ESA has instigated additional enforcement policies to help control the extent to which booth babes reveal their bodies, and not everyone is happy about that. When two girls in revealing clothing showed up outside the convention center with signs that read, \"Booth Babe Protest: I\'m \"E\" for Everyone,\" and, \"Bikinis > Bullets,\" we couldn\'t help but stop for an interview. When E3 security showed up to chase them off the grounds, we also couldn\'t help but throw a press credential, a camera, and a little weight into the mix in an attempt to put it to The Man. Seems to have worked.
editorial | 05/07/06 | Jeremy Kauffman
E3 is nearly here, and there is more to anticipate than the new Halo trailer. This may be a year of true innovation. New consoles, re-imagined controllers, anything is possible. The Xbox 360 is prime for innovation as it grows. It is connected to your friends, your PC, your home, and at E3 this year we will certainly get a glimpse of things to come.
game: Xbox 360
feature | 05/04/06 | Shawn Rider
Last March at the O\'Reilly Emerging Tech Conference, Bruce Sterling spoke about the concept of \"blogjects\"-- objects that generate data about their use and existence across space and time. What does that have to do with games? Two programmers have taken the concept, combined it with the Xbox Live game data feed generated by Xbox 360s everywhere, and have created a service that allows your Xbox to blog. Check out our coverage here.
game: Lost Planet
preview | 05/01/06 | Chris Martin
E3 is on the horizon, and we\'re all aching to see what is coming down the road for the future of gaming. Right now the inventive minds behind Onimusha and Devil May Cry are working hard on Lost Planet for the Xbox 360. Large robots played a role in the launch of the original Xbox with MechAssualt, and now Capcom hopes to use big robots again to push the Xbox 360 firmly into the next generation of gaming. With seamless environments and a mix of gameplay styles (in-Mech and on foot), Lost Planet might be just the thing to keep the Xbox 360 fresh and selling strong come December. Though it\'s a ways off, we\'re still eager to play some of this incredible looking actioneer. Read why inside!
feature | 04/30/06 | Shawn Rider
Xbox Live Marketplace is a wonderful thing, but the themes for sale are overwhelmingly awful. After buying several themesets for the Xbox 360 Dashboard and feeling totally burned for $2, we decided to take matters into our own hands: We made our own. We are now offering the GF! Dashbacks Pack 1, which is a set of a dozen backgrounds for your Xbox 360 Dashboard. Get the scoop on how to put custom images into your background, and download the free set from us in this article.
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