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Search for 'demo' returned 59 results.

Zelda: Twilight Princess Delayed Until 2006
news | 08/16/05 | Aaron Stanton
Nintendo has announced that it will delay the release of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess until no sooner than April 1st, 2006. Ranked after E3 2005 as the most anticipated game of the year, the delay is sure to disappoint a huge Nintendo demographic. The Nintendo team requested more time to improve the game before release.
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E3 2005: Kameo: Elements of Power
game: E3 2005: Kameo: Elements of Power
preview | 05/27/05 | Eric Bodrero
One of the Xbox 360 titles that Microsoft was demonstrating at this year's E3 was Kameo: Elements of Power. Originally announced for the GameCube, then the Xbox, and finally settling on the Xbox 360 as an exclusive, this massive adventure title will help launch the new system. With huge battles involving thousands of enemy A.I. and a style that looks to target the Zelda-fan demographic, Kameo is one to watch. Check out our E3 2005 preview.
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E3 2005: Hands-on With Gears of War
game: E3 2005: Hands-on With Gears of War
preview | 05/24/05 | Aaron Stanton
One of the more polished games shown for the Xbox 360 at E3 2005, Gears of War is an over-the-shoulder shooter with a style reminiscent of Brute Force, only fun to play. While the world was wondering what the next generation titles would look like, screens from Gears of War have been on the Internet since E3 2004, when they were shown off under a different name for an Unreal 3 engine demonstration. Now we get to see more details about how the game plays as Aaron checks out the title behind closed doors.
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E3 2005: Prey Press Demonstration
game: E3 2005: Prey Press Demonstration
preview | 05/19/05 | Chris Martin
3d Realms seems to have been under the radar for a while. Duke Nukem Forever might be just a pipe-dream, but let me assure you 3d Realms' new title "Prey" is very much a reality. One of the real jems on the E3 floor, it blew our freakin' socks off - way beyond what we've seen in sample videos before! Impressions and screens inside.
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Ubicom StreamEngine
game: Ubicom StreamEngine
preview | 05/11/05 | Shawn Rider
Ubicom's StreamEngine is a standalone device for network traffic shaping. That means, it's a little box you can plugin to your network so your Bit Torrent Downloads don't interfere with your online gaming. We were lucky to get a little time with an early demo unit, and so far it's looking good. Check it out in this preview.
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Ubisoft Focus: Rayman DS
game: Ubisoft Focus: Rayman DS
preview | 02/02/05 | George Holomshek
If you're a fan of Mario 64 on the DS, or have played the life out of the Metroid demo that came with the system and are looking for something a little different, maybe Rayman is right for you. After making his tour on nearly every system in the last few generations, Rayman aims to battle his way through the badies of your Nintendo DS in a remake of one of the best platformers around. Think you have what it takes to battle evil with no arms or legs? Make sure you know what's coming.
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Forza Motorsport
game: Forza Motorsport
preview | 12/18/04 | Chris Martin
Chris continues his quest for the perfect driving simulation when he gets his hands on the new demo of Forza Motorsport, Microsoft's answer to Gran Turismo. With both Gran Turismo 4 and Motorsport hitting the road side by side in 2005, the question we're all wondering is, How are they going to compare?? Will Motorsport be able to unseat the king? Read Chris's Motorsport preview for details on what keeps Microsoft's title in the race. Check it out.
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Call of Duty: United Offensive
game: Call of Duty: United Offensive
review | 11/16/04 | Rick Fehrenbacher
Call of Duty remains a popular WWII game. Known for it's cinematic gameplay and an intense single player mode, CoD managed to topple the Medal of Honor franchise for top solo historical action. Call of Duty: United Offensive brings more solo action and enhanced multiplayer to the game, both of which are welcome additions.
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game: Painkiller
review | 08/25/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Looking for a game that's fast paced, ominous, looks great, and isn't called Doom 3? Painkiller might be the answer as you take on the role of another type of demon hunter. Arm yourself to fight the good fight and win your way out of purgatory by doing the dirty work of the big fellow in charge. Learn about how it's done.
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Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi Review
game: Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi Review
review | 10/31/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Chances are good that you're a little tired of the sci-fi warrior waxes alien/demon/mutant FPS routine (but you've saved a space for Halo 2 of course). Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi looks to add a little fear into your gaming environment, via creepy visuals, haunting soundtrack, and a goodly dose of the undead. What's more, you can sport a musket loader, cup of holy water, a trusty wooden stake, and more. If your holiday season needs more undead, click right here.
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Sony Eye Toy Preview
game: Sony Eye Toy
preview | 06/14/03 | Monica Hafer
Sony unveiled their Eye Toy at E3. It\'s basically a hi-res webcam that perches on top of your TV set to \'put\' you in the game. Right now it plays a dozen simple titles that are mostly hardware demos. We can\'t wait to use it for those late night sultry gamer webchats... I\'ll bet GTfan4798 is just as hot as he sounds...
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Eye Toy
game: Eye Toy
preview | 06/14/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Sony unveiled their Eye Toy at E3. It's basically a hi-res webcam that perches on top of your TV set to 'put' you in the game. Right now it plays a dozen simple titles that are mostly hardware demos. We can't wait to use it for those late night sultry gamer webchats... I'll bet GTfan4798 is just as hot as he sounds... Click here for more.
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Halo 2 Preview
game: Halo 2
preview | 05/20/03 | Shawn Rider
Microsoft garnered oohs and aahs galore with their ultra-tasty demo of HALO 2. Although we couldn\'t play it on the show floor, the gameplay demo we watched made us wish we could go into stasis just to make the time fly by. You can\'t pass up the chance to check out our complete preview of 2004\'s biggest game. Click here.
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The PS2 Deal
Articles Archive | 10/30/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Okay fellow troopers, here's the deal on the PlayStation 2. We've been flooded with mails here at GF! asking about details regarding the PS2's memory, processing power, rumored bugs, and a lot more, but most often people have been wanting to know the simple, practical bits of info: Does it come with a demo disk? (No.) Does it come with a memory card? (No.) Will my old multi-tap work? (No.) While the technical details are interesting and provide fodder for those late-night debates about what system will be number one by what month and whose momma could whoop who at Tekken, it's those more practical questions that will hang you up.

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