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Search for 'next-gen' returned 37 results.
game: Chromehounds
preview | 12/20/05 | Shawn Rider
Chromehounds is a big mech action title coming to the Xbox 360 this spring from Sega and FROM Software. FROM Software is best known as the makers of the fan-favorite Armored Core series, which makes them immensely qualified to tackle a next-gen heavy robot game. Taking place in an alternate history centered around Cold War land grabs, Chromehounds looks to bring big battles and big mechs to a console near you next Spring. Get the full preview here.
game: Revolution
news | 12/06/05 | George Holomshek
At a recent appearance in front of Japan\'s Digital Interactive Entertainment Conference, famed Nintendo game designer, Shigeru Miyamoto, stunned the audience with a single comment about the upcoming Nintendo Revolution: \"There\'s another secret.\" Miyamoto offered no further explanation, but the last secret Nintendo had kept from us was the Revolution\'s controller, and that was undoubtedly huge news. So what else could Nintendo have up their sleeve? George gathers the scant details and tries to put together some theories right here.
game: Video: Sonic X: Project Shadow
review | 11/29/05 | Chris Martin
Sonic is popping up everywhere these days, from GameTap\'s online service to next-gen consoles and handhelds in-between. To coincide with the release of the new Sonic X game, Funimation has released a DVD companion called Sonic X: Project Shadow. Our resident Sonic groupie, Chris Martin, takes this DVD for a spin, and comes up with the definitive review. Check it out.
game: Xbox 360
feature | 11/24/05 | Shawn Rider
The Xbox 360 brings a lot to the table: Fancy new graphics. Fancy new games. Fancy new controller. But we already had pretty nice graphics. And we\'ve always had fun games. Controllers come and go, plus we can usually find third-party controllers that will work, too. So what\'s next-gen about the Xbox 360? It\'s the meta-gaming experience. It\'s not that the 360 really changes the game (although it does that, too). What\'s really cool about the 360 is that it changes how we PLAY the game. And that\'s an exciting thing.
game: Perfect Dark Zero
review | 11/23/05 | Jeremy Kauffman
Joanna Dark finally makes her return on the Xbox 360 in the long awaited prequel, Perfect Dark Zero. Joanna is younger, hipper and has a few new tricks up her sleeve, but she also has a serious sophomore hill to climb: Perfect Dark was one of the genre-defining console FPS games on the N64 and gained a dedicated following. And in the new generation, comparisons to Halo are inevitable. Can PDZ manage to satisfy both the old school N64 fans and those expecting a next-generation marvel? Read and see.
podcast | 11/04/05 | Val Townsend
This week in the Wrap-Up, Val Townsend, the Atomic Goddess, takes us for a ride through the wild world of videogame news. It\'s a beautiful thing: reviews of Far Cry: Instincts and Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2, plus a preview of indy game effort Project: Offset, which looks incredible. All of that, plus the latest news in the gaming industry makes this the best 7:37 you\'ll spend this weekend.
news | 10/22/05 | Shawn Rider
As the Xbox 360 begins to show up around the country in retail kiosks gamers are frothing for a chance to get some hands-on time with the system. To assist you in finding a retail location with an Xbox 360 kiosk, someone has created a Frapper map that charts the locations of retail 360 kiosks by plugging into Google maps. Users can add waypoints, comments and images. There is a severe lack of imagery, though, so gamerss with phonecams, get ye to the local megalomart. And then post them up on the Xbox 360 Retail Kiosks Map.
news | 10/14/05 | Shawn Rider
In a great analysis of Microsoft\'s latest announcements about Xbox Live Arcade for Xbox 360, Joystiq\'s Vladimir Cole details how Xbox Live Arcade is a growing threat to the traditional retail chain. And that\'s not necessarily a bad thing for game publishers: \"Sure, the games on offer right now are non-threatening casual games, but it's only a matter of time until gamers are downloading entire triple-A titles and not just demos of them. With more and more retailers moving towards the sale of used games, first- and third-party publishers are going to push the direct-to-consumer channel even harder.\" Check out
the full story on Joystiq here.
game: Alone in the Dark
news | 10/06/05 | Shawn Rider
Atari announced in Amsterdam (at Microsoft\'s annual Xbox showcase, X05) a next-generation version of Alone in the Dark. The original survival horror game will get a full makeover by Eden Games, who will do much more than rehash the old games. Alone in the Dark will feature a free-roaming environment, full real-time physics modelling, and a completely interactive environment. Plus, it should look real pretty. Check out the promotional art we\'ve got here.
editorial | 09/17/05 | Shawn Rider
With the announcement of the Revolution controller, Nintendo has proven that, at least some of the time, they really \"get\" it. Get what? Gaming. In a next-gen lineup that has been, frankly, a total snooze-fest, the Revolution has finally shown us a sliver of light, which we think will broaden into a bright new direction for game design to explore. While Sony and Microsoft are content to release platform upgrades, it looks like Nintendo is the only one attempting to move gaming to a new generation.
game: Gears of War
news | 09/07/05 | Shawn Rider
Epic Games has been turning heads with Gears of War, the highly anticipated Xbox 360 title built on the next-gen Unreal Engine. Gears is a gorgeous sight to behold, and we\'re excited to have a few new screens to share with you. Check them out, and then check out our back-room E3 preview of Gears of War.
game: The PlayStation 3: Stats and Impressions
preview | 05/18/05 | Chris Martin
Sony Computer Entertainment revealed their third incarnation of the PlayStation console at their press conference Monday. It's lean, mean, and coming in 2006.
comic | 05/15/05 | Aaron Stanton
E3 is here! At least, for me it is. The west coast GF! crew boards a plane during tomorrow\'s wee-early morning hours for our flight down to L.A. That means that today\'s twoplayer comic -
Best Source for Next-Gen Rumors - also marks the beginning of our weeklong E3 series of twoplayer. We\'ll have one new TP comic going up a day for the rest of the week. Course, they\'ll show up along with the rest of this year\'s E3 coverage. There\'s going to be lots of it, so be sure to check in regularly.
Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at
comic | 05/08/05 | Aaron Stanton
It\'s just days now until we start packing our bags for E3, and it\'s time that we let Microsoft have a bit of a rest in favor of some other movers in the industry. Check out our latest Twoplayer comic,
See the Revolution, and then be sure to catch
Aaron\'s thoughts on E3 and rumors about the
next-gen game consoles.
Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at
comic | 05/01/05 | Aaron Stanton
We\'re two weeks from E3 2005. That sounds like a lot of fun, but it\'s really just a lot of work for us in the industry, and if there\'s one thing we at GF! generally dislike, it\'s work. It also means that we only have 12 days until Microsoft unveils their
next-generation game console, so we figure there\'s still time for
Meet Xbox 2 (Part 3) before we move on to poking fun at some other companies and games in the industry. For a little insight into what goes on behind the comics, including a little bit about the daily twoplayer comics we\'ll be doing over E3, be sure to read about it
here (after checking out this weeks cartoon, of course). Remember, you can always find the latest twoplayer comics at
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