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Search for 'id' returned 868 results.

Sony Gets It: Rumble Is A-Go!
news | 09/20/07 | Chris Martin
Sony announced today that their Dualshock will have a third iteration, complete with rumble feature and six-axis motion control. I guess there was enough room in there after all. Inside this article are a list of games that will work with the rumble feature, as well as some that will have software updates in order to take advantage of the new controller.
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Will the 'Station Rumble Soon?
editorial | 09/17/07 | Chris Martin
This article came by way of Shacknews, but originated from Pro-G who reported (citing some insider info) that Sony is likely to announce at TGS a new Dual Shock (we are only on #2, at this point) in an effort to cover their bloodied SIXAXIS tracks right into your living room. The rumored \"update\" looks an attempt to curb the potty mouths of internet users and Sony bashers everywhere, and comes hot off negotiations with rumble manufacturers (and patent holders) Immersion. And it\'s about damn time, since the PlayStation pioneered rumble anyway. Now that rumble is being reconsidered in the PS3, is it enough? Will it be enough? We give our two cents.
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SEGA Rally Revo Demo On Xbox Live
game: Sega Rally Revo
news | 09/17/07 | Chris Martin
So, id=1550\"" onClick="window.open( this.href, '_self' ); return false;" title="">in case you missed it, I\'m pretty stoked about SEGA Rally Revo for Xbox 360. Some early reviews are in: IGN UK gave it 8.8/10 and EuroGamer gave it a 9/10. Knowing this makes me ache for it more. If you\'re thinking about picking up SEGA Rally Revo, it\'s officially out today (09/17/07) in the UK--those in the US will have to wait until October 9th. And if you just want to check it out first, the Demo has just hit Xbox Live. At over half a gig, it\'s one of the smaller demos out there, but we\'ll let the gameplay speak for itself.
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Hands-On with Sega Rally Revo (Plus Brand New Super Car Pics)
game: Sega Rally Revo
preview | 09/10/07 | Chris Martin
This year we got to play tons of games at PAX 07, and of them, SEGA Rally Revo, the next iteration of the SEGA Rally franchise, was on display. The series has seen quite a few versions on the now defunct N-Gage and Dreamcast, as well as one on PlayStation 2, PC, and wireless. Simply, the series has \"been around the track\" if you know what I mean. Now, we bring you our impressions of SEGA\'s next evolution of the franchise on Xbox 360 and PS3: SEGA Rally Revo. All this and screenshots of the just-announced Super Cars inside!
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Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Gleemax *But Were Afraid to Ask
game: Gleemax
editorial | 09/06/07 | Chris Martin
We went in expecting Magic the Gathering Online Version 3, but what we got was much, much bigger than we anticipated. PAX 07 was great for a number of reasons - concerts, contests, Family Feud - but Wizards of the Coast\'s ace in the hole Gleemax took us aback, slapped us around, and handed to us the most complete vision of an online gaming community we\'ve ever seen. Complete with indie game developer support, event hosting, and cross-game currency and trading. Don\'t know about Gleemax? You should, and here\'s why...
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BioShock Review
game: BioShock
review | 08/31/07 | Chris Martin
From the article: \"BioShock is the latest effort from Irrational Studios (now 2K Boston and 2K Australia) and it\'s a massive undertaking, many years in the making. And it\'s so good, we might not see a game of it\'s caliber many years after. BioShock is a shooter, a retro sci-fi thriller, a revenge story, a dystopian allegory, an adventure, and to a lesser extent a role-playing game. But BioShock is first and foremost a first-person-shooter. It leaves no question in the player\'s mind, and doesn\'t dance around it\'s pedigree in the way Deus Ex did, or the way System Shock 2 was sparse on the shooter side, heavy on the RPG. No. BioShock is a game where you definitely have to kill things. And kill things aplenty.\"
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BioShock BioShock BioShock Bioshock...BioShock!
game: BioShock
news | 08/29/07 | Chris Martin
Tired of news about BioShock? We hear you. While our review is still baking in the oven, getting crispy on the edges, we came across a neat little factoid for all you fans of the old jest: \"My game is better, ha, ha!\" For it appears that BioShock not only has become critically received as one of the best games of all time, not only this year. According to www.Gamerankings.com, Bioshock has supplanted Resident Evil 4 in the #4 highest ranked game of all time, just below The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64), Soul Calibur (DC), and Metroid Prime (GC).
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Halo 3 ActionClix Preview
game: Halo 3 ActionClix
preview | 08/27/07 | Chris Martin
Halo 3 is just a month away and dammit if we\'re not shaking in our trousers for it. This year at the Penny-Arcade Expo we sat down with the kids over at Wizk!ds, creators of such table top games as Marvel and DC HeroClix. We got to sit down and play the Halo 3 Actionclix table top game and see what all the hubbub was about. And believe us: there was hubbub aplenty.
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Top 20 Things We Want in the Dead Rising Sequel
game: Dead Rising 2
editorial | 08/23/07 | Chris Martin
It\'s officially unofficial according to Capcom reps. But you know we\'ll probably see a Dead Rising sequel some time in the near future. id=1419\"" onClick="window.open( this.href, '_self' ); return false;" title="">Dead Rising sold over a million copies worldwide and became one of the staple buys for adopters of the Xbox 360. It was an excellent survival horror game with some great humor. The sandbox environment, multiple endings, and various side quests gave it longevity. Basically, we know it\'s coming on one platform or another. Not if but when it gets announced, here are the top 20 features we would like to see in the sequel.
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A 'Rapturous' Hands-On
game: BioShock
preview | 08/15/07 | Chris Martin
We travel fathoms under the ocean to Rapture, a city built on the most basic of ideals: \"a man is entitled to the sweat from his brow.\" A dystopia, like all dystopias, are built to fail. We are not surprised then, when Rapture, brainchild of Andrew Ryan, takes on water (by the deciliters), and you\'re trapped right in the middle of it. Full impressions and expectations inside.
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Earn $200 Playing Guitar Hero 2 Saturday, August 11
game: Guitar Hero 2
news | 08/09/07 | Chris Martin
Ever dreamed of winning money for playing videogames? Ever dreamed you might be standing in front of thousands of adoring fans as you rip-it-up on a plastic guitar? I know I have! Live in the Los Angeles area? Then you might want to spend your weekend at the Sacred Fools Theater Company as they host a Guitar Hero 2 tournament, sponsored by RedOctane. Oh, did I mention first prize is $200?
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Stranglehold Demo Slow-Mo-Dives With Akimbo-Barettas Onto Xbox Live
game: Stranglehold
news | 08/08/07 | Chris Martin
Content: Stranglehold Demo
Availability: Now
Lowdown: (ESRB: M for BLOOD,DRUG REFERENCE,INTENSE VIOLENCE) Play as Inspector Tequila in this single-player demo and engage in cinematic firefights, inspired by John Woo, blasting your way through a fully destructible Hong Kong marketplace.
Price: Free
Size: 1.28 GB
Reasons not to download: None
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I Want To Give Peter Molyneux a Big Hug
game: Fable 2
news | 08/08/07 | Chris Martin
Some incorporate, others innovate. Peter Molyneux is the kind of developer that makes you want to give him a big hug. He\'s the kind of developer that is not satisfied with the way games are and insists that he innovate. He is the kind of man who gets an idea and runs with it. Recently, Peter Molyneux, in an interview and combat demonstration with Kikizo, had a lot to say about the state of combat in video games, and a lot to say about how Fable 2 would change it all, forever.
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Federal Judge Ronald Whyte Delcares California 'Violent Video Game Act' Unconstitutional
news | 08/07/07 | Chris Martin
Another attempt by yet another state of the union to pass an unconstitutional bill prohibiting the sale of \'violent\' videogames to minors has been squashed.

The bill, which would have imposed a $1000 dollar fine on any retailer if they sold a violent video game to minors, has before now seen preliminary injunction in late 2005, otherwise it would have gone into effect January 1, 2006. Since then the bill was pending investigation...
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Fatal Inertia Preview
game: Fatal Inertia
preview | 08/02/07 | Chris Martin
The Fatal Inertia Demo arrived on Xbox Live the other day and now we have an idea of what Koei has been up to. While not a direct descendent of WipEout, it takes some key ingredients - namely the hovering cars and the weapons, which can be acquired by passing over pods of colored light on the racetrack. Racetrack, however, is used lightly, as you speed through canyons, not between buildings in this high-velocity sci-fi racer.
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