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Search for 'talk' returned 41 results.
game: Shadow Hearts: From The New World
review | 04/07/06 | Amanda Bateman
What do ninjas, talking cats, vampires, the mafia, shapeshifters, aliens, guitar players, monsters, and a sixteen year-old boy all have in common? A lot if we\'re talking about Shadow Hearts\' latest sequel. XSEED\'s Shadow Hearts: From the New World is both like and not like your usual run-of-the-mill RPG. We got Amanda to check it out, and she handed us this review. Check it out.
game: AHS302i
review | 02/01/06 | Tristan Mayshark
What with all the VOIP and voice chat in PC games these days, a good headset with stereo speakers and a mic are very much appreciated. Altec Lansing has delivered a solid and inexpensive product with the AHS302i headset, but the comfort factor may be enough to convince many people to go with a more expensive product. Our man Tristan took on the headphones challenge, and now we have to speak a little louder to him. Get the full review right here.
game: Project Gotham Racing 3
news | 01/12/06 | Aaron Stanton
People talk about photo-realistic environments, but we rarely come close to seeing it. Well, at least from a distance, it\'s pretty clear that Project Gotham Racing 3 on the Xbox 360 comes very, very close. has posted some photos comparing in-game locations to their real-life counterparts, and the result is very cool. We only wish we had thought of doing it first. While we\'re not savvy enough to know exactly where each one of these locations are (besides being in Japan), it\'s clear that PGR3 shows them off with near photo-realistic accuracy. Very impressive.
game: Addi's Pebble
feature | 12/29/05 | Aaron Stanton
The Asia Game Show & DEE Asia 2005 had some interesting items on display, but the only gem was a student design project tucked in the back corner. Pebble, designed by Addi Lam, uses a controller that\'s very similar to the Revolution. Only it was built months before Nintendo announced anything about the Revolution\'s nifty control approach. This project was developed entirely independent of Nintendo. For a brief moment at the AGSDEE Asia, lucky visitors had a chance to see what Nintendo\'s been talking about.
game: Xbox 360
feature | 11/21/05 | Aaron Stanton
Tomorrow. If you\'re up on the game industry, you\'ll know what we\'re talking about. Tomorrow. Midnight. The Xbox 360 hits retail outlets. If you don\'t know what that means, then this article isn\'t for you; the chances of you getting a unit on launch day without a preorder are almost non-existent. The chances of getting your order on launch day, even if you did preorder, might be questionable. Regardless, tomorrow morning, meaning 12:01, thousands of lucky gamers are going to be buying their Xbox 360. This article is Part II of our look at what games you\'ll want to pick up at the same time.
game: NBA 2K6
interview | 11/16/05 | Aaron Stanton
Jeff Thomas of 2K Sports and Visual Concepts took a moment to talk with us about NBA 2K6 for the Xbox 360. On the eve of the 360\'s launch, this is the last chance developers have to throw in a good word before the games hit the market and suddenly have to stand on their own. We take a closer look at NBA 2K6, what things have changed, what things have not, and what you\'re going to want to look for when this title hits your hot new console.
game: Amped 3
interview | 11/16/05 | Aaron Stanton
The Xbox 360 is only days away from making its way into your home (if you\'re lucky), and the development community is collectively holding their breaths. In the last minutes before the first reviews begin showing up for games on Microsoft\'s new system, there\'s just a little bit of time for developers to say a word or two about their games before everyone gets a go at them. We take a moment to talk with Indie Built\'s Aaron Connors, Amped 3\'s Story Director, about one of the 360\'s first sports titles.
game: Magna Carta: Tears of Blood
review | 11/15/05 | Amanda Bateman
No, we\'re not talking about a legal document limiting the power of English monarchs in the year of 1215 (But, if you can make a fun videogame about that, we\'d love to see it!). Atlus and Softmax\'s Magna Carta: Tears of Blood is a new roleplaying game for the PS2 that has made its way from Korea to Japan, and is now on its way to make a new niche in the United States. Unlike the real Magna Carta, this game is no guarantee of increased rights for the aristocracy, but it\'s still OK with us. Get Amanda\'s take on it right here.
game: Sociolotron
feature | 11/14/05 | Shawn Rider
Last week we published the first part of Shawn\'s in-depth look at the twisted world of Sociolotron. Billed as the ultimate adult MMORPG, Sociolotron features unprecedented levels of player freedom and sexual gameplay. But Shawn found that, much like novels by the Marquis de Sade, the bizarro sex quickly becomes banal and the real meat of the game lies in the ways players build their characters and live out alternative lives within the game. In Part Two of his feature, Shawn talks to senior citizen male prostitutes, lesbian lovers, and a wheelchair-bound mafioso who commands four in-game sex slaves. He also talks to Patrick Lagny, who has created Sociolotron almost single-handedly, about what motivates him to make such a game.
Needless to say, this article features explicit language and frank descriptions of adult and sexual themes. Reader discretion is advised.
game: Gekido: The Dark Angel
news | 10/17/05 | Shawn Rider
Naps Team, an indy beat \'em up developer, has announced Gekido: The Dark Angel for PSP. We would normally wait until we had much more information before talking about a game, but we remember the action of the PSOne version of Gekido, and the crazy GBA version of the game, too. These are evolutions of a classic genre, beefed up but still feeling very comfortable. In a way, Gekido can be to beat \'em ups what Guilty Gear is to fighting games, and this PSP title might just be the breakout installment in the series that gets gamers to pay attention. We\'ll keep up with Gekido\'s development, and in the meantime you can check out these teaser screens from developer Naps Team.
game: Nintendogs: Chihuahua & Friends
review | 08/31/05 | George Holomshek
Nintendogs is a sensation that is literally sweeping the world. It started in Japan ? where it drove sales of the Nintendo DS through the roof ? and has now landed in the United States, where it looks like it might do the same. The furry balls of fluff are cute and amazingly intelligent, and you\'ll find yourself talking to them in that high-pitched squeaky dog voice we all get from time to time. If your friends and neighbors have not succumbed to the game themselves, talking to your DS will get you weird looks, but you won\'t care; you\'ll be having too much fun. Check out our full review.
game: twoplayer comic: Dangers of Dating
comic | 08/07/05 | Aaron Stanton
After a bit of technical difficulty put a momentary hold on last week\'s twoplayer comic, we\'re back on the road again. While it\'s possible that more attractive people might have better luck
talking to girls at coffee shops, nerds like myself understand the dangers of attempting to approach pretty much anyone. The world is a risky place, more for some than others. Check out
Dangers of Dating, the most recent twoplayer comic.
Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at
game: E3 2005: Aeon Flux: A First Look
preview | 05/28/05 | Monica Hafer
Aeon Flux has become a cult phenomenon. With a movie and a game launching almost simultaneously, we'll have enough fluxifaction to sustain even a city park full of fanboys (and girls). We have first impressions of the game directly from the E3 floor and Monica talked with game Producer Raymond Holmes about the title.
Articles Archive | 03/13/05 | Gary Wong
Behind every successful video game are a team of developers who work long, hard hours to create the best product they can for you, the gamer. When those developers work too long and too hard without just compensation, EA_Spouse voices their concerns. We talk to her about the mainstream reaction to her article, EA's recent market moves, and GameWatch, her new project to illuminate quality of life issues in the game development industry.
game: Conker: Live & Reloaded
preview | 12/26/04 | Chris Martin
The trash-talkin', poo-whompin', Tediz slaughterin' squirrel is back. Conker: Live and Reloaded is the Xbox update of one of the best platformers for the N64. And although we loved the game on the N64, it's a little hard to imagine Rare spending the time to bring the same game out again on the Xbox. So let's take a hands-on look at the game with our man, Chris, to see just what we can expect, and get a better idea if this game should elicit a big sigh, or a big squeal.
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